林書豪不卑不亢地還擊馬丁 美球迷力挺



Kenyon Martin and Jeremy Lin beef.

前 NBA 球員肯揚 - 馬丁近日就林書豪的發型一事做出瞭評論。

馬丁在 Instagram 上說道:" 這是我今天發的最後一條狀態,我是否需要提醒一下這個男孩姓‘林’?拜托瞭,停止這些行為吧,就算你再怎麼弄臟辮,也不是黑人的樣子,我明白你想弄成黑人的樣子,但是你姓林。"

林書豪在這條狀態底下很有禮貌地進行瞭回復,他說道:" 嘿老哥,你不喜歡我的發型完全沒有關系,你有權發表自己的觀點,實際上,我很感激你說出瞭內心的想法。歸根結底,我很欣賞自己的臟辮,我也很欣賞你的中文文身,因為我認為這是一種尊重的標志。我認為作為少數群體,我們越去欣賞彼此的文化,我們就越能夠影響主流群體。感謝你為籃網和籃球所做的一切,小時候墻上曾貼著你的海報。"

[ – ] [ CHI ] Ben Gordonsargo13 2552 指標 7 小時前

Lin's response is really great


[ – ] NBAurfaselol 1668 指標 7 小時前

delivered a massive L to Kenyon without being mean-spirited


[ – ] CavaliersSephirothstein 1085 指標 7 小時前

isn't that the whole point of a harvard education?


[ – ] WizardsFapstoNat5s 632 指標 7 小時前

That's what happens when you argue with someone who attended Harvard lol


[ – ] 49_1 546 指標 7 小時前

that's also why you don't argue with Kyrie. he attended Duke and is woke as hell


[ – ] Knicks Bandwagona_berdeen 354 指標 7 小時前

Lin actually graduated however.

可是 … 林書豪是真的畢業瞭啊。

[ – ] 49_1 564 指標 7 小時前 *

graduation is merely a social phenomenon. all you get out of it is a piece of paper. the level of wokeness that kyrie got from experimenting and contemplating at his one year at Duke cannot possibly be compared to something that regular humans go through.

畢業證書隻是一紙文憑,是一個社會現象。而歐文在杜克這一年又實驗又思考的,那機靈程度是普通人類能比的嗎 ?

[ – ] LakersMlSSlNGNO 235 指標 7 小時前

probably watches rick and morty...and understands it.

歐文可能看瞭《Rick and Morty》,而且真正看懂瞭 [ 譯註 1 ]

[ 譯註 1 ] 雖然是好劇,但 Reddit 很多劇迷都聲稱別人看不懂就自己看懂瞭。Reddit 有一個相關板塊有訪問限制,必須得寫一篇關於這部劇的長論文才能進入,有一個網友裝模做樣的寫瞭一篇之後打進敵軍,將裡面各式各樣的腦洞都公佈於世,這部劇的粉絲也躺槍,受到很多的反感和嘲諷。

[ – ] Nets BandwagonLanaRhoades- 566 指標 7 小時前

He is a great guy, unlike Kenyon who acts tough with that hood mentality.

These older players really need to get a grip



[ – ] [ CHA ] Stephen JacksonLamarMatic 108 指標 6 小時前

I wonder what will now happen with Kenyon when Lin responded to his aggression with such a thoughtful and humble text. Will he double down? Will he ponder for way too long how can he reply to something like that? Will he just... self-combust?

Just a fascinating situation.



[ – ] Trail BlazersMrMiaogi 131 指標 8 小時前

Can ’ t wait to see Kenyon ’ s response. Grew him watching him and the early 2000 nets with Kittles, RJ, Kidd etc. Doubt I could ’ ve handled this with as much class as Lin.

我等不及看馬丁的回應瞭,我是看著 2000 年早期馬丁、傑弗森和基德的球長大的。我不認為自己能像林書豪這樣有風度地處理類似情況。

[ – ] Raptors-Fighters 203 指標 7 小時前

Looks like he doubled down, sad

馬丁又發瞭一篇 IG,還重申瞭下自己的看法,真可悲。

[ – ] [ ATL ] Zaza Pachuliacatfield 411 指標 7 小時前

"it aint about race"

bruh you literally said Lin wants to be black while also pointing out his Asian last name...

this guy is a fucking moron

" 跟種族無關 "(馬丁第二篇 IG 的原話)



[ – ] doctor-key 195 指標 5 小時前

Martin is an asshole wannabe hamster thug. If he wanted a chance to win this battle he should've picked on someone with the same mentality as himself.


