

幾周前我看有人說,他們寧可要考辛斯也不要魔術時期的霍華德。然後又說霍華德就是矮個兒版的安德烈 - 德拉蒙德。你們在 Reddit 聽過最扯的說法是什麼?

A couple weeks I saw someone on here say they rather have Boogie today over Orlando Dwight. Went on to say Dwight was a shorter Andre Drummond. What's the dumbest opinion you've ever seen on r/nba?

[ – ] viniribeiro 660 指標 11 小時前

20 ppg on 60 TS% > 35 on 55%

60% 真實命中率場均拿下 20 分 > 55% 真實命中率場均 35 分。

[ – ] ThunderRamzaa_ 397 指標 9 小時前

Sometimes people get too caught up in advanced stats on here


[ – ] WarriorsThe_Great_Saiyaman21 224 指標 8 小時前

Yeah it's especially apparent in Stockton threads. "He had a 60% TS%! That means he's better than Chris Paul at 58%!" Yeah, sorry but one guy scoring 13 PPG on 60% TS% isn't as impressive as another scoring 23 on slightly less.

是啊尤其是在斯托克頓的帖子裡。" 他的真實命中率有 60%!這證明他比 58% 的保羅厲害啊!" 但很抱歉,如果一名球員以 60% 的命中率場均隻得到 13 分,他可沒有另外一個場均 23 分的球員令人印象深刻。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kobe Bryantwaynehead310 461 指標 12 小時前

Someone just posted an article yesterday showing how advanced stats puts Reggie Miller over Kobe.

湖人球迷:昨天一哥們發瞭篇文章,論證瞭從高階數據來看,雷吉 - 米勒比科比強。

[ – ] Lakersram0h 366 指標 11 小時前

anything kobe related really


[ – ] aydawgfoshizle 290 指標 11 小時前 *

Both ways


Edit: lakers fans say some bs about kobe and there are a lot of them. It goes both ways


[ – ] eZreazy 90 指標 9 小時前

You should see laker subreddit. Im a laker fan but damn man even I cant argue kobe as a goat. Pretty disrespectful to some of our other laker greats like magic who I think is top 3-5 and kareem who actually has an argument for goat

你可以去湖區看看。我是個湖人球迷我都不敢說科比是歷史第一。這對很多湖人的其他傳奇是不尊重的。比如我覺得魔術師應該是歷史前 3 到前 5。還有天鉤,他可是歷史第一人的有力競爭者。

[ – ] Sixers Bandwagondantam95 94 指標 9 小時前

Kobe's in great contention for greatest Laker due to his longevity and only playing for a single team.


[ – ] [ BOS ] James Youngwalterdog12 164 指標 12 小時前 *

It's so hard to tell between purposeful baiting shitposts and just dumb genuine opinions on here sometimes.

That being said, probably the guy that was certain Chandler Parsons' contract was due to white privilege and backroom deals with NBA owners.

Or the dude that thought Mozgov's Lakers contract was a money laundering scheme.

有時候 Reddit 的帖子真的很難分辨到底是故意挑口水,還是確實就是某人真實的、愚蠢的觀點。

比如說有的哥們會說錢德勒 - 帕森斯獲得大合同是因為白人的特權以及與 NBA 老板們私下裡的骯臟交易。


[ – ] NBAwhy_rob_y 154 指標 9 小時前

Now hold on, this one doesn't seem that unreasonable.

" 亦或者有的哥們偏就認為湖人給莫茲戈夫大合同是為瞭冼錢。"


[ – ] [ BOS ] Danny AingeInAingeWeTrust 828 指標 12 小時前

Anytime people say DeAndre Jordan is almost useless on offense.

People forget that being an elite pick and roll man is a very good skill to have.

每次人們說德安德烈 - 喬丹在進攻端基本毫無用處的時候,他們忘記瞭精英級別的擋拆順下是一項多麼難得的技能。

[ – ] Hornets Bandwagondeemerritt 413 指標 10 小時前

People are dumb as fuck. Sure he is a one trick pony on offense but it's a really good fucking trick.


[ – ] [ BOS ] Danny AingeInAingeWeTrust 156 指標 10 小時前

Damn right. Setting good screens and rolling to the basket creates spacing too. That was a huge part of almost every D'Antoni top offense with Amare Stoudemire, Clint Capela, etc.

太特麼對瞭。做好擋拆然後順下到籃底也是能創造出手空間的。這可是德安東尼給阿馬雷 - 斯塔德邁爾和克林特 - 卡佩拉們安排的弧頂戰術中很大的一部分。

[ – ] Sunsphoenixcolt 56 指標 8 小時前

Amare could do way more than just pick and roll. He extended his range every year he was a pro. DeAndre has not.


[ – ] dunksoverjumpshots21 [ ] 66 指標 10 小時前

There's fuckin reason he leads the NBA in a bunch of offensive rating stats. "All he does is dunk" FOH, if you've ever played basketball you know that a guy that can dunk in half court offense multiple times a game is very very valuable.

小喬丹能在 NBA 多項進攻端統計中保持領先是特麼有原因的。" 他隻會扣籃 ",去尼瑪的吧,隻要你會打球你就會明白,一個能在半場進攻中多次完成扣籃的球員是多麼多麼的寶貴。

[ – ] SpursParkBaller27 287 指標 12 小時前

Ive seen some people honestly say the spurs are better with kawhi on the bench.


