2018 年 4 月 21 日雅思聽力機經預測 section Four 部分


2018 年 4 月 21 日場的雅思聽力 Section Four 預測,請收好。4 月雅思考試在即,各位考鴨迅速歸位。本聽力機經預測僅供考鴨們參考,如有撞題,非常榮幸。本預測是根據雅思聽力場景及重復規律,精選出的歷年雅思聽力 section Four 部分真題及答案,供同學們備考雅思聽力。包含雅思聽力各場次、聽力 section Four 部分題型、section Four 部分聽力內容和具體答案回憶。

雅思聽力 Section Four

雅思聽力場次 20110118 20120218

學科 建築

雅思聽力題型 雅思聽力填空 10

雅思聽力內容概述 荷蘭立體房屋介紹 cube house

雅思聽力填空 10

1. as a function of village

His design represents a village within a city

2. Each cub building ’ s shape like a tree

The concept behind these houses is that he tries to create a forest by each cube representing an abstract tree; therefore the whole village becomes a forest.

3. on the top of bridge in central city

The city of Rotterdam asked him to design housing on top of a pedestrian bridge and he decided to use the cubic houses idea.

4. he met the problem of finance

5. inside the house … three pillars made of concrete

The structure of the pole consists of three concrete pillars that have concrete block filling the space in between. As for the cube, the basic structure is concrete floor with concrete pillars. On top of this structure is something similar to a typical wood frame structure with wood stud framing and rockwool insulation. To protect the wooden frame and the insulation from exposure to the elements, they are covered with cement/wood fiberboards. To give the cube a nice appearance, zinc panels were used and complemented by double-glazed windows.

6. one Building between *** and school of architecture The houses contain three floors:

7. The lower level and top level are triangle-shaped

 Ground floor entrance

 First floor with living room and open kitchen the medium level is

8. and a study ( business ) hall

9. Top floor which is sometimes used as a small garden

The cubes are titled and sit on hexagon-shaped pole structures. The cubes contain the living areas, which are spilt into three levels. The triangle-shaped business.

10. 房子的居住者 in their one advantage of a convenient location and reasonable price yet with good facilities.

雅思聽力場次 2015075

學科 歷史

雅思聽力內容概述 非洲遊牧部落和定居部落 -difference between settled nations and nomadic nations

1. vertical

2 then for accommodation, settlers: nomad cabin

3. transport by camel

4. young people

5. farmers help local residents

6. what to exchange for settlers: green grain

7.What to exchange for nomad clothing

8. harvest food and meat

9. live in tents

10. intermediate mixed between two lifestyle /portable

雅思聽力場次 20161119 2011097

學科 心理學

雅思聽力內容概述 economic and trust 經濟學和信托基金

雅思聽力填空 10:

1. Trust rely on kindness

2. Reduce poverty

3. Paying attention to face ( hard in laboratory )

4. Involve a condition

5. sometimes be measurable

6. Animals send out oxytocin when interaction occurs

7. First participant send out money. Second participants have no obligation to


8. First participants don't have expectation of receiving money

9. have higher oxytocin levels

10. improve corporations social glue

雅思聽力場次 20150418

學科 健康

雅思聽力內容概述 食物和兒童健康

1. Survey for ingredients

2. stored food quality

3.cooking temperature changes in affecting the frozen food

4. supermarkets use images to attract customers

5. prime motivation: the source of the information

6. only concern for sales

7. for entertainments activities such as

8. organic food in American market

9. food safety and nutrition safety as in cooking process

10. healthy choices depend on the parents

雅思聽力場次 20141002 2010095

學科 生物

雅思聽力題型 雅思聽力單選 8 雅思聽力填空 2

雅思聽力內容概述 有關海洋生物的報告,例如海豹,海藻 , 海藻,食人鯨等

1. why today ’ s research is more accurate than the past:

A. better equipments

B. wider geographical cooperation

C. team work improves their work efficiency

2.What is main idea of this lecture:

A. impact of a special extinction on other species

B. human activities impacts to the environment

C. conservation of species

3. About 1000 years ago, sea otter was captured in the area of: village

4. one spot in Alaska

5. 100 years ago, when Spanish came to America, fur trade started.

6. Number of sea otter fell ( past tense )

7. Number of sea urchin rose ( past tense ) ( tip: here is the relationship of

ocean otter, ocean urchin and kelp forest drops. Vice versa.

8. see urchin flourish ( ment ) ( tip: in the recording, they use the word of "explosion" )

雅思聽力填空 2

9. seals

10. In the future, scientists predict kelp forest will decline.

雅思聽力場次 20110105 20110709 2009104 20081108

學科 教育

雅思聽力題型 雅思聽力單選 2 雅思聽力填空 8

雅思聽力內容概述 堅持能力研究,討論 education 分組和所設計的一些學習項目

雅思聽力單選 2

1. samples in the subject course students have commom features:

選 an age group

2. elder students are more influenced by

選 impact from their family

( 先說沒想到學生不是考慮 Financial 什麼的,最後提到瞭 family

表格雅思聽力填空 5

Level of Importance Social and Environmental Factirs Personal Factors

Level 1 Rich experience at 3 ( school ) Enjoy a 4 ( challenge )

Level 2 The students have good 5 ( health ) Study of many 6 ( interests )

Level 3 By/with 7 ( tutors )

雅思聽力填空 3

8 選擇新學生填 questionnaire 是為瞭獲得 level of maturity

9 help 學生 act as advisors

10 提供 ( online service ) 不是 telephone help

雅思聽力場次 2016019B 20121011 20100211 20070901 √

雅思聽力題型 雅思聽力填空 6 雅思聽力單選 4

雅思聽力內容概述 蒸汽船的誕生

雅思聽力填空 6:

1. Previously talked about important building. 上一次講座的內容 ? 19 世紀的 Streets and roads/roads and bridges

2. The important ( railway line ) built in the nineteenth century.

3. Mr. Brunel 對在某個區域航海的態度 ? 為什麼沒有參加 ? 認為船的一部分是 impossible

4. Engine is small in big ship 引擎在在大船上相對小

5. 他們找的 Specialist engine design 公司合作的 most experienced

6. wood and steel 用來做什麼 ?reinforced by wood and steel

選擇 4:

7. What ’ s ship crew ’ s reaction to the accident? 船起火後船員的反應 ? 選 A

A. Jump into the water 跳水 B. Drowned 淹死 C.*********

8. 為什麼船起火後損失不是很大 ? 選:B ( 有一個 officer 帶著 handy 滅火器解決瞭問題 從而損失不大 )

A. training of emergency B. one office had a hand water pump C …… .

9. How and why the ship survive in the trip from Bristol to London? Great Westerner 是怎麼從 Bristol 到 London 橫渡大西洋的 ? 選:A. ( 因為它是在 London 安裝上的 engine 的 )

A. By sailing B. engine C. ***

10. 為什麼在當時也有其他公司的汽船能橫渡大西洋 ? 選:C. 要贏得這項記錄

A. 乘客多 B. 想打敗競爭對手 C. Get or win a good record 要贏得這項記錄



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