2018 年雅思寫作范文及思路點撥:企業的社會責任


為大傢帶來的 2015 年 7 月 25 日雅思寫作大作文真題:As well as making money, businesses should also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree? 本題為社會類話題,請查看范文詳情:


分析:今天的題目是新題,但是認真備考過的烤鴨對於此類話題應該不會感到陌生。經濟學裡有個術語叫 CSR, 英文全稱是 Corporate Social Responsibility, 意思是說企業在創造利潤的同時,也要承擔起對員工,消費者,社區和環境的責任。那麼,我們在針對該題進行頭腦風暴時就可以從這幾個角度切入。

文章結構:5 段


主體段 1:企業承擔社會責任有助於縮小貧富差距。

主體段 2:企業承擔社會責任有助於提高自身形象,獲得更多經濟利益。

主體段 3:在社會問題上的過多付出可能會使企業面臨運作和發展問題。



The last years has witnessed the boom of enterprises. Apart from the target of making profits, the businesses are obliged to solve some social problems. This will have some positive effects on both our society and the enterprise itself, although the high cost on social issues may affect its normal operation.


It is widely acknowledged that the support from enterprises is of great value to narrow income gaps. Most companies have gained fiscal benefits from various entrepreneurial activities. However, there are still a large number of families that cannot afford educational expense and are at disadvantage in terms of educational opportunities and career development. If they can provide financial assistance for the students from disadvantaged backgrounds, these students will probably have a competitive advantage in the job market and land a decent job in the future.


In addition, when companies make contributions to solving social problems, there is a possibility that they can bring more profits to themselves in return. Many successful businesses have good reputations. If they decide to make joint efforts with other enterprises to help the public raise the awareness of environmental protection, the corporate image is likely to be improved. As a result, these businesses will be able to gain more profits in trade activities.


Admittedly, if enterprises spend too much money tackling social problems such as improving employees ’ social welfare and medical service, the operation and development may be negatively influenced. More seriously, some companies will probably have to accept the fact of bankruptcy.


To conclude, businesses have the obligation to shoulder social responsibilities, which can not only contribute to social stability, but also enhance their own profits, although it may be difficult for them to balance social and entrepreneurial benefits sometimes.




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