雅思口語題庫 part2 話題參考范文之:特殊蛋糕(special cake)


本期奉上雅思口語題庫 part2 話題范文之:特殊蛋糕(Describe an occasion that you have a cake that is special)。友情提示:考生應該盡量避免傳統的背誦套句或者是模版的口語學習方式,去學習口語范文中地道的詞組搭配以及英美人士的思維方式,更加關註詞組和邏輯思維兩個層面。另外,就是要從扣題角度出發,看優秀范文如何從扣題的方面來展開口語話題。戳紅色文字鏈接,查看范文詳情。

Describe an activity near the sea

you should say:

What it is

What you should prepare

And explain how you feel about it

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返回查看:話題范文之特殊蛋糕 ( special cake )


該題目隻有一個信息點 special cake 特殊的蛋糕。拓展方向有兩個,一是蛋糕本身真的很特殊。小編上次逛商場的時候就看到一個高半米、城堡造型、工藝無比細致的海洋蛋糕,售價高達 5999。也見識過西瓜做的或者冰淇淋做的原材料奇異的蛋糕。大傢吃過的話,完全可以朝這方面努力。如果大傢像小編一樣,吃的蛋糕都比較普通,那麼我們還有第二個拓展方向:吃蛋糕的場景比較特殊。比如這是自己吃的第一個蛋糕,這是和女朋友周年紀念日的蛋糕,這是陌生人給的蛋糕等。



The occasion that I had a special cake was two years ago. It was the last few months of my university. I had completed my dissertation and the job I had found did not start yet. So to kill the spare time, my best friend and I decided to have a travel to Tsingtao, a famous tourist city, with yummy seafood and mild climate.


One day, after we finished the tour to the undersea world, it was already 6 o ’ clock in the afternoon, a time for dinner. We randomly picked a restaurant on the street and ordered some local dishes. Then he said he would go out for a moment to make a phone call, as the restaurant was very noisy. I said ‘ fine, I will just wait here ’ . It was a long wait, and he did not return until the dishes were served. In his hand, I found a cake. That was when I suddenly realized that that day was my birthday and he had not been out to make a phone call, but to look for a cake shop.


It was just a normal cake, with some cream and cereal crisps, and did not have any delicate decorations. But it was the most special and delicious cake I had ever had. We were in a foreign city, exhausted from the trip, but he still remembered my birthday which I had already forgotten. The cake was the symbol of our friendship.



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