雅思口語話題外國人原創范文 2 最喜歡的衣服:Describe your favorite piece of clothing


關於最喜歡的衣服話題:Describe your favorite piece of clothing,給大傢帶來外國人原創口語范文,話題有關深受年輕人喜愛的時尚百搭牛仔服,范文遣詞造句。如何迅速 get 到 native speaker 的口語范文精髓呢 ? 口語水平的提高需要一段很長時間積累的過程,所以找對口語范文很關鍵。如何模仿雅思口語范文:1.native speaker 的地道用詞,2. 豐富靈活的動詞,3. 高分句型並熟練背誦之。話不多說,口語范文自取:

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回歸:雅思口語范文匯總——最喜歡的衣服 ( favorite piece of clothing )

外國人原創范文 2




People around the world wear different sorts of dresses and due to geographical location and seasonal changes, the attires vary. I always prefer wearing jeans clothes, especially jeans pant and shirt.

Jeans are common clothing items and are available around the world and mostly popular among the youths who are of my age. I wear jeans pant and shirt always even when I attend in any formal occasion. The most important benefit of wearing jeans clothing is that they do not become dirty as easily as the other types of clothes do. Moreover, you can have the pant and shirt of all size and shape and are sold at a reasonable price. They are found in different colours and attractive designs too. It makes the look smarter in some cases than the formal attires.

Usually, the jeans cloth is like all the other available clothes, and produced from jean fabric but it is special in the sense that it lasts longer than the other clothes. Jeans is a bit heavier in weight and thus the attires made with the cloths are of higher quality. Besides, the colours are also attractive and able to get attentions of the surrounding people for the distinguished design. The pants and shirts made with jeans cloths are like usual shirt and pants but you can use them both for formal and informal purposes whereas the other clothes are not suitable to serve the same purpose simultaneously.



be available around the world 世界各地都有

attires 盛裝

of my age 屬於自己的年紀

a reasonable price 合理的價格

高分句型:I always prefer wearing jeans clothes, especially jeans pant and shirt.

Jeans are common clothing items and are available around the world and mostly popular among the youths who are of my age.

The pants and shirts made with jeans cloths are like usual shirt and pants but you can use them both for formal and informal purposes whereas the other clothes are not suitable to serve the same purpose simultaneously.


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