托福聽力課外資料練習:科學美國人 60 秒大白鯊之吻相關內容分享


在托福聽力考試的備考過程中,科學美國人 60 秒相信大傢一定用得比較多,那麼大傢平時是如何利用這個課外資料的呢 ? 這裡小編整理瞭科學美國人 60 秒:大白鯊之吻相關的內容分享,大傢一起來學習一下吧。

科學美國人 60 秒聽力練習:大白鯊之吻

科學美國人 60 秒英文文本

Until a great white shark reaches about three meters in length, its jaws can't handle the kind of Spielbergian bite force usually associated with the killer fish. Cynthia Graber reports

除非大白鯊長到 3 米長,否則,它們的牙齒不能像斯在皮爾伯格的電影裡那樣,成為死亡象征。CG 報道。

They ’ re everyone ’ s worst nightmare when it comes to swimming in the ocean: great white sharks. That ’ s despite the fact that the number of fatal shark attacks annually can usually be counted on the fingers of one still attached hand. But a new study finds that until great whites get at least three meters long, they ’ re less [ Jaws music ] and more [ gentle music ] . Because a full-force bite could wind up hurting them.

In research published in the Journal of Biomechanics [ Stephen Wroe et al., article in press ] , scientists used 3-D computers models and advanced engineering techniques to study how sharks hunt and kill their food.

Great whites have jaws and teeth that are perfect for a powerful chomp on prey ranging from small fish to large marine mammals. But the researchers were surprised to find that a shark less than three meters long only looks like it could manage that killer bite. Because it hasn ’ t developed enough stiff, mineralized cartilage yet. A bite that would be lethal to a large marine mammal could damage the shark ’ s jaws.

The finding may explain why the few shark attacks that do happen on people are rarely fatal — until it ’ s pretty big, the great white ’ s reputation is worse than its bite.

科學美國人 60 秒中文翻譯:

遊弋在深海中的他們是每個人的惡夢:大白鯊。盡管事實是每年人類遭受鯊魚襲擊致死的次數通常是一個手就數的過來。然而一項新的研究發現,在大白鯊成長到至少三米長之前,他們就不太 [ 音樂:兇狠 ] 而是更多 [ 音樂:柔和 ] 。因為全力一咬很可能以傷害他們自己而告終。

在生物力學研究雜志上發表的一項調查表明 [ 作者:Stephen Wroe 等,引用待定 ] ,科學傢使用三維計算機模型和先進的工程技術來研究鯊魚如何獵殺他們的食物。

大白鯊的嘴巴和牙齒是一副功能強大的捕獵工具:獵物從小型魚類到大型海洋哺乳動物。但研究人員驚奇地發現,小於 3 米長的鯊魚僅是外表看起來殺氣騰騰。因為其軟骨堅硬度和礦物含量都不夠。對於大型海洋哺乳動物的致命一咬將會傷害到鯊魚的下巴。

這一發現或許解釋瞭為什麼鯊魚襲擊卻少有人喪命 -- 直到它長到相當的大。大白鯊咬殺的惡名比它真實的一嘴可厲害多瞭。

1. in length 長度

2. wind up 結束,停止

3. jaw n. 頜,顎

4. chomp 大聲咀嚼 ( 草料等 ) , 格格地咬

5. mammal n. 哺乳動物

6. cartilage n. 軟骨

7. lethal a. 致命的

以上就是小編為大傢整理的科學美國人 60 秒:大白鯊之吻的文本以及翻譯,大傢練習的時候還可以找來音頻資料一起練習,效果定會更好。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。


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