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註意:以下范文全部是 9 分!!!點擊紫色標題可入,其餘將會在幾天內陸續更新,歡迎收藏。

經典推薦考官級口語寫作 9 分范文資料超級大匯總(史無前例數百篇)

柱狀圖(10) 年齡分佈 表格(7) 垃圾制造
電子遊戲 騎車上班
奧運獎牌 消費開支
學習動機 貧困傢庭
交通事故 地下鐵
日常消費 咖啡銷售
教育水平 地圖(3) 村莊變遷
網聊耗時 超市變遷
通話時長 學校變遷
線圖(5) 手機變遷 混合圖(5) 溫度與降水
老齡人口 英國移民
價格變動 水消費
企業垃圾 運動開支
網絡人口 獨居人口
流程圖(8) 房屋保護 太陽能發電 廢紙回收
蜜蜂一生 房屋設計 水循環
天氣預報 三文魚一生
餅圖(3) 垃圾處理 三地用水 服務問卷


The diagram shows the life cycle of the honey bee. Two things to consider are:


The diagram illustrates the various stages in the life of a honey bee. We can see that the complete life cycle lasts between 34 and 36 days. It is also noticeable that there are five main stages in the development of the honey bee, from egg to mature adult insect.

The life cycle of the honey bee begins when the female adult lays an egg; the female typically lays one or two eggs every 3 days. Between 9 and 10 days later, each egg hatches and the immature insect, or nymph, appears.

During the third stage of the life cycle, the nymph grows in size and sheds its skin three times. This moulting first takes place 5 days after the egg hatches, then 7 days later, and again another 9 days later. After a total of 30 to 31 days from the start of the cycle, the young adult honey bee emerges from its final moulting stage, and in the space of only 4 days it reaches full maturity.

( 169 words, band 9 )

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