



From 環球時報英文版







結果某天,我突然在國外 Reddit 論壇上看到瞭這麼個帖子:

▲ " 為啥中國 20 幾歲的妹子都這麼幼稚?"


@ saladfingers6:

Why are chinese girls so childish compared to girls at the same age from Europe and North America? One theory I heard is that because they had to study so hard all day long and didn't get a chance to really play as children.




有說因為東亞人的審美裡有 " 萌萌噠 " 的幼齒情節……


Some of it is just East Asian pop culture, I think. If I'm not mistaken, it kind of started with the whole kawaii thing in Japan and other countries have developed their own versions.

貌似因為東亞的某種流行文化吧 ~ 日本就有 " 卡哇伊 " 之類的愛好,然後其他國傢也紛紛發展出瞭自己 " 萌 " 文化。人傢就好這口。



Because of Princess Syndrome or Princess Sickness.


Basically, the most recent generation of young adults in China are the product of parents that grew up in some of the worst conditions China had seen in a long time, followed immediately by great political and social change, and then finally prosperity.


This transition in such a short time, coupled with the 1 child policy, perfectly positioned a whole generation to grow up as ultra spoiled brats--never wanting for anything. Also keep in mind the culture of China has always been group oriented and being very independent isn't highly valued like in the west.



@ beefers1Canada:

Basically, this. Traditional gender roles ( highly influenced by Confucianism ) are still highly prevalent, and "cute" culture is often a manifestation of this in modern times. In this sense, it's about staying within one's place in society ( hence the low value of independence ) , and for women, it is to be submissive and needy.

我覺著是醬的:在中國啊,受儒傢思想影響,傳統性別角色的刻板印象還是挺普遍的,加上現在的 " 可愛 " 文化也很有市場咯。而對於女性來說,社會對於她們的角色定位就是順從和依賴男人的。個性獨立的姑娘反倒不被看好瞭。


It's a good point that it is related to the non-independence of these girls. When I see Chinese guys with a girl like this walking behind like a burden and sometimes see her upset and starting to cry or similar right on the street, I wonder if this is normal and actually attracting to Chinese guys.



I believe it is. I think what you are seeing is called 撒嬌 ( sa1jiao1 ) which translates culturally to "act like a whiny, spoiled child to get what you want" and a lot of men like it as it allows them to be and feel needed by the woman.

樓上的,中國漢子可能真的好這口。你看到妹子苦兮兮的樣子,可能是她們在 " 撒嬌 " 吧?呃撒嬌這詞是啥意思呢……就是做出那種被寵上天的熊孩子的樣子,為達到目的各種一哭二鬧三上吊。但偏偏很多男人就吃這套啊,因為這樣感覺自己在妹子面前很 man 啊 ~ 很能依靠啊 ~


@OuiNonUnited States:

I've met grad school students, getting their MBA who wear Hello kitty clothes, have an apartment all in hello kitty, do everything but suck their thumb and pout at every little "hardship". I totally agree that it exists. I don't know how widespread though.

我也看到過許多中國學生,都讀 MBA(工商管理碩士)瞭還穿著 Kitty 貓的衣服,一屋子裡也全是 Kitty 貓,整天沒事就吮手指,碰到芝麻大點兒的事也要噘嘴裝嫩發嗲……有些中國妹子確實很幼稚啊,雖然不造這樣的情況普不普遍就是瞭。

好吧……上面這群老外說的許多我都不贊同,我也沒見過喜歡噘嘴吮手指的姑娘(未成年除外)。 但是,畢竟中國人口太多,什麼類型的姑娘都有,被歪果仁撞上一兩個 " 幼稚 " 的瞭也很常見。可若因此就覺得所有的中國妹子都幼稚,這槍躺得還真有點冤。

前面我有說過,貌似在一線城市的女生會相對獨立一些。我就認識很多在上海生活的姑娘(不一定是上海本地人),工作生活打理得井井有條,經濟獨立,無論有沒有老公 / 男票都活得挺充實。 然鵝,我又突然看到瞭一個老外專門懟上海妹子的帖子……

▲ " 上海妹子好幼稚好不可理喻啊!這是普遍現象嗎?" ( via shanghaiexpat )



I've been dating my shanghai girlfriend for some time now. She ’ s a good person and smart but her childishness is overwhelming. She is so stubborn, argumentative, unreasonable, has a tantrum if she can't win an argument and even makes up stories and bends the truth, just to make her version of reality seem correct.


Is this normal behavior for Asian girls? I have quite a few friends with Chinese girls and they say they are the same. Do these girls need a strong hand to argue back, or is it better to just steer clear?


