

Thoughts on Kyrie to Boston


Having watched a few celtics games this year, maybe Kyrie was never the problem when it came to the absolute dearth of ball movement. He looks like a very willing passer and a capable playmaker under Stevens, and that's with notably less help than he had in Cleveland.


Seems like the problem has been, and still is, the complete lack of an offense. I do remember seeing some chatter about how Lue would discourage Kyrie from being a playmaker and try to convince him to iso more. I'm not blaming Lue specifically, but the team culture, which, admittedly, is something the coach has a say in.

這樣來看的話,一直以來騎士真正的問題,其實是在於進攻端。我現在都還記得一些流言蜚語,說泰倫 - 盧在妨礙歐文成為真正的掌控者,反而是不斷去說服歐文堅持單打,越來越多的單打。這裡我也不是非要把盧拎出來輪一遍,但是必須承認的一點是,球隊文化,是和主教練有著千絲萬縷的關系的。

I'm more and more inclined to believe Kyrie was literally driven out by the culture of coasting, not caring, not giving 100% effort, etc., rather than Kyrie just straight up having beef with LeBron.


Not a single player who has come to the Cavs has shown any signs of development, whether that's young players ( Liggins, Felder, etc. ) or others like Shump, JR, TT etc. If anything, several have regressed. And this is a team that hasn't changed ALL that much. Yes, there's a lotta new faces, but there's a LOT of continuity too. LBJ, JR, Love, TT, Frye, Shump, etc.

已經能夠發現球員加盟騎士之後沒有展現出一點進步的跡象,不是一個兩個瞭,都是這樣,不論是年輕的(利金斯、費爾德這種)還是其他的比如香波特、JR、湯普森等等。哦,不對,也有例外,恩,就是有的人還退步瞭。以及,這支隊伍長久以來的 " 一成不變 "。沒錯,也陸陸續續有些新面孔加入,但是球隊的絕大部分球員真的是讓人審美疲勞瞭。勒佈朗,JR,TT,樂福,弗萊,香波特,你要是想聽我還能接著說。

In comparison, this completely revamped Boston team, with SEVERAL very young players ( Tatum, Brown, Rozier ) and several completely new faces ( Kyrie, Baynes, Morris, etc. ) looks like a well-organized, cohesive team, DESPITE losing 4 of 5 starters from last season, losing their BEST player to an absolute freak injury in the first 6 minutes of their season. And everyone's game seems to be developing, on both ends of the floor.

與之相對的,則是這支煥然一新重新啟航的波士頓凱爾特人瞭,不僅有好!多!(跟騎士比)年輕人(塔特姆、佈朗、羅齊爾),也有新加入的(歐文、貝恩斯、莫裡斯等等),這支隊伍架構清晰,團結一致,雖然損失瞭上賽季首發陣容中的 4 或 5 人,甚至還在這賽季開始六分鐘之後就在一次讓人看得頭皮發麻的傷病中失去瞭隊中可能是最好的球員,但是這支隊伍的賽場表現不斷提升,攻防兩端不斷進步。

It comes down to more than just the coach, but the fact remains that one team appears to be taking strides in the right direction despite a lot of friction and a freak injury, while another team looks like they're still hungover from a summer of clubbing and would rather do anything than play basketball.


I honestly didn't believe Kyrie had it in him. I strongly believed he was going to regret his decision very much, and it was gonna backfire on him. Especially with Hayward out, I expected the Celtics to struggle to break the top 4 in the East, but clearly they're faves for the top seed, once again. Do they threaten the Cavs in the Playoffs? I SINCERELY doubt it. Could they seriously push the Cavs with another year under their belt and Hayward back and healthy? Very likely.


[ – ] ralphrackstraw 167 指標 8 小時前 *

Imagine the luck though, getting traded to one of like ten teams with a "good" culture. The Cavs aren't a great organization but they're not the relative dumpster fires the Knicks, Kings, Suns, etc. have been the past few years.

edit: felt bad about picking on those three specific teams, to be clear. I've liked what the Kings have done so far this year for example and think McDonough gets too much flack as a GM.

想想歐文運氣真是不錯,被交易到一個有著出色文化的隊伍。誠然騎士團隊算不上頂級,但是跟那些近幾年堪稱 " 爛成一坨翔 " 的尼克斯、國王、太陽比起來,倒也不至於那麼慘。

解釋幾句:我對於提及瞭某些隊伍的名字感到十分抱歉,不是故意的。對於這賽季以來王管的操作我就相當欣賞,另外 McDonough 作為太陽 GM 受到瞭太多的無端指責瞭。

[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesyjacket103 [ S ] 105 指標 8 小時前

OH yeah. Kyrie caught a HUGE break, which I'm surprised the Cavs were willing to give him.