[ – ] thehumangenius23 153 指標 5 小時前

Martin ripped on Alonzo Mourning for having a kidney ailment. He's a pretty shitty person.


[ – ] [ PHI ] Evan TurnerHEATerade 197 指標 7 小時前

Proper way to deal with racism.


[ – ] WarriorsT4Gx 1528 指標 7 小時前

Alright bro we get it, you wanna be chinese. But your last name is Martin


[ – ] RocketschefnoguardD 1141 指標 7 小時前

This is so embarrassing of Kenyon lol like did he not realize the hypocrisy in his statement


[ – ] Warriorsrediraim 635 指標 7 小時前

Dude when I read that part I died laughing. This dude legit has Chinese tats and he thinks Lin's wearing dreads because he wants to be black?


[ – ] KnicksBattleofAlgiers 1085 指標 7 小時前

It's worse than that - he has a Chinese tattoo which doesn't mean what he thinks it means. He thinks it means "never satisfied" when really it means "indecisive"


[ – ] PistonsMarvDaMartian 541 指標 6 小時前

Some people are just mentally incapable of seeing their own hypocrisy. Even when painted for them by picasso.


[ – ] Raptorsdemarderollins 191 指標 6 小時前

I love Lin's response. He doesn't use KMart having chinese tattoos to rub it in his face. He uses it as a point to show they both respect each other's cultures. Lin has gone through racism and hate his entire basketball career even going as far back to high school. People were calling him C**** to taunt him and he played through it. I would think black athletes dealing with racism and having gone through it as well would be a little better than the response KMart had. Shows immaturity on his part.


[ – ] Pacerspfc_bgd 110 指標 6 小時前

He doesn't use KMart having chinese tattoos to rub it in his face. He uses it as a point to show they both respect each other's cultures.

oh, he absolutely used it for both.

" 他沒有拿馬丁有中文紋身這事惡心馬丁,他是拿它當論據,證明雙方都尊重對方的文化 "


[ – ] [ NYK ] Chris Copelandbootum 1459 指標 8 小時前

lin destroyed him. martin looked already looked like an ass and lin thanked him for it lol


[ – ] Knicks BandwagonKnickerbockerstape 1176 指標 7 小時前

Holy shit the "had your poster up on my wall growing up" at the end was like twisting the respectful knife.

臥槽,最後的那句 " 小時候墻上曾貼著你的海報 " 簡直是殺人誅心啊。

[ – ] Mr-TY 242 指標 6 小時前

"Respectful knife" is one of K-Mart's newer chinese tattoos


[ – ] TimberwolvesmnBandR 310 指標 7 小時前

I didn't even make it that far, lost it at the Chinese tattoos lol. Always reminds me of Noah telling KG that and KG saying something along lines of 'fuck you'

我都沒看到這麼遠,看到中文紋身那段我就不行瞭哈哈。我想起瞭以前諾阿告訴加內特他是自己最喜歡的球員,然後加內特直接就 " 去你媽的 "。

[ – ] Warriorsyay_sports 492 指標 7 小時前

It's like two more sentences after the chinese tattoos part man. Keep reading man, I believe in you.


[ – ] [ OKC ] Paul GeorgeDeadDay 187 指標 7 小時前

Is this something that's been going on? Who cares if he had dreads? When he mentioned the Chinese tats I got flashbacks of fifteen years ago when everyone wanted one. Lin is a bad man

中文紋身流行有一段時間瞭吧。誰在乎林書豪到底炸不紮臟辮啊?林書豪提到中文紋身我就想起瞭 15 年前,那時候每個人都想要中文紋身。社會我豪哥,人狠話不多。

[ – ] ThunderIamallamala 243 指標 7 小時前

It's that whole 'culture appropriation' bullshit. Living is too easy these days, people need to make up entire concepts to be enraged about.


