

"The Sh*t Show Is Here," says LeBron James after Keeping Up With The Kardashians crew crashed the team's practice

在《與卡戴珊姐妹同行》的劇組突襲出現在騎士隊內訓練之後,詹姆斯說到:" 辣雞劇來啦 "

[ – ] WarriorsTortadeMilanesa 3258 指標 10 小時前

He ain't wrong. Should've thrown them out.


[ – ] Suns BandwagonDepletedMitochondria 685 指標 9 小時前

Brings up the real question of who is bigger: LeBron or the Kardashians?

Is LeBron enough of a celebrity to tell them to fuck off?



[ – ] RocketsMrDenimChicken 356 指標 5 小時前

Lebron will be remembered for longer than the Kardashians


[ – ] WarriorsInfernoBA 58 指標 9 小時前

LeBron has the NBA

勒佈朗可是擁有 NBA 的男人啊。

[ – ] Buckssourdieselfuel 256 指標 3 小時前

Lebron is actually talented.


[ – ] Pistonsmidnightsbane04 97 指標 2 小時前

I don't know, I've seen some pretty impressive talent showcased by Kim on video.

老哥這我可說不準,畢竟我看過一些金 - 卡戴珊主演的視頻,她的天賦也是讓人欲罷不能啊。

[ – ] [ LAC ] Quentin RichardsonVballa101 47 指標 2 小時前

The Kardashian mother ( Kris I think? ) is definitely a fucking mastermind when it comes to leveraging her family for attention and paychecks.


[ – ] [ DET ] Joe DumarsHonk4Tits 13 指標 1 小時前

she's basically pimping her daughters


[ – ] Heatwell_bang_okay 437 指標 9 小時前

Kardashians have Kim, Kylie and Kanye. Def bigger than Bron

卡戴珊傢族可是有金 - 卡戴珊,凱莉 - 詹娜和坎耶 - 韋斯特啊,肯定比勒佈朗大牌。

[ – ] Raptorspoohster33 838 指標 9 小時前

Was gonna say hell naw, but I forgot about Kanye.


[ – ] Wizardshappyflappypancakes 87 指標 8 小時前

Does he even count? If someone was talking about the show or the family I don't think Kanye would come to mind. Is he even ever in the show?


[ – ] Lakers Bandwagonxanot192 38 指標 8 小時前

Can Lebron 1v3 them on the court doe?

可是球場 1 對 3,勒佈朗幹得過他們嗎?

[ – ] [ MIA ] Dwyane WadeIsdaman 115 指標 7 小時前

I know youre joking, but thinking about it he can damn well take on the entire family, none of them would even be a difficult obstacle. He's practically playing against safety cones. The only one that would cause any sort of difficulty would be Bruce Jenner in his prime.

老哥我知道你在開玩笑,但想想看說實話卡戴珊一傢老小全上勒佈朗都不會虛的,沒有一個人能給他造成一點困難。勒佈朗過他們就好像過清晨的馬路一樣。唯一會給他造成一點點困擾的我想也隻有巔峰時期的佈魯斯 - 詹納瞭 [ 譯註 1 ] 。

[ 譯註 1 ] :佈魯斯 - 詹納曾是美國十項全能的奧運冠軍,金 - 卡戴珊繼父,於 2015 年宣佈變性為女人,改名為凱特琳 - 詹娜。

[ – ] Knicksfurioustiles 26 指標 5 小時前

Don't underestimate Kim's ability to box out with that booty tho

千萬別低估金 - 卡戴珊卡位的能力啊,那個大屁股。

[ – ] Lakersahyeg 51 指標 4 小時前

She could box me out all day namsayin


[ – ] [ SAS ] Patrick MillsGGibbbz 189 指標 9 小時前

"y'all gotta LeBounce."

勒佈朗:" 都給我勒滾 "

[ – ] LakersFootballGuyRandy69 1524 指標 10 小時前

It's embarrassing that apparently Bravo and the Kardashian organization has more pull with the Cavs than fucking LeBron James. Just leave dude, I'll defend you now. Dan Gilbert should be ashamed of himself, again.

湖人球迷:這簡直太丟人瞭,很明顯 Bravo 電視臺和整個卡戴珊組織竟然比克利夫蘭騎士和詹姆斯都有勢力,她們真是想幹啥幹啥啊。你走吧,勒佈朗,這一次我會支持你的。丹 - 吉爾伯特應該再一次為自己感到恥辱。

[ – ] dumbrich23 376 指標 9 小時前

Gilbert is paying the luxury tax like crazy and gave TT the contract LeBron wanted... .