Actually, I'm not that surprised... They got a pretty great haul, especially given the trash that Boogie, Butler, and PG13 were traded for...


好吧,也沒那麼驚訝啦 …… 看看在考辛斯交易、巴特勒交易和喬治交易中母隊得到的那些籌碼,騎士的收獲也蠻不錯瞭。

[ – ] CelticsSteamed___Hams 57 指標 8 小時前

Agree with everything but I'd imagine Indiana is pretty happy with what they got in return ( so far )

凱爾特人球迷:基本同意,除瞭一點,步行者對於交易得到的籌碼(奧拉迪波 + 薩博尼斯)還是相當滿意的,至少目前來看是的。

[ – ] RocketsMikegetscalls 22 指標 6 小時前

Its still early


[ – ] Celticsripmeleedair 201 指標 8 小時前

Bringing these boston flairs out fast lol

but you're right about cleveland's offense. they just don't really move. people talk about brad's system and all, and with the cavs it looks like lue just doesn't have a system.


樓主說的關於騎士進攻端的觀點很對,球員在場上沒有跑位。每個人都在說史蒂文斯和他的體系如何如何,等說到泰倫 - 盧的時候——沒有體系。

[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesyjacket103 [ S ] 100 指標 8 小時前

with the cavs it looks like lue just doesn't have a system

Yeaa I'm pretty convinced haha

騎士球迷:" 等說到泰倫 - 盧的時候——沒有體系。"


[ – ] Lakersdizjedi 51 指標 8 小時前

Lue relies too much on isolation and driving and kicking to the shooters. I think he is not that great of a coach and just wins because of Lebron. They have had defensive struggles for the last couple of seasons and OP was correct in how they mentioned the Cavs really have not developed any young talent like the Celtics, Warriors, or Spurs.


[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesyjacket103 [ S ] 48 指標 8 小時前

The Cavs' success is almost ENTIRELY dependent on their open shooters knocking down shots. Which is unacceptable for such a talented team. When those shots aren't falling, they've shown an incredible lack of ability to adjust.


[ – ] RocketsMikegetscalls 10 指標 6 小時前

Sounds like us


[ – ] 76ersSlappyBagg 20 指標 7 小時前

Cavs dont need a complex system on offense. Its their D they have to work at. Just let Lebron do his thing on offense.


[ – ] Magicno40sinfl 47 指標 7 小時前

Letting LeBron do his thing is why he has so many finals losses. You can't put the ball in one players hands and refuse to get everyone involved over the course of a 7 game series and expect to win. Run some freaking plays for Love. If LeBron had an off the ball game and they ran more than iso and high screen kickouts. It doesn't need to be complex but there needs to be variety and you just can't count on shooters hitting shots who go long stretches uninvolved in the offense.

" 交給勒佈朗 ",你還沒明白這就是為什麼騎士總決賽贏不瞭的原因嗎?你不可能在一個七場的系列中隻知道把球交給一個人手中,其他人都不參與,然後指望這個就能拿下勝利。騎士倒是給樂福畫戰術啊。詹姆斯可以打無球,騎士也可以發展單打以外的戰術,再加上高位擋拆突分。這都不需要很復雜,隻需要多些變化就好。還有就是,你不能指望射手長時間在進攻端參與不進來,然後突然給他球就能咣咣咣進。

[ – ] SpursImMeltingNow 35 指標 6 小時前

Honestly all of LeBron's final losses besides 2011 was because he was just facing a way better team. 2014 the heat were old ( Wade had knee issues too ) and the Spurs were playing out of their minds. 2015 klove and Kyrie go down. 2017 I don't think any coach would've been able to lead that cavs squad to beat that warriors team.

馬刺球迷:除瞭 2011 年以外,勒佈朗每一次總決賽失利都是因為本來對面就是那支更出色的隊伍。14 年熱火歲數太大(韋德膝蓋也不好),馬刺那年又是超神發揮。2015 年,樂福和歐文因傷作壁上觀。2017 年的話,騎士找哪個教練來帶都幹不過勇士。

[ – ] Herby20 19 指標 6 小時前

The Spurs were pretty damn old at the time too, which is also ignoring how that was a very competitive 7 game series just the previous year. Neither team changed much. The Spurs just had an actual offensive system instead "give LeBron the ball."

