

[ Stein ] Charles Barkley: "I have to get on TV and fake it for seven months that it ’ s not going to be the Warriors and Cavs in the finals again."

Marc Stein 在紐約時報上發文:巴克利表示 " 我得在長達 7 個月的時間裡上電視做直播節目,假裝總決賽不再會是勇士和騎士的對決。"

巴克利:對我來說最困難的事就是我得在長達 7 個月的時間裡上電視做直播節目,假裝總決賽不再會是勇士和騎士的對決。事實就是這樣。

[ – ] ColdWorldGotHotter 2151 points 2 hours ago

"The finals are going to be Warriors and Cavs no one gives a damn bout this game"

Barkley "faking it"

" 總決賽肯定還是勇士對騎士,想都不用想,沒人在乎這比賽瞭。"

這就是巴克利 " 假裝 " 的方式。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Nick Collisonhomefree122 668 points an hour ago*

It's true though. This was the attitude last year, and unfortunately it remains the same this year.

Take the Thunder for example. I am ecstatic that about our off season moves. Presti is a fucking genius, and what he has done for the Thunder will be felt in Oklahoma City in multiple ways for years to come.

With that said, barring a key injury on the Warriors ( which I think would have to be KD or Steph ) there is no way any team in West makes it to the Finals other than the Warriors. And to be clear, I am not advocating for an injury. That's a shitty thing to do.

I think there is more room for argument in the East, and assuming no key injuries occur, the ECF will be Cavs versus Boston, which we will all hope will be a great series, because the Finals will pretty much be the same as it was last year.

The Warriors will win again this year, and most likely next year, and probably the year after next.






[ – ] Supersonics812many 194 points an hour ago

I ’ m not sold on Boston yet. Putting a group of good players together sometimes ends up with the Nets or Knicks. Let ’ s see if they do have the right pieces to have a successful team.


[ – ] [ BOS ] Rajon Rondobmac3 111 points an hour ago

I fully agree that we have to wait and see but it ‘ s a completely different situation to both the teams you mentioned. The Knicks got worse/injured versions of the players and Nets got players well past their prime. The Celtics just added prime, perhaps even pre-prime, Hayward and Irving so the outlook is much better imo.


[ – ] shortyman920 65 points 46 minutes ago

Stevens, good management, and a good culture. Nets and Knicks didn't have any of those then


[ – ] Hoops_Junkie2 16 points an hour ago

Nets were old and Knicks were never a superteam. They weren't predicted to win 40 games by most people. Kyrie and Hayward are in their primes.

那支籃網老齡化嚴重,而尼克斯從來不是一支超級球隊,大部分人都不認為他們能拿下 40 勝。歐文和海沃德還處於他們的巔峰期呢。

[ – ] Wizardswtfstudios 140 points an hour ago

I'm biased but I think the wiz could make it to the ECF this year.


[ – ] CelticsKinginthe4th 75 points an hour ago

Losing Avery Bradley was pretty killer to "stopping" playoff John Wall. I could see it going either way.

凱爾特人球迷:失去瞭埃弗裡 - 佈拉德利,我們很難限制住季後賽版的約翰 - 沃爾瞭。我覺得我們兩支隊都有機會。

[ – ] Wizardsfrozenyaya 107 points an hour ago

playoff john wall was killed by our bench.

奇才球迷:隻有我們的替補挖坑才能限制季後賽版的約翰 - 沃爾。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Dennis RodmanCheckMyMoves 51 points an hour ago

I think adding Hayward and Irving puts a bigger bind on Washington than losing Bradley hurts the Celtics.


[ – ] CelticsKinginthe4th 24 points an hour ago

Definitely, but I don't think it's as clear-cut as everyone on this sub thinks. I think the Wiz still have a good chance of making it out, we got a young team and a starting lineup that is still getting used to playing together.

