

Westbrook confirms he only wears each outfit once and then give it away: "I do. I mean, I keep some jeans and stuff, like pants, but my shirts and stuff, I ’ ll give away to my friends, Goodwill; whoever wants it, honestly, and that ’ s what happens."

威少確認自己每件衣服就穿一次便送人:" 沒錯,我想說,像褲子這類的我會留著。但像短袖這類的衣服,講真,我會出送給我的朋友們,Goodwill 舊貨店,誰愛拿就拿走,事情就是這樣的。

[ – ] xJustChillin 1307 指標 10 小時前

whoever wants it

I want your clothes Westbrook give it to me


[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin [ S ] 478 指標 10 小時前

Only if you drink his bath water


[ – ] [ MIA ] Dion WaitersTito_Our_Saviour 581 指標 10 小時前

Wouldn't be my lowest point in life tbh


[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 111 指標 10 小時前

What was the lowest point? I like stories.

什麼是你經歷過最糟的事,請展開 800 字,我喜歡聽故事。

[ – ] [ MIA ] Dion WaitersTito_Our_Saviour 409 指標 10 小時前

Drank Pat Rileys bath water : (

喝過帕特 - 萊利的洗澡水。

[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 86 指標 10 小時前

What a wild ride that was

這 tm 都是些什麼評論,亮瞎瞭我狗眼。

[ – ] ThunderTonyStarksLazySusan 37 指標 8 小時前

I'll show you one wilder


[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 41 指標 8 小時前



[ – ] CelticsMartin5hkreli 93 指標 7 小時前

logs off reddit


[ – ] NBAzxc123zxc123 44 指標 7 小時前

Logs on reddit

( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ ° )


[ – ] Sunstreytakzona 55 指標 10 小時前

KD: Hey Russ, I know we haven't talked in a year or so, but lemme drink your bath water.

Russ: ...you have the wrong number, call Scarlett.

KD: For the clothes bro.

Russ: Fuck no.

KD: We're still friends, right?

KD:"hi 威少,我知道咱倆雖然一年多沒說過話瞭,但是請讓我喝你的洗澡水 "

威少:" 抱歉,你打錯瞭,你該打給斯嘉麗 - 約翰遜。"

KD:" 老兄,我隻是想要幾件衣服。"

威少:" 沒 tm 門。"

kd:" 我們還是朋友吧?"

[ – ] [ CLE ] Iman ShumpertUnbiasedExpert 279 指標 11 小時前

Not the confirmation OKC fans expected from him lol


[ – ] LakersLonzoMoneyball 102 指標 10 小時前

Westbook trade hysteria in the final hours would be the perfect ending to this offseason. One last F5 rally

威少在最後時刻的勁爆交易會是這個休賽期的完美收官。我最後再按 F5 刷新一次。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Nazr MohammedIncaseAce 36 指標 10 小時前

Well we are probably gonna have to wait til next off season. That's when he can sign a even bigger deal. He doesn't want to, well, we get nothing again.


[ – ] [ NYK ] Baron Davisthemariokarters 647 指標 11 小時前

his financial advisor rolling over in his grave


[ – ] [ TOR ] Jose Calderondeadskin [ S ] 250 指標 11 小時前

He still hasn't signed his extension yet right? His agent's gonna have to pull some Saul Goodman shit for that commission

威少還沒有同意續約對吧。他的經紀人得像索爾 - 古德曼【譯註 1】拿出點真本事才能得到傭金。

【譯註 1】索爾 - 古德曼是美劇絕命毒師中的角色,劇中是一個專業幫人擦屁股善後的高智商黑化律師。

[ – ] Lakers Bandwagonvictor396 133 指標 10 小時前

Even with an extension this would be heavy on the pocket. Iverson was a guy that didn't have his "own clothes" either. He went to a new city and bought new things there ( not only clothes but also gold chains and stuff ) .

I want to believe that he gave it away but he said that he just left it there as in "throw it away".

Iverson made superstar money in his career ( at the time it wasn't as much as you can make right now, but still ) and he ended up "broken" just one year after retirement.

I realize that Iverson was a lot more irresponsible than just the clothes thing, but Westbrook better be careful.

