最新雅思寫作 task2 話題語料庫 : 國傢舉辦體育比賽


許多烤鴨一說到寫作就頭疼,究其原因還是太年輕,沒有豐富的生活經驗,缺乏對人生的思考。小編懂你,來雅思寫作語料庫的懷抱,詳盡的名師思路拓展 + 原創語料,趕緊學起來,讓我們一起戰勝雅思寫作。本期探討寫作題:奧林匹克運動會或者世界杯足球場是重要的國際體育比賽,很多國傢都在爭取主辦國的機會,你認為舉辦國際性體育比賽的利弊有哪些,且看下文詳細分析。

傳送門>>>>最新雅思寫作話題語料庫匯總,48 篇 ( 火速更新 ing )

The Olympic Game or the World Cup football game is a major international sporting event and the opportunity to host this event is keenly contested by many counties. In your opinion, what are the major benefits and drawbacks of hosting an international sporting event such as the Olympic Games? 奧林匹克運動會或者世界杯足球場是重要的國際體育比賽,很多國傢都在爭取主辦國的機會,你認為舉辦國際性體育比賽的利弊有哪些 ?


Some countries achieve international success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 有人認為訓練專業的體育運動員比提供人人可以使用的體育設施更能幫助國傢取得成功,你認為這個觀點是積極的還是消極的 ? ( 2014 年 7 月 10 日雅思寫作 )


首段:背景介紹 + 爭議焦點 + 作傢立場



尾段:再次亮明觀點 + ( 對弊端提出解決建議 )


【思路拓展】 利好的展開:

1. 健康角度:對於舉辦國而言,國際性體育比賽的主辦會激發全民健身熱情,提高國民基本素質及健康指數。2008 年北京成功舉辦奧運會,就是很好的例證。

2. 教育角度:競技體育比賽中傳遞的精神對於民眾有教育意義。例如,不斷自我超越、不懈追求完美、團隊合作精神等。

3. 經濟角度:對於舉辦國傢而言,這是一個很好的盈利契機。例如,門票收入,紀念品銷售,旅遊收入,贊助商收入等。

4. 文化交流:舉辦國際體育比賽可有助於文化的多元性以及增強各國的交流。

5. 心理角度:這是激發愛國熱情及增強民族的自豪感的契機。

【思路拓展】 弊端的展開:

1. 經濟角度:舉辦國際性體育塞事是奢侈的行為,我們有更加緊迫的民生問題需要政府優先考慮,因為有限的資源和無限的民生需求是矛盾的。

2. 環境角度:大量的遊客的湧入會破壞當地的自然環境,這會給當地人的生活帶來煩惱,給主辦國帶來壓力。



1. to bid for the international sports events v 申辦國際體育比賽

2. to host international sports competition v 主辦國際性體育比賽

3. the host country n 主辦國

4. has become a huge undertaking v 成為偉大的事業

解析:undertaking n 含有風險性的事業

5. to enhance the host country ’ s reputation in the international arena v 提高一個國傢在國際舞臺的美譽度。

解析:international arena n 國際舞臺

6. attract global interest and attention v 吸引瞭全球的興趣和關註

7. Stadium and gymnasiums could be utilized as hot tourism resources to achieve profitability, Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center is a good case in point. 室外運動場和室內運動館可以被利用,作為熱門的旅遊資源來賺錢,青島奧帆基地就是很好的例子。

解析:stadium n. 露天大型運動場

解析:gymnasiums n. 健身房 ; 體育館

8. An additional economic benefit is the possible profit generated by the sale of TV rights, accommodations, ticket sales and visitor expenditure. 另外的利好就是由電視轉播,食宿,門票銷售和旅遊參觀帶來的利潤。

詞匯:sponsor v. 贊助 ;sponsorship n. 贊助

9. Hosting the international sports events is a splendid opportunity to ease one ’ s patriotic emotion,strengthen one ’ s national pride and solidarity. 舉辦國際體育比賽是很好的契機緩解愛國情緒,以及增強民族自豪感和團結。

解析:ease one ’ s patriotic emotion v 緩解愛國情緒

解析:strengthen one ’ s national pride and solidarity v 增強民族自豪感和團結

10. It can, to a large extent, kindle and stimulate the citizens ’ passion of building up physique and thus enhance people ’ s health index and promote the basic quality of a nation ’ s population. 這可以很大程度上點燃和激發全民健身的熱情,因此,提高國民基本素質及健康指數。

② 反對國傢舉辦體育比賽:

1. Due the fact that preparations can be extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming,therefore,hosting international sports events sounds more of a huge waste of money and other resources to some people. 對於一些人而言,舉辦國際體育賽事聽起來是金錢和其他資源的浪費,事實上,準備工作是非常消耗時間和精力的。

2. Inevitably, preparing the international athletic events will impose much pressure upon the host country economically while every nation has numerous social issues that need financial support from the public purse. 不可避免地,準備國際體育比賽會給主辦國帶來很多經濟壓力,而每一個國傢都有需要政府支持的社會問題有待解決。

3. Football hooligans or terrorists might deliberately make some sensational nuisance. 足球流氓和恐怖分子也許會故意制造一些聳人聽聞的麻煩事。


{ 首段}背景介紹 + 爭議焦點 + 作傢立場

The opportunity of biding for the international sports events is keenly contested by numerous countries. To host global sports events such as World Cup football game or the Olympic Game actually have become huge undertaking. People have been debating the pros and cons of becoming the host country without reaching definite agreement. This essay aims to prove that the merits of hosting international athletic events outweigh the potential downsides.

解析:The merits of hosting international athletic events outweigh the potential downsides 舉辦國際性體育賽事利大於弊。

{ 二段}利好的展開:

Indeed, many merits could be gained via holding international sports activities. One of the most positive aspects is that it will attract global interest and attention, thereby, it will become a golden chance for the host country to gain great amounts of foreign currency. Stadium and gymnasiums could be utilized as hot tourism resources to achieve profitability, Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center is a good case in point. Another merit deriving from hosting sports events is that sports competition could be a splendid opportunity to ease one ’ s patriotic emotion,strengthen one ’ s national pride and solidarity. All the people will pride themselves on their motherlands when seeing their players win the gold medal. Eventually, to host sports competition could kindle and stimulate the citizens ’ passion in building up physique and thus enhance people ’ s health index and promote the basic quality of a nation ’ s population.

解析:All the people will pride themselves on their motherlands when seeing their players win the gold medal 當看到本國選手獲得金牌的時候,所有人都會為祖國自豪。

{ 三段}弊端的展開:

Yet, the same knife cuts bread and fingers. On no account can we ignore the adverse impacts triggered by holding global athletic competition. For a start, preparing the international athletic events will inevitably impose much pressure upon the host country economically while every nation has numerous social issues that need financial support from the public purse. Even worse, a large proportion of tourists coming from home or abroad will unavoidably ruin the natural environment and thus bring a huge burden the host country.

解析:The same knife cuts bread and fingers 凡事皆有利弊。

解析:Every nation has numerous social issues that need financial support from the public purse. 每個國傢都有很多社會問題需要來自國庫的財政支持。

{ 尾段}再次亮明觀點:

In brief, I re-affirm my conviction that although hosting international sports events might cause some problems,we can never underrate its immense advantages. What we can do is to budget carefully and strengthen efforts in terms of security and greenism.

解析:What we can do is to budget carefully and strengthen efforts in terms of security and greenism. 我們應該做到的就是周密地制定預算,加強在安保和環保方面的努力。


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