


《太陽報》:《天線寶寶》丁丁扮演者體溫過低凍死街頭;西蒙 · 謝爾頓 · 巴恩斯去世,享年 52 歲,他是三個孩子的父親。當地人說他死於體溫過低。

丁丁和他的扮演者西蒙 · 巴恩斯


雙語君(微信 ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)覺得有必要出手瞭!下面,一起來看看五個關於天線寶寶的真相吧:



其實寶寶們的扮演者很多元,有著不同的膚色和文化背景,這與寶寶們的角色設定也是相符的。這是迪西(Dipsy)和他的扮演者 John Simmit:

Dipsy's face was slightly darker than the faces of the other Teletubbies. When the show was broadcast in the US, the makers told American audiences that Dipsy was intended to be black.  


這是拉拉(Laa-Laa)和她的扮演者 Nikky Smedley:

While she is mostly known for her portrayal of Laa-Laa, Nikky Smedley is also a choreographer. After the original series ended, she continued to work with Ragdoll Productions.  

雖然尼基 · 斯梅德利更多地以對拉拉的演繹為人們所熟知,但她同時也是一位舞蹈指導。在最初的劇集結束以後,她繼續為 Ragdoll 公司工作。

Laa-Laa is known as the best singer of all the Teletubbies, a total girly-girl, "Drama queen", party-girl, and motherly type. She likes playing with her ball and enjoys watching Magical Events.  

拉拉在天線寶寶中以唱歌唱得最好著稱。她是一個很女生的女生," 戲精 "、交際花,有母性光輝。她喜歡玩自己的球,喜歡看《魔幻事件》。

而小波(Po)則是由華裔 Pui Fan Lee 扮演的:

Po is red and has a circular antenna. She is played by British-Chinese actress Lee Pui Fan, and can speak Cantonese. "As she scoots around she says 'fi-dit, fi-dit' which means faster, faster".  

小波是紅色的,有一根圓形的天線。她由英籍華裔李康敏所扮演,會講粵語。" 當她四處奔走時,她便會說‘ fi-dit, fi-dit ’,也就是‘快點,快點’ "。




可是,他們到底有多高呢?據 Buzzfeed 報道:

The awful truth was gathering dust in a Time magazine article from 2001, in which the Teletubbies were listed as varying in height from 6 feet 6 inches to 10 feet.  

《時代》雜志 2001 年的一篇文章揭開瞭這個可怕的事實,隻不過被人忽略:文章列出,天線寶寶的身高從 6.6 英尺(1 米 9 多)到 10 英尺(3 米多)不等……

最矮的是小波,也就 1 米 9 多;而丁丁最高,超過瞭 3 米……感受一下↓↓

This makes for a costume that weighs more than 30 lbs. And if the performers, who see and breathe through the mouth holes, keep their heads on too long, there is a danger of carbon-dioxide buildup.  

這使得服裝重量超過 30 磅(13.6 公斤)。演員是通過嘴孔看外面和呼吸的,如果穿著服裝太久,有二氧化碳集聚的危險。


The actors eventually had small seats hidden inside their costumes so they could sit down between takes.  





If you or your kids ever watched   Teletubbies, then you'll know that every episode started with a shot of a sunrise - complete with a giggling baby's face.  


話說這個咯咯笑的太陽娃娃是 P 出來的還是真人演的?

真相是:TA 是由 Jess Smith 演的,那會兒她才 9 個月大,而今已經是二十來歲的少女瞭:


Speaking on BBC South East, Jess said: "I was being weighed at the hospital. My mum took me and it just happened to be the same time that the producer of the old series had come in and wanted the hospital to get in contact with them if they'd seen any smiley babies."  

傑西對英國廣播公司東南頻道表示:" 我正在醫院裡稱重。我媽抱著我,恰巧那會兒老版劇集的制片人進來,想讓醫院要是看到有笑著的嬰兒,就跟他們聯系。"

在醫院裡恰好咯咯笑的 Jess 於是得到瞭這個珍貴的機會……

"It was just a case of sitting in front of a mirror and a camera and my dad playing with toys and race cars and that sort of thing to try and get me to laugh at the camera."  

" 我就隻是坐在鏡子和照相機前,爸爸在玩玩具和賽車之類的,試圖讓我對著攝像機笑。"




The rounded green hills that the Teletubbies called home were actually part of a farm in Wimpstone, Warwickshire. When filming finished in 2001, the owner of the land was so sick of Teletubby fans trespassing on it that she flooded it and turned it into a pond. ( The Telegraph )

天線寶寶稱為傢的圓形綠色山丘實際上是沃裡克郡溫普斯頓的一個農場的一部分。2001 年拍攝結束以後,主人對《天線寶寶》粉絲頻頻擅自闖入感到厭煩,於是把它淹成瞭一個池塘↓↓

"People were jumping fences and crossing cattle fields. We ’ re glad to see the back of it," said Rosemary Harding, who now runs an aquatics center at the site. ( The Telegraph )

" 人們老是跳過圍欄、越過牛場。我們很開心看到人們對節目的支持。" 羅斯瑪麗 · 哈丁說。現今 TA 在原先的地方經營瞭一個水上運動中心。




2015 年,《天線寶寶》推出瞭新版。這些寶寶們換瞭美瞳,肚子上的電視升級為觸屏,而一群小天線寶寶更是讓觀眾抓狂:什麼?天線寶寶生孩子瞭?!!


這些小寶寶們叫 Tiddlytubbies。我好慌……


When asked about the relation between the Teletubbies and the Tiddlytubbies, a spokesperson for the   Teletubbies   told BuzzFeed News that the Tiddlytubbies are "adorable, smaller versions of the Teletubbies," introduced to "bring a younger perspective to the show and reinforce the sense of nurture and caring."  

當被問到天線寶寶和小天線寶寶之間的關系時,《天線寶寶》的一位發言人告訴 BuzzFeed 新聞說,小天線寶寶是 " 萌版的、小版的天線寶寶 ",其引入是為節目 " 帶來更年輕的視角,強化養育和關懷的意識 "。

They added that the Teletubbies play "an elder sibling role to the Tiddlytubbies and help look after them under the guidance of the Voice Trumpets." ( BuzzFeed )

他們補充說,天線寶寶扮演的是 " 小天線寶寶的兄弟姐妹的角色,並在喇叭的指導下幫助照顧他們 "。



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