雅思口語題庫話題 part2 參考范文:you saw lots of people were smiling ( 眾人笑的場合 )


本文帶來雅思口語話題高分范文:Describe a time you saw lots of people were smiling ( 眾人笑的場合 ) ,范文為 8 分考生原創。唯有詞匯量豐富且用詞地道,表達流暢的考生才能贏得考官青睞。口語水平的提高需要一段很長時間積累的過程,所以找對口語范文很關鍵。學習模仿雅思口語范文要點有 3:1.native speaker 的地道用詞,2. 豐富靈活的動詞,3. 高分句型並熟練背誦之。話不多說,口語范文自取:

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1. 適用人群:全適用

2. 主題:摔倒

3. 故事線:我記得很多有趣的情景讓我發笑,但最近的一次是上周三。我和朋友去瞭一傢小餐館,當我坐著的時候,我從樓梯上摔瞭下來,站不起來。

In our lives we have bad and good times. Some of them we want to delete it from our memory because they make us feel shame, but some other are such a beautiful moments that we never want to forget them.

I remember many funny situations made me laugh but the most recent was the last Wednesday. I went with my friends to a small restaurant and we sat outside because the weather was sunny. The restaurant was very busy, so many people were there.

Behind my chair there was a small stair that i haven't seen before i sat on this position . Suddenly, while i was sitting i fell down of the stair and i couldn't stand up. Nobody who were there stopped laughing include and me. On one hand i felt shy, but on the other i was laughing by myself.

Overall, every time i remember that situation i smile.



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