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Ancient animal behaviour —— Jurassic lark


How the pterosaur caught its supper


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PALAEOETHOLOGY, working out how long-extinct animals behaved, is a subject whose practitioners can never, definitively, be proved right.


But that does not stop them trying.


The latest effort, to be presented later this month to the International Symposium on Pterosaurs in Rio de Janeiro, is an attempt by Michael Habib of the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, and Mark Witton at the University of Portsmouth, in Britain, to work out how one of the most peculiar of the flying reptiles of the Jurassic earned its living.

本月晚些時候,將於裡約熱內盧舉行的國際翼龍目研討會將展示該領域最新一項研究成果,南加州大學的 Michael Habib 和普利茅斯大學的 Mark Witton 進行瞭該項研究,目的在於弄清楚侏羅紀最神奇的飛行類爬行動物之一是如何捕捉食物的。

Anurognathus and its relatives have been known for 90 years.

蛙嘴龍及其近親為人類瞭解已有 90 年。

They were the size of swifts and until now it had been thought that, like swifts, they chased around the sky after insects — a technique known as hawking.


Dr Habib and Dr Witton believe this is wrong.

兩位博士 Habib 和 Witton 認為這種理論是錯誤的,

They suspect instead that Anurognathus sat in wait for its prey, and then sallied forth to intercept it like a surface-to-air missile.


They came to this conclusion by comparing Anurognathus with 36 birds and 20 bats from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.

在將蛙嘴龍與取自斯密森學會博物館的 36 種鳥和 20 種蝙蝠進行對比後,Habib 和 Witton 做出這一推論。

Using a mix of computerised tomography and mundane measurements with callipers, they assessed the lengths, widths, thicknesses, densities and bending potential of the bones of the modern animals and compared them with those gleaned from Anurognathus fossils.


Anurognathus's mouth, they found, was similar to the mouths of nightjars, which also sally after prey.


Moreover, the pterosaurs' legs and wings were stronger than those of any comparable bird or bat, reinforcing the idea that they could leap rapidly into the air.


Their conclusion was that Anurognathus did indeed feed by sallying — and probably more effectively than any living creature.

兩位博士 Habib 和 Witton 的結論是,蛙嘴龍的確是突然騰空襲擊獵物的—而且它們的狩獵有可能比任何生物都要更高效。

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