[ – ] KingsDemonicDimples 113 指標 12 小時前

They did statistically have a better +/- with Kawhi off the floor, but I think the context was that people said Kawhi didn't have any major support but the statistic was being used to indicate he had one of the best benches in the league.

從數據上來看,倫納德下場之後馬刺正負值確實更高,但我覺得這句話的大背景,是人們為瞭表示 " 倫納德雖然沒有明星級的幫手,但數據顯示他有著聯盟最好的板凳席之一。" 才這麼說的。

[ – ] BananaFeels94 246 指標 11 小時前

Crazy theory: when kawhi is on the floor, the opposing team generally has better players on the floor


[ – ] Sixers Bandwagondantam95 70 指標 9 小時前

Maybe the Spurs' bench is also better than other teams benches due to having the greatest coach of all-time. Maybe, just maybe.

可能馬刺的替補這麼棒是因為他們有著史上最偉大的教練。呃 .. 我就這麼一說。

[ – ] [ CHI ] Lauri MarkkanenImRBJ 141 指標 11 小時前 *

"LeBron James is a glorified Blake Griffin"

" 勒佈朗 - 詹姆斯隻是尊享版的佈雷克 - 格裡芬。"

EDIT: ok i may have cheated and used twitter for that, but this is a pretty bad one


[ – ] [ TOR ] Ed Davisnametakenalready 57 指標 7 小時前

There is no way someone actually said that


[ – ] New Orleans HornetsGood_NewsEveryone 324 指標 12 小時前

OBPM does not measure skill, it measures impact. Anthony Davis, as talented as he is offensively, does not improve an offense in any significant way.

OBPM ( 進攻修正值 ) 不能衡量進攻技巧,隻能衡量進攻影響力。強如安東尼 - 戴維斯這樣進攻端的天賦,也沒能顯著提高一支球隊的進攻水平。

[ – ] [ CHA ] Cody Zellerjaynay1 199 指標 12 小時前

OBPM does not measure skill, it measures impact.

I mean this is technically true. It's just the conclusion drawn from that argument that's puzzling. Like you couldn't even read that from the stats.


[ – ] New Orleans HornetsGood_NewsEveryone 101 指標 12 小時前 *

His OBPM this year was 1.4. Which "doesn't not improve an offense in any significant way" is still, at best, just ridiculous hyperbole. More accurate would be to say "Anthony Davis is not as well equipped to carry a team of total dog shit to offensive mediocrity as well as other elite offensive players."

他今年的進攻修正值是 1.4。所以 " 沒能顯著地提高一支球隊的進攻水平 " 這麼說言過其實瞭。更準確的說法是 " 安東尼 - 戴維斯沒能像其他精英級別的進攻手那樣把一隻爛隊的進攻帶到平均水平。"

[ – ] Lakersayfkm3 277 指標 12 小時前

That Kobe was the only the 3rd most important player in the 09, 10 Laker titles.

湖人球迷:有人說科比在 09、10 的湖人中是隊內第三重要的球員。

[ – ] CavaliersThe_NA_Deft 331 指標 10 小時前

Vujacic, Morrison, Kobe. I don't see anything wrong


[ – ] wasmachien 100 指標 10 小時前

Vujacic, Morrison, DJ MBENGA. I don't see anything wrong

武賈西奇,莫裡森,DJ- 姆本加。我覺得沒毛病。

[ – ] CelticsBrad-Stevens 338 指標 12 小時前

Avery Bradley is better than Gordon Hayward

凱爾特人球迷:" 埃弗裡 - 佈拉德利比戈登 - 海沃德強。"

[ – ] CelticsRondo_Goat 171 指標 12 小時前

Ya holy shit the amount of people think we will taken a big step back cause Avery Bradley is gone is infuriating


[ – ] CelticsBrad-Stevens 202 指標 12 小時前

"You guys have a team with a bunch of role players"

Adds Hayward but it cost AB

"wow what a dumb move. you guys will take a step back with no AB"

凱爾特人球迷:" 你們球隊裡有一大堆輪換球員。"


" 哇哈哈這操作真蠢。沒有佈拉德利你們一定會變弱的。"

[ – ] Warriorstrbografx 254 指標 12 小時前 *

LeBron James will never surpass Kobe or Jordan because he has never won the Dunk Contest.

有人說勒佈朗 - 詹姆斯永遠不會超越科比和喬丹,因為他沒拿過扣籃大賽冠軍。

[ – ] Supersonicssexygodzilla 110 指標 10 小時前

People acting like The Process is already a bona fide success. Not to say that it couldn't be, but they haven't even had a winning season yet.

人們的表現,就像 76 人的成功是板上釘釘的一樣。先別說他們以後會到達什麼樣的高度,就目前來看他們還沒有過一個成功的賽季。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Steven AdamsPervy_Sensei 122 指標 12 小時前 *

I got downvotes for saying KD is a bigger offensive mismatch than Dirk.

Edit: I'm not sure if you guys are upvoting because I'm dumb or because the people who downvoted me are dumb ._.

雷霆球迷:我說 "KD 在進攻端比德克有更大的錯位 " 被點瞭滅。


[ – ] [ POR ] Al-Farouq AminuGoblinTear 179 指標 12 小時前

Celtics aren't a fake one seed and will beat the Cavs in the ECF


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