


Which player ’ s "island" do you still have property on?

各位 JR,你們還堅守在哪個球員的小島上?

比爾 - 西蒙斯之前對迪昂 - 韋特斯有一個很好的 " 小島隱喻 ":某球員在大部分時間內都很掙紮,別人都已不再相信他能打出名堂,但你仍然對他報以期望。比如,我依然力挺納倫斯 - 諾埃爾,相信他能為一支球隊做出傑出的貢獻,全明星可能是扯瞭,但我覺得他會成為一名出色的球員的。

Basically what Bill Simmons said with Dion Waiters. A player who has mostly struggled but you still believe in despite nobody else really believing in them at all. Im personally still on Nerlens Noel island. I still believe in him and think he can be a solid player for someone. All star might be a stretch but I think he ’ ll be good.

[ – ] Jazzjliv60 294 指標 1 天前

Dante Exum for sure

爵士球迷:毫無疑問——丹特 - 埃克薩姆。

[ – ] [ PHI ] Markelle Fultz6ers 76 指標 1 天前

Hello neighbor

76 人球迷:樓上的老哥,我是你島上的鄰居。

[ – ] Jazzbigg_pete 57 指標 1 天前


People don ’ t realize how different his path to the NBA was to any other player. Add in the injuries and he just hasn ’ t had the chance to fully develop on the court.

Give him another year and he will be lighting it up.

爵士球迷:1000% 同意。人們沒意識到他進入 NBA 的道路和其他球員有多不一樣。因為傷病,他就是沒機會在場上大施拳腳啊。再耐心等他一年,他會大放異彩的。

[ – ] Buckstopaz_riles_bird 21 指標 1 天前

Tell me more.


[ – ] Lakerskultureisrandy 41 指標 22 小時前

He has a 1ft dong that he uses like rope to climb up walls

湖人球迷:他可是用自己 28 當繩子來爬墻的人。

[ – ] [ SAS ] Danny GreenCharlie_Steve 224 指標 1 天前

I don't think anybody hates him, but people have pretty much forgotten about Jabari Parker, and I cannot wait for him to come back

馬刺球迷:我覺得大傢應該都不會討厭他,但也把他忘得差不多瞭吧——賈巴裡 - 帕克。我已經等不及他王者歸來瞭。

[ – ] ThunderBloodRaven 14 指標 20 小時前



[ – ] KnicksThePassionOfKristaps 63 指標 1 天前

Willy Hernangomez

尼克斯球迷:吉列爾莫 - 埃爾南戈麥斯。

[ – ] [ NYK ] Kristaps PorzingisDakkan10 9 指標 1 天前

this is so frustrating. I know he can be good, he's shown it last year. But every time he gets minutes he doesn't look like he'll do anything necessary to earn more minutes. His defense is horrible, and on offense you can run the occasional pick and roll with him. But then I give him an excuse because he's a rebounder and back to the post guy. But he can't post because Jeff always plays him at the 4 and at the 5 theirs always Enes or O'Quinn. He can't rebound either because he's always on the perimeter, on defense and on offense. I wish we would trade O'Quinn already so we can see more Willy cause he has so much potential

尼克斯球迷:但這太令人沮喪瞭,我知道他是個好球員,他上賽季也證明瞭這一點。但現在隻要他上場,他都不知道應該怎麼表現而為自己爭取更多的上場時間。防守端稀爛,進攻端偶爾打打擋拆。但我還是想解釋一下,他是個籃板手同時也是個背身球員,主教練傑夫 - 霍納塞克總是讓他站四號位,配埃內斯 - 坎特或者凱爾 - 奧奎因站五號位,他在攻防兩端都呆在外線,所以無法搶到籃板。我希望我們能交易凱爾 - 奧奎因,從而釋放埃爾南戈麥斯無限的潛力。

[ – ] [ POR ] Nicolas BatumHumblerbee 69 指標 1 天前

Noah Vonleh has dropped out of the rotation but I haven't thrown away my ticket to the ark.

開拓者球迷:現在諾阿 - 馮萊也掉出瞭輪換陣容,但我依然留著那張舊船票。 [ 譯註 1 ]

[ 譯註 1 ] "ark" 是聖經中的諾亞方舟。這裡將諾阿 - 馮萊比作瞭聖經中諾阿,那個在大洪水來臨時用諾亞方舟拯救瞭人類和動物性命的人。

[ – ] Heatnadoperon 13 指標 1 天前

Man that's a lonely Island, are there people with you? Any chance Blazers resign him?


[ – ] KingsTheWinStore 5 指標 1 天前

I remember the Kings fanbase being furious when we picked NIK ROCKS over him.