誒,馬刺當時也很老瞭好吧,而且還沒說 13 年熱刺大戰是那麼膠著激烈,兩支隊伍在那兩年間並沒有太多變化。唯一的區別,應該就是馬刺有一套完整的進攻體系,而不是熱火的 " 把球交給勒佈朗 " 體系。

[ – ] SpursImMeltingNow 11 指標 6 小時前

Wade was not giving us trouble that series though. And he wasn't really doing that great in the previous series before that, I remember because everyone kept saying how Wade is saving himself for the finals and he never showed up. Like we didn't really shut him down, his explosiveness declined a lot. And when it's just LeBron and Bosh trying to be the stars, it's BBQ chicken flavored cookies Vietnam saying?

馬刺球迷:韋德在 14 年總決賽沒有給我們帶來太多麻煩,總決賽之前他的發揮也不好,當時人們都說他是在為總決賽蓄力,然而韋德最後還是疲軟瞭。基本就是我們根本也沒怎麼下功夫防他,隻是他的爆發力下滑太多。當熱火隻剩下勒佈朗這個當之無愧的球隊核心和波什這個總是很努力但卻總是跟那兩位老哥差一點點的偽巨頭,我刺當然是砍瓜切菜瞭。

[ – ] Celticsiguess12 530 指標 9 小時前

I like this post


[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesyjacket103 [ S ] 147 指標 9 小時前

You guys really lucked out..


[ – ] Celticschompey_the_goat 213 指標 8 小時前

lucked out

danny ainge is a god amongst men

凱爾特人球迷:" 走大運瞭。"


[ – ] Cavaliersyuhanz 136 指標 8 小時前 *

Even OP doesnt want to admit it lol.

Danny Ainge had a plan and he executed it perfectly. Get rich and fuck the league in a few years.

They got an amazing coach ( young, at that ) . They drafted VERY WELL nicely with Tatum and Brown. Meanwhile the Cavs ride on the coattails of LeBron so they're gonna sink again when he's gone.




[ – ] MinnitMann 38 指標 7 小時前

Tatum and Semi both look like they're already important parts of the lineup less than a month into their NBA careers. Can't fucking wait to see what this team looks like with Gordie and some more time to gel.

看起來,塔圖姆和奧傑萊進入 NBA 不到一個月的時間就成為瞭隊中不可或缺的一份子。真的等不及看凱爾特人當有瞭海沃德和更多的磨合時間之後究竟能走到哪一步。

[ – ] Lakersedwinspasta 67 指標 7 小時前

the best thing that ever happened to GM ainge was charlotte not accepting 4 1st round picks for their pick to take justise winslow


[ – ] SpraynardKrugerIWB 37 指標 7 小時前

As a Celtics fan I can't deny it. Jordan's immaculate decision making strikes again.


[ – ] CelticsEl_WrayY88 10 指標 5 小時前

That's why Jordan will always be the GOAT

那就是為什麼他能被稱為 " 歷史最佳 " 的原因啊。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Eddie HouseShinySuitTheory 307 指標 9 小時前

This is exactly what C's fans got shit on for saying before the season started.


[ – ] SunsAnotherDrZoidberg 208 指標 8 小時前

Don't you know that Celtics fans aren't allowed to be optimistic around here??

哥們,難道你不知道 Reddit 禁止凱爾特人球迷有樂觀情緒嗎?

[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesyjacket103 [ S ] 83 指標 9 小時前

I mean... This post is probably gonna get down-voted into oblivion. I still don't think you guys beat the Cavs this season, but damn if I had to put my money on a team at this instant...

騎士球迷:我是說 …… 這個帖子也許會被點滅直至消失在論壇裡,我也沒覺得今年你們就能搞掉我騎,但是我他娘的要是必須選擇一支隊下註的話我 ……

[ – ] [ BOS ] Jaylen BrowndaBriguy 263 指標 8 小時前

Can you speak a little louder? I can't hear you all the way down the standings.

凱爾特人球迷:大點聲啊,最後幾個字太遠聽不到啦 ~

[ – ] Celtics_rerun984 106 指標 8 小時前

Kyrie gonna make that Second team ALL NBA this year


[ – ] [ CLE ] LeBron Jamesyjacket103 [ S ] 50 指標 8 小時前 *

He should have a case, but probably won't. Steph, Russ, Harden, CP3, Wall, Dame, Klay.

EDIT: Added Klay to the list



[ – ] CelticsIfuckinglovebball 70 指標 8 小時前

Steph, Russ, and Harden are all basically locks for the top 3 guard spots but the fourth could go to any of those guys.


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