新托福寫作真題:Books and experience 解析 + 范文




Topic:Books and experience

It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?









不一定要說 A 比 B 更重要,或者 B 比 A 更重要。也可以選擇在不同的情況下,有不同的比較。學習抽象的知識,書本是最好的來源。學習遊泳,這隻能靠經驗。另外,大多數的知識要書本經驗相結合才可以。有些科目或者知識適合通過實踐學習,比如,語言,體育 ; 有些科目或者知識適合通過閱讀學習,比如,物理、化學、歷史、地理 ; 有些科目或者知識適合通過與別人交流來學習,比如銷售技巧和管理技巧 ; 所以不能一概而論 ( treat different things/problems/matters ] as the same ) ,要看學什麼,以及學習的階段。



( 1 ) 讀書能夠節省很多時間 ;

( 2 ) 書是有系統性的,能夠讓人以很科學的方式迅速獲得知識 ;

( 3 ) 讀書相對比較便宜和容易,而在尋找經驗則比較昂貴和困難。

Books are considered to be the source of all knowledge, but all that one learns through a book is only of theoretical nature in the form of ideas and concepts. It is essential to utilize ( 利用,別再說 use 啦 ) them in a real environment and experience the knowledge that is learned from books. ( 作者給的觀點非常巧妙的結合瞭 ETS 提出的問題,他說理論和實踐相結合才是非常重要的,但是他顯然從第一句上已經有瞭觀點偏向,他是更傾向於 experience 的。 )

Learning is nothing but understanding the world around us. Books,no doubt are a great source of knowledge as it gives us an idea about a particular subject in detail. But all that one could learn from it is limited to the level of knowing how a certain phenomenon occurs, or how a certain concept works. The knowledge gained through books alone cannot help anyone, because what one learns through the books should be put in to use ( 也可以說 put into practice ) to harvest the benefits ( 請回想一下 benefit 的用法 ) . For instance, a person who wants to learn driving can go through various manuals ( 手冊,小冊子 ) and guides that teach people how to drive, but all this knowledge is useful only when you are actually driving the car on the roads. It would be an utter waste of time if one just reads the books and does not use them for practical purpose. ( 請註意,作者 no doubt 這句話用的很好,有心的朋友可以將它抄寫下來背誦,句式非常靈活 ; 本段最後一句話中 be an utter waste of time 譯為完全是在浪費時間,這句 if 從句也值得學習 ; 該段在講述光有理論就是浪費時間,結合實踐的時候它才能最好地發揮它的作用。 )

Learning through experience is always a lot different from learning through books. Let us consider the same example of a person wanting to learn to drive: even if he goes through every book that is available on driving, still it cannot qualify ( 作動詞譯為取得資格 ) him as an expert driver. This is because of the fact that books about driving can only teach people traffic rules and provide solutions on how to handle ( 從事,處理 ) certain situations. The situations faced by a driver could be totally different from what he had learnt from a book. Sometimes we find that the real environment is quite different from the one perceived ( 感知,認為 ) by us through reading books. This is the very reason ( 這正是……的原因 ) why, even in educational institutions, all theoretical classes are followed by practical sessions. ( 別再總說 for example 瞭,學學本段引例子的這句話 Let us consider the example of …換換樣子給考官提提神 ; 本段在通過例子解釋實踐跟理論是完全不一樣的,理論需要建立在實踐基礎上 )

Learning through experience can also be more effective than learning through books because one does not envision ( vt. 想象,預想 ) everything on his own, but is given a chance to experience the reality. The art of driving can be enjoyed only when we are behind the wheels and not when reading it in books. Moreover, any book is actually an account of ( 譯為是一個過去經驗的記錄 ) past experiences, i.e.it is based on the experiences of people who tried to develop a new idea. The books are their experiences, telling us what they already have tried. Thus from their experiences we can correct ourselves and thus save valuable time and resources. It helps us to concentrate on their failures and to correct them, but they alone cannot teach us everything we need to know. The knowledge learned through books alone cannot help us to face all the exigencies ( 緊急狀況 ) that we would face in real life situations; we have to practice on our own. ( 本段觀點所略為一句話:實踐出真知,是最行之有效的學習辦法。我認為本作文有些死板的地方在於,他三個段落都在說 driving 的事情,也許是他考試時太緊張想不出更多例子瞭,有點車軲轆話來回說的嫌疑,老美都喜歡你用鮮活的例子而不是長篇大論的虛話,建議有想法的同學活用例子來豐富你的文章。 )

Books are like a guiding light ( 指路明燈 ) in one's pursuit for knowledge. ( 在孜孜不倦追求知識的道路上 ) But it is left to everyone of us to experience it first hand and learn new things for the betterment of their lives. So the notion experience is the best teacher" is perfectly true. ( 結尾點題瞭,寫清自己的觀點,到底傾向 A 還是傾向 B,記住一定不能模棱兩可。 )

以上就是小編為大傢帶來的托福寫作真題的題目 + 解析 + 范文,大傢有沒有從中找到一些滿分范文的特點,大傢在備考時多積累一些這方面的經驗,對你的托福寫作提升是非常有幫助。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。

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