即使完成瞭續約這(衣服隻穿一次就送人)也會是很大的經濟負擔。阿倫 - 艾佛森也是個沒有 " 自己衣服 "(衣服隻穿一次就送人)的人。每當到一個新的城市,他都會買新東西(不僅僅是衣服,還有像金鏈子之類的)。


AI 在他的職業生涯裡賺著巨星級別的工資(雖然在他那個年代不及現在賺的多吧),他退役僅僅一年就破產瞭。我意識到相比於送衣服這件事,AI 在其他事情上表現得更不負責,威少最好註意瞭。

[ – ] Bullsnowandlater 47 指標 10 小時前

People making $40million/year don't go broke buying shirts.

每年賺著 4000 萬刀的人可不會因為買衣服破產。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Anthony MorrowRussellDurant 98 指標 9 小時前

Westbrook also makes wayyy more than iverson did.

威少賺的可遠比 AI 多。

[ – ] ThunderTonyStarksLazySusan 70 指標 8 小時前

And gets free swag I assume, especially from Jordan.


[ – ] [ SEA ] Rashard LewisxRyuzakii 38 指標 8 小時前

Yeah a lot of his stuff is given to him for free im sure


[ – ] Wizards BandwagonHebs811 69 指標 9 小時前

He definitely buys some stuff but when what you wear on a nightly basis is news people will send you shit.


[ – ] TimberwolvesDrWolves 17 指標 7 小時前

Surprised to see no one here mention yet that Iverson has like $50 million in a fund that he can't touch until he's 50. You might say he's pretty irresponsible with money and he probably was but whoever helped set that up was obviously looking out for him

我驚訝地發現竟然還沒人提及到 AI 有 5000 萬刀存到瞭基金裡,這些錢 AI 50 歲之前都取不出來的。你可以說 AI 不善於理財,他或許就是,但幫助他創建基金的人顯然是為他著想瞭。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Russell Westbrooksir_alvarex 29 指標 8 小時前

Westbrook's a smart dude who also keeps a very tight circle. Iverson had a bad group surrounding him. Pretty much like every athlete who went broke ( except those who did because of gambling ) .

Westbrook is involved in clothing brands so I doubt the clothes he is wearing are at full cost. Chances are he can donate each shirt he wears because he barely pays anything for them.

威少是個聰明的人,他維系著很小的社交圈。AI 周圍有一大幫狐朋狗友。幾乎大部分運動員都是這樣破產的(除瞭那些因為賭博破產的)。


[ – ] KnicksTeenageboy69 204 指標 10 小時前 *

He should legit just have a site where he sells his shirts for charity.


[ – ] NBAwhy_rob_y 90 指標 10 小時前

Yea, giving them to Goodwill isn't as beneficial to charities as auctioning them as "worn by Russell Westbrook" and then giving that money wherever.

將衣服送給舊貨店 Goodwill 不如將這些衣服標為 " 威少穿過的 " 拍賣掉,然後將得到的錢捐出來的更為有益。

[ – ] Buckslittle_legz 51 指標 8 小時前

He should call it Rent-A-Swag

他該將它稱作 " 租個潮品 "。

[ – ] HesiPullupJimbo 111 指標 11 小時前 *

Imagine hitting up Goodwill and finding Russell Westbrook's shirt lol

想象下在 Goodwill 舊貨店裡逛然後在裡面發現威少的短袖,哈哈。

[ – ] Lakers Bandwagondannie_dorko 96 指標 10 小時前 *

Because it's sooo embarrassing to be caught wearing the same outfit twice


[ – ] Rocketshtown_hold_it_down 36 指標 8 小時前

Here i am, wearing clothes from 4+ years ago

而我現在還穿著 4 年前的衣服。

[ – ] Thunder Bandwagonwickergoose 154 指標 11 小時前

Man if I was a millionaire playing in the NBA, I'd be the guy that wears like three pair of basketball shoes the entire season. I'd only need to own like two pair of jeans and have one car. I'd definitely have like 48 wives tho, that would probably get expensive

說真的如果我是個在 NBA 打球的百萬富翁,我會是那種整個賽季就穿三雙球鞋的人。我僅需擁有兩條褲子,一輛車。我肯定還得娶 48 個妻子,這才可能稍微增加點經濟負擔。

[ – ] KtronIsOn 54 指標 9 小時前

Better have 48 prenups

最好有 48 份婚前協議。

[ – ] Jayalt99 12 指標 7 小時前

What if I could tell you a way to 72 Virgin wives? Come with me let's talk

如果我能告訴你個辦法搞到 72 個處女妻子呢,快來私聊我吧。

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