


小編推薦: 托福考試真題回憶完整版匯總


由於托福考試並不是考查考生文章的邏輯性和邏輯深度,因此沒有必要費盡周折去深思熟慮,應該盡可能快速地就一個題目展開 1-3 個層次,然後輔之以足夠的細節和例子,完成審題和列提綱的工作。

托福題目的審題要達到快速,主要有兩套思路:一是邏輯判斷標準的拆分,也就是所謂的萬能理由通用思維 ; 二是具體化、分情況、分領域拆開討論。


對於一個想法,本來就並沒有什麼萬能理由,隻是將 " 好壞 " 這個概念進行多項拆分,就可以形成萬能理由的構造:


( 1 ) 有效率 ( 節約時間 ) ; ( 2 ) 方便 ( 步驟少,麻煩少 ) ; ( 3 ) 省錢 ; ( 4 ) 安全 ( 不威脅健康、不威脅生命 / 不怕壞人、不含放射性、不具有摧毀力、抗災害能力強 ) ; ( 5 ) 耐久 ( 保存時間長 ) ; ( 6 ) 環保 ( 污染少 )

主要對於微觀適用 ( 針對個人 ) 的判斷標準:

( 7 ) 健康 ( 空氣、醫療條件。生活壓力、運動、溫飽…… ) ; ( 8 ) 樂趣 ( 人多的樂趣、人少的樂趣、娛樂項目的樂趣、技術進步的樂趣…… ) ; ( 9 ) 成就感 ; ( 10 ) 生活質量 ( 設施、工作壓力…… ) ; ( 11 ) 身邊的其他人 ( 朋友、傢人…… )

主要對於宏觀適用 ( 針對國傢和社會 ) 的判斷標準:

( 12 ) 經濟 ( 農業、工業、貿易、證券市場 ; 通貨膨脹 ( 物價 ) 、失業 ) ; ( 13 ) 政治 ( 法律、民主 ( 自由 ) ) ; ( 14 ) 文化 ( 藝術、傳統 ) ; ( 15 ) 技術進步 ( 交通、通信、太空探險 ) ; ( 16 ) 資源與環境 ( 能源、環境污染 )


這些萬能理由之所以會成為萬能理由,是因為它給分析一個題目提供瞭通用的視角,但想要真正實用出來,還需要 ( 1 ) 花時間在很多題目中應用一遍並記住其中最主要的元素 ; ( 2 ) 熟悉常用是教唆常用的單詞和句型,掌握這些詞匯句型的適用范圍和正確用法 ; ( 3 ) 能在所用的視角下找到足夠的細節或例子。



( 1 ) 具體化題目中的某個抽象概念從而形成拆分:

People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.

分析:在這個題目中," 人們不喜歡做的事 " 是一個抽象概念,可以細分為 " 作業 "、" 傢務 "、" 考試 " 三個層面去談。

Progress is always good.

分析:在這道題目中," 進步 " 是一個抽象概念,可以細分為 " 方便食品 "、" 便捷交通 "、" 電腦通訊 " 三個層面去談。

( 2 ) 分情況、分領域討論:

Parents are the best teachers.

分析:在這道題目中,很難直接考慮傢長是不是最好的老師,所以可以換個思維,考慮 " 在什麼情況下 " 或者 " 遇到什麼問題時 ",比如 " 設計獨立旅行的安全問題時 "," 當社會進步太快,價值觀出現變化時 "," 當傢長在某一領域有一技之長時 "。

Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good?

分析:在這道題目中,很難直接考慮寵物和人的關系對人不好,因此可以換個思維,考慮 " 對於小孩子來講 "," 對於年輕夫婦來講 "," 對於老年人來講 " 三個角度。



95.Goverment spending: Outer space exploration V.S Basic needs on Earth

Opinion: Outer space exploration

1: better ways to produce food and clothing:

{ways to preserve and store food}

{ways to grow vegetables and fruits}

{new types of clothing}

2: important developments in communications technologies:

{Satelite communications} [ → TV, telephone, GPS ]

3: promote international cooperation

{international space station}



1、選出 20-40 個題目 ;

2、為這些題目列提綱,要求每個題目有 2-3 個層次 ; 或者雖然隻有 1 個層次,擔憂 2-3 層細節 ;





A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.

假設考生寫的第一層是建工廠的好處,第二層是建工廠的壞處 ( 註意這是一道比較 / 反差類題目 ) 。現在我們寫第二層:建工廠對社區不好,而想寫的是環境方面的內容,提綱可以是:

Harmful: [ pollution ] , not worth it

—— Air: acid rain, ozone depletion ,greenhouse

—— Water: drinking water

—— Trees: floods and droughts


Building large factories would be harmful to the community because it will induce environmental pollution. Factories, especially those emoloying toxic chemicals, will definitely destroy the quality of air and water in town. They generate smog and other atmospheric emissions which contribute to the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion and acid rain; they dump industrial waste into rivers which are supposed to be drinking water supply; they accelerate the deforestation which is proven to be responsible for abnormal floods and regional drought. And people's health is at stake. Having a few factories is not worth that risk.


