雅思口語話題 part2 參考范文:喜歡的照片


2018 年 5-8 月雅思口語 part2 新題預測之:一張你喜歡的照片 ( Describe a photo of yourself that you like ) , 范文為高分考生原創,內容有關:今年我父親給我佈置瞭一個漂亮的西服套裝,慶祝我的第二十歲生日。這是一套用最好的衣服做的漂亮衣服。這種織物很吸引人,顏色也很令人印象深刻。我覺得很幸運能擁有我的那份。口語水平的提高需要一段很長時間積累的過程,所以找對口語范文很關鍵。學習模仿雅思口語范文要點有 3:1.native speaker 的地道用詞,2. 豐富靈活的動詞,3. 高分句型並熟練背誦之。話不多說,口語范文自取:

Describe a photo of yourself that you like.

When the photograph was taken

What it looks like

What significant memory you have regarding this photograph

and explain why it is one of your favourite photographs.

1. 適用考生:全適用

2. 主題:一張自拍照

3. 故事線:很多年前,當我 12 歲的時候,我帶著一個大型佳能相機拍瞭這張照片。參加生日聚會,當時我在房間裡,找不到合適的東西來捕捉。我站在鏡子前面,帶著自己的照片的想法突然出現在腦海中。


Well, these days such photographs are called 'selfie' and I did not know that there was something called selfie until I turned to 23! Selfie is indeed a craze these days while it was unheard of in the past, at least to me. The photograph that I would like to talk about was not a so-called selfie that teenagers take these days using the front camera of their mobile phones. I took this picture many years ago when I was around 12 years old with a large Canon camera.

My father gave me this camera on my 12th birthday and this was the first time when I owned a camera. I loved to capture pictures of my relatives and beautiful sceneries. We had to use a rolled film at that time called ‘ rollfilm ’ and did not have the freedom to take as many photos as we wanted unlike the digital camera owners have these days.

One day I was invited to one of my friends' birthday party and his parents requested me to bring my camera with me. I took many photos at that party and at night when I returned from the party, I noticed that 2-3 film strips were still empty and I could take more photos before I send the film roll to be washed and printed. At that time I was in my room and could not find anything suitable to capture. I was standing in front of the looking glass and the idea of taking my own picture popped into my head. It was a Canon CF-23 model camera and had only 3-4 options to adjust the light and flash while taking a photo. I had to spend more than 5 minutes to capture the picture and after I saw the printed version of this photo, I loved it.

The picture shows me standing straight and holding a camera in front of my eyes. The backlight was visible and was more like a shining star in the sky. A part of the room was visible but everything in the opposite direction as it was through the mirror. I like this photo very much. It was taken by me, the idea was new, at least to me and the photo looks nice. My mother has this picture in her picture album and every time I see this photo, it reminds me my teenage days.



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