國王球迷:我依然記得我王球迷因為國王選瞭尼克 - 斯陶斯卡斯而沒選他時的暴怒。

[ – ] NetsSpencer_Ballen 150 指標 1 天前

I've been on Hezonja island for a few lonely years now, and it's a little gratifying that it's less lonely then it used to be.

魔術球迷:我已經一個人寂寞地呆在馬裡奧 - 海佐尼亞島很多年瞭,我感覺現在比以前好多瞭,沒那麼寂寞瞭。

[ – ] [ LAL ] Kyle KuzmaAbdulGOAT 26 指標 1 天前

I'm with you


[ – ] MagicByrie_Swirving 12 指標 1 天前

Depending on your expectations I think you ’ ll be disappointed. I think his ceiling is 8th man on a decent playoff team and his floor is back to Europe within the next 3 seasons.


[ – ] HawksCounterInsanity 421 指標 1 天前

I'm still pulling for Jahlil Okafor.

老鷹球迷:我依然支持賈利爾 - 奧卡福。

[ – ] nicolaspira 61 指標 1 天前

Really think he can do good in a system that doesnt need a Big shooting 3. AKA Houston for example.


[ – ] 76erschoose_uh_username 147 指標 1 天前

He wouldn't be able to run up and down with them

76 人球迷:他可跟不上火箭的節奏。

[ – ] Wizardsa_child_to_criticize 21 指標 22 小時前

Or rebound. Or play D lol.


[ – ] RaptorsFeKrdzo 93 指標 1 天前

Houston needs rebounding, defense, speed and a good roll man. Jah checks none of those boxes.


[ – ] [ PHI ] Eric SnowKingdariush 41 指標 1 天前

Literally every single NBA team has an offense and defensive scheme that caters directly towards Jah's weaknesses. Jah wouldn't be able to last 1 quarter running with houstons team

76 人球迷:實際上每支 NBA 球隊的攻防體系都會放大奧卡福的弱點。他跟著火箭連一節比賽都跑不下來。

[ – ] LakersJan-22-2006 15 指標 1 天前

You know what Houston thrives on? Open 3 ’ s. how do you get open 3 ’ s? One way is to not wait for the defense to get organized.. you achieve this by having an athletic Center who blocks and rebounds and push the ball right away. That ’ s not jah.


[ – ] ZandrickEllison 104 指標 1 天前

With you on Noel island, my friend. Let ’ s set up resorts now and maybe they ’ ll pay off in 2020.

還真是巧瞭朋友,我也在諾埃爾島上。咱們現在建個度假村吧,也許到 2020 年我們就能開始盈利瞭。

[ – ] Bullsjayhoch4 8 指標 23 小時前

I'll eat crow if he goes to a few more teams and continues not to function, but I'm convinced he's just one right coach away from being a really solid defensive center a la Tyson Chandler.

公牛球迷:如果他再換幾支隊而且依然打不出來,我會承認我錯瞭的,但我依然相信他距離成為像泰森 - 錢德勒那樣出色的防守型中鋒隻差一個好教練。

[ – ] Celticsjcoldiron 81 指標 1 天前

Bought a condo on Marcus Smart Island. Thinking of putting in a hammock out there come summertime.

凱爾特人球迷:已在馬庫斯 - 斯瑪特島購入一間別墅。我想在那兒掛上一個吊床,等到瞭夏天去度假。

[ – ] CelticsAdolf_Hitsblunt 4 指標 22 小時前

With you, have had many an argument about Smart. Usually ends for awhile when he does some clutch shit


[ – ] Sunsdaynewma 107 指標 1 天前

Dragan Bender for the Suns.

太陽球迷:德拉甘 - 本德爾。

But in general? Boban Marjonovic. He's SO BIG!

但總體來說還是博班 - 馬裡亞諾維奇啦,他的尺寸太大瞭!

He strolls into the restricted area at will, turns around, catches the ball, and gently flips it in.


[ – ] RollMeOneKenobi456 25 指標 21 小時前

That gif is so damn funny


[ – ] ThunderRamzaa_ 6 指標 20 小時前

Tyler like "what am I supposed to do against this giant?"

泰勒 - 漢斯佈魯:臥槽,碰上這個巨人我還能怎麼辦?

[ – ] NuggetsUndead_Ensemble 29 指標 1 天前

Emmanuel Mudiay. Maybe just not with Denver.

掘金球迷:伊曼紐爾 - 穆迪埃。有可能他會換隊,但他依舊是我的 " 島 "。

same, he's like an Eflrid Payton except the mop on his head.

尼克斯球迷:同意,他就是頭上沒拖把發型的埃爾弗裡德 - 佩頓。

[ – ] BullsMcNasti 184 指標 1 天前

Derrick Rose. He won't ever be good again but I will never not pull for him.