雖然不知道這漢子為啥要和女票吵架,也不知道他懂不懂其實很多架的意義不在於 " 吵 ",而在於雙方能不能各退一步、哄一哄對方……但至少,他肯定是不會哄女票的那種人瞭。


前方大量地圖炮撕 X,非戰鬥人員請迅速撤離……


Sounds like the typical Shanghainese spoiled bitch. Most of the people here get stuck at a mental age of a 7 year old.

感覺就是典型被寵壞瞭的上海 biao 子嘛!感覺這裡很多人都停留在心理年齡 7 歲的階段出不去瞭……


yeah I agree with Andreas. More likely the Chinese "little emperor" rich-kid syndrome. She's probably used to getting her way.


You'll probably just have to either accept it, or leave her. I doubt you could change it.



All you have to do is watch the Chinese soap operas. Even if you dont speak Chinese you can see the girls always act mad to get their way.


It ’ s not that they are spoiled although it certainly looks that way. I think they are trained that this is the way women need to behave to control men. Shanghainese have a word for it - something like ZO 4th tone. If you understand it for what it is you can live with it.

我倒覺得這些妹子們不是因為被 " 寵壞瞭 " ……好吧,雖然看上去挺像的。我覺著,她們好像是故意要這樣,仿佛這樣就能把男人套得死死的。上海話裡面有個詞—— " 作 zu ò ",就是這個意思。如果你能理解這些妹子們在 " 作 " 些啥瞭,你或許就能忍受瞭。

@ zfy0123:

actually, it ’ s 1st tone. in standard pinyin is "zuo 1st tone" chinese character is 作 " 作 " 讀 zu ō 才對,是一聲!

my wife confirms - you are correct - and she is pissed at me for making this post 好吧樓上的,你是對的。我剛跟老婆求證過(發音)瞭。話說,我發瞭這個帖子,她正沖我發脾氣呢。


I think it's the fact they are usually only child, and have never been told no. They grow up accustomed to getting their own way all the time. I come from a family of 6 and had to kick some brotherly ass just to get my share at the dinner table. At first I found them charming and innocent, now it's pretty much just annoying.

這些妹子們大多是獨生女,從小過得太順心瞭吧。我來自個 6 口之傢,(小時候)要擠到桌邊吃飯都得和兄弟姐妹們動手動腳一番才行。中國的這些妹子們吧……起初你會覺得她們挺可愛挺天真的,但相處得多瞭,就會覺得她們好煩啊。


1、中國妹子(或者上海妹子)幼稚,愛 " 作 "



4、她們不覺得自己的幼稚和 " 作 " 哪裡不好,反而認為這是栓牢男人的利器



……上海妹子這是招你惹你瞭,被你們貼上各種 " 幼稚 " 和 " 作 " 的標簽。


▲ " 中國妹子是不是有一丟丟幼稚啊?" ( via echinacities.com )

@ sorrel:

Just asking a question without some additional comments seems very strange........... So i will answer your question as you ask it: Yes!


@ andy74rc:

This is a wrong statement!!

Remove "a bit"!


什麼叫有 " 一丟丟幼稚 "?她們明明是很!幼!稚!


To put it simply, YES, they are. But we are helping them mature. it took me a year to help my wife learn that the world was ending due to our baby having a cold.

簡單來說,中國妹子是挺幼稚的。不過我們可以改造她們啊 ~ 我就用瞭一年時間,讓我太太從她的公主病裡走出來。其實也很簡單,隻要她有瞭孩子,孩子再生個病感冒一下什麼的,她就再也 " 作 " 不起來瞭。


關於 " 中國妹子幼不幼稚 " 這個問題,我其實覺得挺奇怪的。

一方面,那些眼花繚亂的偶像劇與言情小說裡,確實有許多傻白甜的 " 無腦 " 女主,撒著嬌發著嗲和霸道總裁之流談著膩膩乎乎的戀愛。她們時不時還鬧個脾氣 " 作 " 一下,讓男主哄一哄,成為瞭感情裡的迷之調味劑。

可另一方面,我們又能在現實生活中接觸到大量獨立而成熟的姑娘,她們理智又溫和,待人接物也都很 " 正常 ",離幼稚和公主病十萬八千裡遠。

也許有人會說,很多姑娘是在喜歡的人面前才會 " 作 "。男女朋友的關系畢竟有些特殊,任性一點也無妨。 也有人覺得,這就是老外的刻板印象,各種抹黑中國妹子罷瞭。

還有人認為說到 " 幼稚 ",似乎 20 幾歲的中國男人還要更幼稚一些,畢竟 " 媽寶 "" 巨嬰 " 這種詞不是憑空捏造的。




本文系授權發佈,By lanlan,From 環球時報英文版,微信號:gtmetroshanghai,歡迎分享到朋友圈,未經許可不得轉載,INSIGHT CHINA 誠意推薦

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