It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society? Give specific reasons to support your answer.


· Scientists: more obvious

—— Advancement: Plane, computer, vacuum cleaner

—— Make our lives easier, more secure

—— Help arts: CD, TV, movie, mp3

The contributions scientists make to society are more obvious than those made by artists. Almost all the critical advancements that make our lives easier, such as the plane we take to travel abroad, the computers we use ( whether for work or for entertainments ) , and the home appliances which help us cook our meals and clean our houses, come from the creative ideas and hard work of scientists. Those scientific discoveries and innovations make out work more efficient, our shopping more convenient, and our lives more secure. Plus, to some extent scientists even contribute a lot to the arts —— without technological progress, there wouldn ’ t have been movie centers, television, and mp3 players which infuse art into ordinary people ’ s lives.


Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

假設考生要寫第三層: 聽課使我們學會服從,聽課幫我們學會合作,聽課讓我們更深刻地理解肯本內容。現在寫第二層:聽課讓我們學會合作,提綱如下:

· Cooperation

—— Group assignment: impossible for 1 person/ need different perspectives

—— Cooperate: budget time, assign tasks, be perfect, express opinions

—— Ready for challenges at work


Attending class teaches students how to cooperate with others. Different from students in primary or secondary school, university students are often given group assignments which are technically impossible for one person to finish in time or which have no universal answers and, therefore, need to be contemplated from various perspectives. As a result, boys and girls are forced to learn how to work with others for a common goal —— such as how to budget time and assign tasks according to each person ’ s skills without causing "free-ride", how to perfect your task without annoying other team mates, and how to express your opinion about other member ’ s work without triggering frictions or stupid fights. All of the above make college students mature and sensible, ready to meet the challenges they will soon face in the workplace. Therefore, attending classes is necessary for university students.


1、選出 10 個列過提綱的題目 ;

2、為這些提綱的每一層設置 2-3 層細節 ;




話題引入:這一層次有很多種寫法,可以用 " 故事 " 開頭,用 " 名人名言或諺語 " 引出話題,用 " 語出驚人 " 的方式開頭,用 " 描述現狀 " 的方式開頭,用 " 問句 " 開頭等。

主題句:這一層次的關鍵是把觀點寫清楚,可以加上 "in my view" 之類的信號詞,可以加上針對觀點的總的抽象理由,可以加上讓步層次。



Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specofoc reasons and example to support your answer.


Progress in technology, as an inevitable fact of life, has changed people's lives dramatically. But is progress always for the best? While one considers the potentially dangerous impact of changes such as industrialization and the advent of nuclear technology, it is clear that progress, while inescapable, is not always for the best.

文章開始 ( "Progress in technology, as an inevitable fact of life, has changed people's lives dramatically. But is progress always for the best?" ) 用一句話描述關鍵詞 "Progress" 在我們生活中的影響,然後用問句引出話題【話題引入】,之後用 "the potentially dangerous impact of changes such as undustrialization and the advent of nuclear technology" 提示讀者文章後面將從兩個角度入手談這個問題【結構暗示】,最後用 "it is clear that progress, while inescapable, is not always for the best" 清晰地闡明觀點【主題句】。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Playing games teaches us about life.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Almost everyone,

from like children to adults, loves games. The types of games may change and get more complex as we grow up, but our enjoyment never changes. I believe that playing games is both fun and useful, because it teaches us the skills we need in life. Games teach us there is a cause-effect relationship, teach us about teamwork, and teach us to follow rules.

文章開始 ( "Almost everyone,from little children to adults, loves games. The types of games may changes and get more complex as we grow up, but our enjoyment never changes." ) 用兩句話描述關鍵詞 "game" 對我們生活的影響【話題引入】,然後直接提出觀點和理由【主題句】 ( "I believe that playing games is both fun and useful, because it teaches us the skills we need in life." ) ,最後用平行對稱結構向讀者提示文章後面的三個層次【結構暗示】 ( "Games teach us there is a cause-effect relationship, teach us about teamwork, and teach us to follow rules." ) .



時間不充分的時候,結尾隻需要在中間段最後加上一句總結文章的話:時間充分的時候,可以寫成一個簡單的獨立的結尾段,總結一下觀點,總結一下論據 ( 層次 ) ,然後還可以做一個簡單的引申 ( 隻是不要發號召 ) 。



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