吉爾伯特可是付瞭高得可怕的奢侈稅,同時按詹姆斯的要求給瞭 TT 大合同。

[ – ] Knicksrmperson 143 指標 9 小時前

Seriously, it's not like Lebron isn't already showered by media. What's it even really matter to him

好吧說實在的,你們別搞得勒佈朗好像從來沒經過媒體的 " 冼禮 ",他早就已經習慣瞭,這對他來說一點事兒都不算。

[ – ] [ NJN ] Vince Cartershoutsoutstomywrist 371 指標 9 小時前

It ’ s the Kardashian ’ s dawg, he ’ s trying to avoid LeCurse


[ – ] Thunderbewarethegap 213 指標 9 小時前 *

Not to mention, dude is trying to get ready for a fucking NBA season. Why should he have to deal with Khloe and her show's TV cameras? Keep that shit at 1OAK or something, not during practice. No wonder Tristan has regressed like ass

edit: beware the kurse!! harden survived, tristan might not

而且別忘瞭,勒佈朗可是在 TM 全力備戰 NBA 新賽季,為什麼要偏偏在這個時候被科勒 - 卡戴珊和她節目的攝像頭影響?把這些該死的東西帶回 1OAK 夜店或者其他什麼地方,別在訓練期間搞事。怪不得湯普森退步的像屎一樣。


[ – ] MMO4life 110 指標 8 小時前

Harden survived only because he dumped her ass quick enough. Harden and Rockets back on track as soon as she's gone.


[ – ] [ MIN ] Zach LaVineSherspockHolmes 54 指標 7 小時前

Tristan ain't even a starter anymore, lmao

A bench player bringing in all this paparazzi is just inherently hilarious



[ – ] TimberwolvesCO_PC_Parts 63 指標 8 小時前 *

Khloe isn't even a full Kardashian. I dated a girl a couple of years ago who was way to into that show, one day I said, "Why doesn't Khloe look like the rest of them?" and holy shit, I wish I had kept my mouth shut. I got the full scoop on how her dad is the mom's old stylist. Showed me the crazy Kris music video from the 90's and he's in it.

EDIT: Here's the dude it's rumored to be her dad.

科勒都不算是一個完完全全的卡戴珊。幾年前我跟一個非常沉迷於這個卡戴珊真人秀的女生談戀愛,有一天我就問她:" 為什麼科勒看起來跟其他卡戴珊都不像啊?" 然後我就日瞭狗瞭,我當時就不該問這種問題的。她告訴瞭我科勒的親生父親曾是卡戴珊傢族媽媽克裡斯的發型師,還給我看瞭一個 90 年代克裡斯主演的瘋狂 MV,裡面就有這個男的。


[ – ] LakersSirBallalicious 58 指標 7 小時前

Khloe isn't even a full Kardashian.

She is OJ's kid, this isnt a joke. Take a look at his daughters and they share the same facial features as Khloe, Her "Dad" was on OJs team and their are tons of rumors out there that they would often wife swap.


她其實是 OJ- 辛普森 [ 譯註 2 ] 的小孩,這絕對不是一個笑話。仔細看看辛普森的女兒們,她們和科勒有些面部特征一模一樣。科勒傳說中的爸爸曾經跟辛普森在一支球隊,那個時候有大量的流言說他們經常會 * 河蟹 *。

[ 譯註 2 ] :OJ- 辛普森為前美式橄欖球運動員。

[ – ] CavaliersKancer86 1363 指標 10 小時前

Oh fuck this


[ – ] WarriorsGet_Buckets 168 指標 8 小時前

Something all r/nba fans can agree on

全體濕乎乎 JR 都同意!

[ – ] Lakers BandwagonKamikazeMack 28 指標 8 小時前

If I remember correctly, the only game the Cavs won is the only game Khloe attended.


[ – ] Pelicanserldn123 1196 指標 10 小時前

Keeping Up With The Kavaliers


[ – ] LakersX-Craft 333 指標 9 小時前

Tonight, we take a look back at Kyrie and Kevin's harsh last words before parting ways

" 今晚,讓我們近距離回顧一下歐文在離隊前和樂福的一番撕逼。"

[ – ] RocketsDeerOnTheRocks 197 指標 9 小時前

Kryie: you know how much that hurts me, why would you say that weeps

歐文:" 你知道這有多傷害我的,為什麼你會說出讓我如此流淚的話!"

