雅思口語話題 part2 參考范文:有趣的場所


2018 年 5-8 月雅思口語 part2 新題預測之:一個有趣的場所 ( Describe an interesting place in public ) , 范文為高分考生原創,內容有關:我度過我的童年和少年的日子和地方,我生命中的黃金歲月,我的傢鄉。有很多有趣的地方,位於我們城市南角的火車站就是我要談論的地方。口語水平的提高需要一段很長時間積累的過程,所以找對口語范文很關鍵。學習模仿雅思口語范文要點有 3:1.native speaker 的地道用詞,2. 豐富靈活的動詞,3. 高分句型並熟練背誦之。話不多說,口語范文自取:

Describe an interesting place in public

You should say:

what it is

how you can go there

what people do there

and explain why you think it is an interesting place.


1. 適用考生:全適用

2. 主題:傢鄉的火車站

3. 故事線:我將永遠記住我度過我的童年和少年的日子和地方,我生命中的黃金歲月。我的傢鄉有很多有趣的地方,位於我們城市南角的火車站就是我要談論的地方。

For my job I currently live in the capital city of our country which is ... ( say the name of the capital city in your country... ) . It has been more than 5 years since I left my hometown and yet this is the town where my heart belongs to. I will always remember the days and places where I spent my childhood and teenage, the golden years of my life. The name of my hometown is ( ...say the name of your hometown... ) and it is located in the northern part of the ( ... say the city/ district name where this town belongs to... ) . This town will always be special to me, no matter where I go, how far I go. There are many interesting places if I consider from different perspectives in my hometown that I can recall now. Out of these places, the rail station, which is located at the southern corner of our city is the one I would like to talk about.

In my childhood, the rail station in my hometown was the most mysterious and interesting place for us. We, as children, were not allowed to enter the main premises where the train stopped and this prohibition made us more curious about this place. This is still a place which is quite interesting for me. This is possibly because this rail station is the entry and exit point for me- to and from my hometown. When the train drops me in this station, I feel a sensation of being home. On the contrary, during the time of my departure, I feel an acute melancholy that I won't be able to express in words. This place has always been a mystery to me and it is still a place full of happiness, sadness and enigma.

From two other perspectives, this place is quite interesting to me. One- the surrounding view of this station is quite spectacular and would give someone an impression that he is standing on a tall mountain and can see the green fields below all around him. The view gives the first impression of the natural beauty this area has. In fact, I have never seen any other train station which is located in such a higher place and gives such a beautiful view. Second- the different types of people who come here each day is an interesting thing to observe. Some people come here to sell numerous products, some wait for their relatives or family members to arrive, some to see off their relatives or friends, and finally, some are part of the administrative office of the rail authority. In my opinion, this is an interesting hub for people of different ages, places and purposes.

If I am to suggest a foreign tourist about the interesting places of my hometown, I would suggest him to start with this rail station. This rail station will give a very good idea of our town, people and places to be there. To me, this is the gateway to a beautiful town where my heart belongs to.



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