托福聽力課外資料練習:科學美國人 60 秒發短信有助於改善艾滋病相關內容分享


在托福聽力考試的備考過程中,科學美國人 60 秒相信大傢一定用得比較多,那麼大傢平時是如何利用這個課外資料的呢 ? 這裡小編整理瞭科學美國人 60 秒:發短信有助於改善艾滋病相關的內容分享,大傢一起來學習一下吧。

科學美國人 60 秒聽力練習:發短信有助於改善艾滋病

科學美國人 60 秒英文文本

A weekly text message check-in with HIV patients in Kenya helped improve therapy compliance and lower viral load. Cynthia Graber reports

You ’ ve got a text message. You open it up. "How are you?" it asks. That seems like an almost throw-away question. But that simple message once a week, made HIV-positive recipients significantly more likely to take their medicine and remain healthy. The study, conducted in Kenya, was published in The Lancet. [ Richard Lester et al., "Effects of a mobile phone short message service on antiretroviral treatment adherence in Kenya ( WelTel Kenya1 ) : a randomised trial" ]

Researchers at the University of British Columbia enrolled 538 patients between 2007 and 2009. Half the patients received the weekly text message, and were asked to respond within 48 hours. They could text back either "doing well" or "have a problem." Clinicians were then able to follow up with people who had a problem or didn ’ t respond.

The texts weren ’ t medicine reminders, they were just to let the patients know that someone was thinking about them. Apparently it worked — study participants said they felt like someone cared. And that may have helped them take care of themselves. Because the ones who received the texts were 12 percent more likely than the nonrecipients to have undetectable levels of the virus a year after being infected. Which means that the simple, friendly outreach of a text message can save lives.

科學美國人 60 秒中文翻譯:

每周向肯尼亞的艾滋病人發送短信,有助於提高治療依從性並降低病毒載量。辛西婭 · 格瑞博報道。

你收到瞭一條簡訊。點開看到一句問候:" 你好麼 ?" 這個問題看起來幾乎就是一句廢話。但是每周都發送一條這麼簡單的信息,讓 HIV 陽性的患者們明顯更樂意服藥並保持健康。在肯尼亞進行的這項研究發表在《柳葉刀》雜志上。 ( " 手機短信服務對堅持抗逆轉錄病毒治療的影響:一個隨機試驗 ",理查 · 萊斯特等著 )

英屬哥倫比亞大學的研究人員於 2007 年至 2009 年間征集瞭 538 名病人參加試驗。這些病人有一半每周都會收到短信,並被要求在 48 小時之內做出回應。他們可以回復 " 很好 " 或者 " 有點麻煩 "。臨床醫生會隨訪那些回復 " 有點麻煩 " 以及不回復的人。

這些信息並不是吃藥提示,隻是讓病人知道有人在惦記著他們。這個方法看起來奏效瞭——參與研究的人說,他們感到被人關心著。這一點可能也促使他們照顧自己。因為收到短信的那組在感染艾滋一年後病毒降至檢測水平之下的概率,要比沒收到短信的那組高出 12%。這意味著,多一些簡單、友善的短信,可以拯救生命。

1. compliance n. 服從,聽從

2. antiretroviral n. 抗逆轉錄病毒 adj. 抗逆轉錄病毒的

3. randomised adj. 隨機化的 動詞 randomise 的過去式和過去分詞形式

4. undetectable adj. 覺察不到的 , 發現不瞭的

5. outreach n. 伸出 , 范圍 , 擴大服務

以上就是小編為大傢整理的科學美國人 60 秒:發短信有助於改善艾滋病的文本以及翻譯,大傢練習的時候還可以找來音頻資料一起練習,效果定會更好。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。


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