[ – ] [ WAS ] John WallTobyQueef69 98 指標 7 小時前

The next scene is Kyrie eating ice cream, watching Sex and the City and crying.


[ – ] [ BOS ] Brian Scalabrineet-tu-brutus 649 指標 10 小時前

Well, that ’ s settled, we know who ’ s getting cut.


[ – ] [ OKC ] Jerami GrantFrogmire1 693 指標 10 小時前

Y ’ all sleep on TT, just cause he got out rebounded by Steph the glass eater curry doesn ’ t mean much.

你們都低估 TT 瞭,不能因為他僅僅被斯蒂芬 - 籃板癡漢 - 庫裡在總決賽裡爆瞭籃板,你們就這麼調侃他吧,這不能代表什麼。

[ – ] joeyfarlon91 359 指標 10 小時前

Dude is having a baby with a kardashian! He should have been traded in the off-season. Only the old gods know the atrocities about to befall the Cavs.


[ – ] rizkybizness 92 指標 9 小時前

Yeah man, look at Lamar Odom. Only bad things come from association with the devil spawn.


[ – ] Easttreeman024 139 指標 10 小時前

Traded* Im sure Lavar would alllow Tristan to become a big baller if his family gets some air time.

不是裁掉,是把 TT 交易掉。我相信如果球爹一傢能上卡戴珊節目增 vsk 光度的話,球爹會允許 TT 成為 Big baller 的!

[ – ] Clipperscata1yst622 170 指標 10 小時前

Lavar would star in the latest gay porn if it meant his big baller brand was actually worth something.

要是拍一部 GV 能讓球爹的三逼品牌真正打出名堂,我相信他絕對願意。

[ – ] [ ORL ] Elfrid PaytonRitersBloque 199 指標 10 小時前

"How bout I get in yo lane?"

球爹:" 咱倆玩會兒?我想上你的快車道 "

[ – ] CelticsTelios 134 指標 9 小時前

"Oh you a real BIG Baller"

球爹:" 哇你真是一條硬邦邦的漢子。" [ 譯註 3 ]

[ 譯註 3 ] :"Stay in yo lane(車道)"(一邊玩去 / 呆在你自己的車道上)和 "A real BIG Baller"(真的漢子)都是球爹說過的話,此處為網友調侃。

[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron JamesJessieGulagBimbo 1017 指標 10 小時前

I imagine TT's face and then saying: "c'mon bruh..."

我可以想象到湯普森看到劇組之後一臉無奈地說:" 求你瞭夥計們 …"

[ – ] [ DAL ] Steve NashSxeRpw 671 指標 10 小時前

That is so incredibly disrespectful of them. Fuck that shitty show and fuck TT

這對騎士隊來說真的是難以相信的大不敬啊!去 TMD 辣雞劇組,去 TMD 湯普森。

[ – ] BucksSonnyLove 212 指標 7 小時前

Apparently if you pass your pussy around like the Harlem Globetrotters it gains you free access into exclusive events like NBA practices.

很明顯如果你像哈林籃球隊一樣到處 * 河蟹 * 的話,你可以獲得免費參與獨傢活動的通行權,比如說 NBA 的球隊訓練。

[ – ] [ CHI ] Aaron GrayPippen_Aint_Easy 64 指標 9 小時前

I absolutely hate Lebron, mostly because he beats my team like a red-headed stepchild every year, but this I can get behind.

公牛球迷 1:我實在是太討厭勒佈朗瞭,主要是因為他每年打我的球隊就像繼父揍繼子那樣打得屁滾尿流,但是這件事上我還是站他的。

[ – ] BullsThing_n_Stuffs 53 指標 8 小時前

I think I have Stockholm's syndrome. I've started to root for LeBron. After watching that man play all these years, I'm just impressed at this point.

公牛球迷 2:我覺得我得瞭斯德哥爾摩綜合征,我居然已經開始支持勒佈朗瞭。看瞭這個人打瞭這麼多年,此時此刻我對他肅然起敬。

[ – ] CelticsMemeForce1 23 指標 6 小時前

You go through this as a Celtics fan too. You start by hating his guts but eventually it comes to a point where you just have to sit back in amazement.

Hot take here but Lebron is really, really, really good at basketball.



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