The creation of today ’ s animated films, frequently hailed for their lifelike artistry, 1 relies heavily on mathematics. Animators use algorithms, or sequences of mathematical steps, to create, for instance, the rounded shapes making up an old man ’ s knobby knuckles or a young girl ’ s bouncy hair. One of the algorithms now considered an industry standard repeatedly subdivides a polygon by splitting and averaging the midpoint of a line. Developed by Pixar Animation Studio ’ s Tony DeRose, this algorithm eliminated the problem of discernible edges of polygons by replacing them with the seamlessly rounded curves of the parabolas that emerge as a result of the polygon subdivision process. Innovations such as DeRose ’ s depend on an understanding of applied mathematics in areas such as geometry, linear algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.
Select an Answer
have relied
are relying
Choice A is the best answer because the singular verb "relies" maintains agreement with the singular subject "creation."
Choice B is incorrect because the plural verb "have relied" results in a lack of agreement with the singular subject "creation."
Choice C is incorrect because the plural verb "are relying" results in a lack of agreement with the singular subject "creation."
Choice D is incorrect because the plural verb "rely" results in a lack of agreement with the singular subject "creation."
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