[ – ] Spurstcrouch 178 指標 6 小時前 *

To be fair, there is a difference between enjoying and respecting other cultures and appropriating them, but theres nothing wrong in this situation.


[ – ] [ POR ] Geoff PetrieTheGourmet9 155 指標 6 小時前

Lin has dealt with more racism from a basketball perspective than anyone else in the league. It blows my mind than so many of these black players even look at him a certain way because of it.

從籃球角度來看,林書豪收到的種族歧視是全 NBA 最多的。我就不明白有些黑人球員為什麼會對他另眼相看?(考慮到黑人被種族歧視的歷史)

[ – ] Warriorssplashtonkutcher 532 指標 7 小時前

How cool is it that the two most famous Asian players ( Yao and Lin ) are such great guys and use their fame for positive impact. I bet Jeremy has a successful career after the NBA.


[ – ] [ ORL ] Rony SeikalyKillMat99 138 指標 7 小時前 *

I bet Lin plays into his late thirties if he wants to, dude is an awesome human and teammate.


[ – ] [ GSW ] Draymond GreenIsaiah3993 60 指標 6 小時前

Lin is one of my favorite players but he's a point guard who's game is based on athleticism. He won't age well


[ – ] NBAsohcea 430 指標 7 小時前

This was a notable comment in the IG post. The Stephen A Smiths of the world will deny it but there is a certain level of truth there:

iamrichlamKenyon Martin reveals the kinda level of acceptance there is for an Asian American in the league among peers in NBA saying they woulda never let him on the team with a head like that. So basically even tho he's embracing black culture ... for the fact that his last name is Lin ... and he's Chinese. He is NOT welcome among a group of professional NBA players according to Kenyon. This is an ex-professional basketball player in the top organization in the world revealing this

馬丁的那篇 IG 底下有條評論很有道理,雖然很多跟美國洋溢(他總拿自己的種族身份說事)一樣的黑人會試圖抵賴,但是這條評論真的很有見地:

馬丁對林書豪的侮辱展現瞭很多 NBA 球員對亞裔美國人的接受程度,紮個臟辮,就不想跟林書豪做隊友瞭?林書豪是在擁抱黑人文化,而因為他的姓是林,他是中國人,他就不被一些專業 NBA 球員歡迎瞭?馬丁這位前職業球員揭示瞭 NBA 的醜陋。

Maybe thats also why he gets hit in the face more than any other player in the league and dont get flagrant fouls called for him. Security guards dont let him in the same building where he plays. Maybe other shit too like over zealous players guarding him to make sure they aint getting embarrassed by this Chinaman. Or maybe even teammates tryina herb him for starting roles and spotlight. Maybe... just another day in life for JLin in NBA.

可能這就是為什麼林書豪的面部被打中的次數比任何 NBA 球員都多,然而裁判卻不給惡意犯規。可能這就是為什麼保安不讓林書豪進入他自己的球館,可能這就是為什麼 NBA 球隊讓兇悍的球員來防林書豪,以防自己被一個中國人羞辱!或許這就是為什麼隊友妒忌媒體的聚光圈都在林書豪身上,妒忌林書豪能打首發。可能,這就是林書豪在 NBA 的普通一天吧。

We all can't be in NBA so we live vicariously through you JLin, and thats why we follow your career... and it has revealed ALOT. I look at professional athletes and journalists differently these days. If you are Asian kid growing up minority ... open your eyes too and be careful who and what you fuck with... cuz most within that might not fuck with you back

我們亞洲人不都是 NBA 球員,所以我們隻能借林書豪之眼看世界。這也是為什麼我們一直關註林書豪的職業生涯,醜惡啊醜惡,被扒的太多。我現在對職業運動員和記者的看法早已變樣瞭。如果你是生長在少數族裔社區的亞洲人,小心點,謹慎行事,註意擇友選擇!因為有些人根本就不想跟你玩!

[ – ] [ DET ] Richard Hamiltonmeherab 79 指標 6 小時前

So true, hostility between minority communities is exactly what racists want too. And by doing it you're racist too, so you lose any moral high ground you might have had


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