凱爾特人球迷:那必須的,但是我認為這不像各位 jrs 想的那樣簡單明瞭。我覺得奇才還是很有機會的。我凱現在是一支年輕的球隊,我們的先發陣容還在不斷磨合。

[ – ] Warriorsacanofbear 32 points 2 hours ago

I think you guys have a fighting chance.


[ – ] [ MEM ] Marc Gasolmrmock89 48 points an hour ago

I don't really see how they're any better than last year


[ – ] Supersonicsgaussx 40 points an hour ago

And they were a game away last year. Jury is still open if the Celtics are better or worse.


[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesvullnet123 14 points an hour ago

Much better offensively, worse defensively.


[ – ] PM_UR_CLAVICLE 30 points an hour ago

I can ’ t wait to watch all 7 of the wizards Celtics games. That ’ s gonna be a good series.

等不及再看奇才和凱爾特人大戰 7 場瞭!這肯定會是很精彩的系列賽。

[ – ] TimberwolvesBentumbo 89 points 2 hours ago

which I think would have to be KD or Steph

my opinion means nothing but i would rank the order of severity for GSW ( if a player got injured ) as: Steph, Draymond, KD

" 我覺得還得是杜蘭特或者是庫裡受傷。"(引用之前雷霆球迷的回帖)

我的想法並不重要啊,但是我覺得勇士隊球員受傷對球隊影響最大的排名如下:庫裡、德雷蒙德 - 格林、杜蘭特。

[ – ] NBAFearghas 88 points 2 hours ago

I think losing Draymond would hurt them more than KD or Steph. They have enough firepower to still be elite without KD or Curry but Draymond's the centerpiece of their defense and I don't think they can replace him as easily.


[ – ] WarriorsIggyNumberOne 59 points an hour ago

or Steph

You're fucking crazy. We've been a .500 team over the last 4 years when Steph is not in the game.

" 或者庫裡受傷 "

你怕是石樂志喲。在過去四個賽季沒有庫裡的比賽裡,我們還是一支勝率 50% 的球隊呢。

[ – ] [ LAC ] J.J. RedickSimonPeterSays 15 points an hour ago

I am not sure about this narrative that only a key injury to the Warriors can help a team in the West get to the finals. The argument can be made that Houston, OKC, and San Antonio ( SA stayed roughly the same but they already matched up pretty well with GSW ) all got better this off season. I think the gap has closed considerably. The warriors are going to have a tough time adjusting defensively to most of these teams. These teams got mathematically better with offensive efficiency, scoring rates, defensively, etc.

now my gut still says GSW in 6 vs the Cavs, but that's because i haven't seen some of these revamped teams compete.


[ – ] [ OKC ] Russell Westbrooklimark 255 points 3 hours ago

I mean it's likely but shit happens, I'm not going to act like other teams don't stand a chance when we've seen players get injured and teams choke all the time


[ – ] WarriorsSharksFanAbroad 93 points 4 hours ago

Yup. Saw a dude this time last year guarantee a 60+ win season for the Cavs. 60 wins is insanely uncommon, maybe doesn't seem that way for a new fan, but it's rare. To casually throw that out there like it's even more likely than not and get heavily upvoted is ridiculous.

是的啊。去年新賽季開始前我看到一個哥們說騎士肯定能贏 60+ 場。60 勝可是很少見瞭,也許對年輕的球迷來說 60 勝不算什麼,但是這真的很難做到。隨口說說然後騙一波點亮,有點可笑。

[ – ] [ TOR ] Norman PowellWatchadoinfoo 133 points 3 hours ago

Pretty insane how spurs did it last year

提到 60 勝,上賽季馬刺能做到這一點真的是有點瘋狂。

[ – ] WarriorsSharksFanAbroad 64 points 3 hours ago

Absolutely, but LMA and Pau are underrated imo. No doubt they're a "one-superstar" team, but that doesn't mean he's got scrubs around him. Lee, Dedmon and Patty all played some pretty solid ball too.

