2 月份將迎來 2018 年春節長假,加上已經開始的寒假,相信大部分gre考生,特別是學生黨都會有不少空閑時間,而 2 月 GRE 考試隻有一場,那就是月初 2 月 2 日的考試,在春節之前順利通過 GRE 考試開心過年似乎是個相當不錯的註意,但想要真正和考 G 分手,大傢在臨考前刷一下機經才能更有把握沖刺高分。下面小編就為大傢帶來小站 GRE 點題專傢組精心整理的最新 2018 年 2 月 2 日 GRE 機經。下面是 GRE 填空預測機經,趕緊來刷!
2018 年 2 月 2 日 GRE 機經其他題型預測:作文 / 長閱讀 / 邏輯 / 短閱讀 / 填空 / 數學 請走這裡
1. Although his original mission was a failure, Russian botanist Michael Friedrich Adams achieved an unexpected ____ when he found, by chance, the carcass of a woolly mammoth.
A. conclusion
B. upheaval
C. triumph
D. bombshell
E. success
F. venture
答案:C E
2. Although most land snails are ____, the giant African snail is a notable exception; it can be 15 inches long and weigh 2 pounds.
A. gargantuan
B. juvenile
C. functional
D. diminutive
E. responsive
F. minuscule
答案:D F
3. While it is always clear that the author ’ s message is heartfelt, it is mostly buried by shortcomings of style, organization, and production, although the book does become more ____ toward the end.
A. Sincere
B. intelligible
C. orthodox
D. readable
E. frank
F. voluble
答案:B D
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