GMAT 閱讀文章又長又難如何應對?掌握這些高頻詞匯就能順利解題


提高 GMAT 閱讀成績,有很多技巧和方法可以學習總結,熟悉瞭解 GMAT 閱讀高頻詞就是其中比較有效的方法。關於 GMAT 閱讀高頻詞,有哪些需要瞭解的知識 ? 下面就為大傢一一道來。

什麼是 GMAT 閱讀高頻詞 ?

所謂高頻詞,就是指在 GMAT 閱讀考試中,經常出現的詞匯。經過 GMAT 老師和考生的總結整理,可以發現這些詞匯往往關系到對於閱讀題目的快速理解和關鍵詞答案提示,如果能掌握好會對提高閱讀成績起到很大的作用。

如何運用 GMAT 高頻詞 ?

1. 首先要找到一份合適的整理資料,高頻詞的總結整理資料到處都有,在資料的準備上面宜精不宜多,如果有搭配的文章進行解析則會有助於理解和記憶,比較推薦這類資料。

2. 找到好資料還要學會正確的使用。背誦是第一步,不要隻背詞匯,最好結合實際的例句進行聯想記憶,徹底弄清楚其含義。這樣在考試時才能第一時間做出正確反應。

新 GMAT 必備高頻詞整理

according to, accurate, adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adequate, admittedly, aggregate, alternative, analogous, analogously, analysis, analyze, approach, approximate, arbitrarily, arbitrary, arguably, argue, argument, assume, assumption.

balanced, basis, behavior, belief, cascading, categorize, cause, characteristic, commensurately, compare, comparison, compatible, competing, complex, complexity, concede, conceive, conceivably, conclude, conclusion, condition, conditional, conditionally, consequence, consequently, consider, consideration, consistent, consistently, contrary, in contrast, controversy, controversial, converse, conversely, convincing, convincingly, corollary, corrective, correspondingly, counteract, counterproductive, critical, criticism, criticize, cumulative, decidedly, deduce, deduction, define, definition, demonstrably, demonstrate, design, despite, determination, determine, detrimental, discernible, discover, discuss, discussion, disputable, dispute, distinct, distinguish, domain, due to.eliminate, entail, entity, environment, equally, equivalence, equivalent, establish, estimate, evaluate, evaluation, event, evidence, examination, examine, except, exception, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existential, experience, experiment, explain, explanation, explicit, exponential, failure, familiar, feasible, footnote, granted, guarantee, hence, hypothesis, hypothesize, hypothetical, idea, identical, illogical, impact, implication, implicit, implies, imply, incompatible., inconsistent, increase, in addition to, in fact, in order to, in particular, in response to, in the guise of, indeed, indicates, indisputable, indisputably, induce, induction, inextricably, infeasible, infer, inform, insight, insightful, instability, instead, intangible, intensify, intensified, interpret, interpretation, intractable, investigate, investigation.justification, justify, knowledge, likelihood, likely, limitation, limited, logical, magnitude, matched, maximize, maximum, measure, measurement, method, minimize, minimum, mitigate, model, moreover, multiple, nearly, necessary, negative, negatively, negligible, nevertheless, numerical, notable, notwithstanding, novel, observation, observe, offset, on the other hand, optimum, otherwise, ostensibly, outweigh, overestimate, paradigm, particular, particularly, parameter, pattern, penultimate, percent, percentage, permanently, pertinent, phase, phenomenon, positive, positively, possibility, possible, possibly, potentially, predict, previously, primarily, primary, probability, probable, probably, problem, problematic, process, propensity, proves,rationale, reason, reasoning, recently, redesign, reduce, redundant, regardless of, relation, relative, relatively, reliability, require, requirement, requires, research, respective, respectively, result, reveal, rigorous, rigorously, riskier, salient, science, severe, severity, significantly, similarly, simultaneous, since, specific, specifically, specified, specify, speculate, speculative, stable, stability, still, stipulate, strengthen, strictly, structure, structured, study, subsequent, subsequently, substantially, success, successive, sufficient, sufficiently, suggest, summarize, suppose, supposition, susceptibility, susceptible, systemic, tangible, technique, temporarily, theoretical, theories, theory, therefore, thus, tractable, tradeoff, traditional, truth, ultimately, unconditional, undeniably, underestimate, understand, understanding, undoubtedly, unfamiliar, uniformly, unique, unless, unmatched, unquestionably, unstable, unusual, valid, validate, validity, variance, variation, weaken, weigh, yield

以上就是關於 GMAT 閱讀高頻詞的一些介紹,希望大傢能掌握這個方法,提升 GMAT 閱讀技巧和能力,取得滿意的成績。


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