絕對的,但是我認為阿爾德裡奇和保羅 - 加索爾被低估瞭。的確,他們現在是隻有一個超級巨星的球隊,但是這不意味著科懷的身邊全是不中用的球員。大衛 - 李,戴德蒙還有米爾斯也都打出瞭相當不錯的表現。

[ – ] Lakersamiaheroyet 86 points 2 hours ago

Crazy how in a season Duncan retires, Diaw leaves, Gasol became apparently washed-up, and LMA visibly struggled offensively, they still grab 61.

上賽季對於馬刺來說真的很瘋狂,鄧肯退役,迪奧離隊,加索爾早就巔峰已過,阿爾德裡奇在進攻端十分掙紮,然而他們還是贏下瞭 61 場比賽。

[ – ] [ TOR ] Norman PowellWatchadoinfoo 73 points 2 hours ago

huge credit to kawhi

there was a number of games that were down to the wire and Kawhi would do some 4th quarter heroics to save the game ( i.e against the rockets, the pelicans, etc )

這都要歸功於科懷 - 倫納德啊。


[ – ] Warriorseugenesbluegenes 81 points 4 hours ago

Heads up, "i.e." ( Latin id est ) basically means "that is", you're looking for "e.g" ( Latin exempli gratia ) which means for example.

There's your unsolicited Monday grammar note.

小夥子註意瞭!"i.e."(拉丁語 id est 縮寫)的意思基本上是 " 那就是 ",你應該用 "e.g"(拉丁語 exempli gratia 縮寫),這個意為舉例。


[ – ] Pelicanserldn123 849 points 3 hours ago

Does Chuck think he's been successfully faking it and fooling us the last few seasons?


[ – ] Cavaliersewokskick 242 points 2 hours ago

If this is what he considers faking it I'd hate to see what not faking it looks like.

如果這就是他所謂的 " 假裝 ",那我才不要看到他不假裝是什麼樣子。

[ – ] Timberwolveswhythehellknot 160 points 2 hours ago

Not coming into work when the Warriors and Cavs aren't playing each other


[ – ] SpursSmokeyBare 235 points 2 hours ago

Every prime time game that isn't the Cavs or Warriors

Ernie: "Chuck, your thoughts on tonight's game?"

Chuck: "It don't mean shit Erneh."


厄尼 - 約翰遜(NBA on TNT 節目主持人):" 查克,對於今晚的比賽你有什麼看法?"

巴克利:" 這比賽一點兒意義都沒有,厄尼。"

[ – ] bluemorpheus 67 points an hour ago

We're on live Chuck.

" 查克,我們在做現場直播。"(不能說臟話)

[ – ] Rockets Bandwagonmoistbaguette 110 points an hour ago

Don't give a shit Erneh

" 老子踏馬的不在乎,厄尼 "

[ – ] Supersonicslady-grinning-soul 1201 points 3 hours ago

lol I swear to god Chuck actually hates basketball


[ – ] WarriorsSharksFanAbroad 628 points 3 hours ago

Loves hockey though.

但他還是熱愛冰球的。 [ 譯註 1 ]

[ 譯註 1 ] 東部決賽 G5,由於騎士大比分領先凱爾特人,身為主持人的巴克利表示想溜回賓館看冰球 NHL 的比賽。

[ – ] Salami_On_Rye 316 points 2 hours ago

And churros.

他也愛西班牙油條。 [ 譯註 2 ]

[ 譯註 2 ] 西班牙油條也稱吉事果或拉丁果。2014 年巴克利曾公開嘲諷聖安東尼奧的女人又肥又胖。2017 年 5 月巴克利終於道歉並表示:難怪聖城女人那麼胖,這兒的油條太好吃。

[ – ] Celticsputinspenis 280 points 2 hours ago

And the women in San Antonio


[ – ] Knickssbblakey777 144 points 2 hours ago

Those big ol' ones?


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