公牛球迷:德裡克 - 羅斯。他永遠不會變得出色瞭,但我也永遠不會放棄做一個羅斯球迷。

[ – ] [ CHI ] Lauri Markkanennowandlater 78 指標 1 天前

I think he can be good again. Just not great. And he gets so much hate that it makes me pull for him even more. What happened to D Rose could basically happen to any NBA player.

公牛球迷:我覺得他會的,但不會重返精英球員行列瞭。他招瞭那麼多的恨,這反而讓我更想支持他。發生在他身上的情況有可能也發生在任何一個 NBA 球員身上啊。

[ – ] BucksAntreasas9637 35 指標 1 天前

Idk I think he was good last year. Not exactly DRose level good but you know, decent.


[ – ] Raptorspleasefeedthedino 48 指標 1 天前

I still believe Jonas Valanciunas will regularly play fourth quarters some day. Maybe not for Toronto, but somewhere.

猛龍球迷:我依然相信總有一天約納斯 - 瓦蘭丘納斯會經常打第四節比賽的,也許不是在猛龍手下打第四節,但還是會有這麼一天的。

[ – ] Raptorsjayburndawgswag 13 指標 1 天前

You should see the way raptors fans feel about him on the subreddit. I love the subreddit but man they just don ’ t give him a chance. He ’ s one of the most important players on the team

Edit: just noticed your flare



[ – ] Timberwolvesrostron92 294 指標 1 天前

Andrew Wiggins, although he has played better as of late people still seem to despise him

森林狼球迷:安德魯 - 威金斯,雖然最近他打得更好瞭,但看上去大傢還是在嘲諷他。

[ – ] [ MIA ] Dion Waiterssokeydo [ � � ] 90 指標 1 天前

I love Wiggins. His defense has improved a ton. He needs to get his efficiency up. Last night he had 29 points on 21 shots. Its not amazing but its definitely a step in the right direction.

熱火球迷:我愛威金斯。他的防守已經提升瞭許多,他現在需要提高效率。上一場比賽他得瞭 29 分但用瞭 21 次出手。不算驚艷,但這絕對是朝正確的方向邁出瞭一步。

[ – ] Timberwolvesrostron92 28 指標 1 天前

Yeah with Butler and Crawford out last night he was our only true Wing player but yeah he ’ s gotten much better. Mr. Buckets seems to have had an impact on him

森林狼球迷:是呀,吉米 - 巴特勒和賈馬爾 - 克勞福德上一場沒打,他是我們唯一真下的側翼球員瞭,而且他的確打得更好瞭。吉米 - 巴特勒看起來對他是產生瞭一些影響。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Gary PaytonVacumpencil 23 指標 1 天前

I don't love him at his contract but I think most teams would give up quite a bit to have a wing like Wiggins right now. Not to mention he still has some upside.


[ – ] [ SAS ] Danny GreenCharlie_Steve 8 指標 1 天前

I was 100% on his island in the offseason, still tentatively there, but what's the deal with his shot? It's been all over the place and really confusing me


[ – ] Timberwolvesrostron92 12 指標 1 天前

This team hasn ’ t fully melded together yet. Butler couldn ’ t find his role early on KAT was struggling on defense and Wiggins had a two week stretch from hell where he couldn ’ t buy a basket. Wiggins is usually the guy that gets the pass when the defense is drawn to Butler or KAT which is why his efficiency is all over the place. Since KAT and Butler are such dominant post up offensive players Wiggins gets open looks outside the Arc more often than not.


[ – ] PacersMebegilley 197 指標 1 天前

Jeremy Lin


[ – ] Cavaliersshoemoo 37 指標 1 天前

I hope he comes back in top form


[ – ] [ GSW ] JaVale McGeeptam 6 指標 1 天前

He can still be an All Star if he stays healthy....

勇士球迷:能保持健康的話,他還是能成為全明星的 …

[ – ] [ CHA ] Lance Stephensonborn-ready 159 指標 1 天前

Guys like Kemba Walker/Damian Lillard are gonna be left off the all star team this year. And you think Jeremy Lin really could possibly get to above their level? Come on man.

黃蜂球迷:肯巴 - 沃克和達米安 - 利拉德今年又要被全明星賽排除在外瞭。你依然認為林書豪有機會打出比他們更高階的水平嗎?現實點吧小兄弟。

[ – ] 76erslukeM22 23 指標 1 天前

I don ’ t watch any nets or hornets games so idk how Lin/Kemba comped, but Lillard not making an all star team is irrelevant to those 2 guys

76 人球迷:我不看籃網或黃蜂的比賽,所以我不知道林書豪和肯巴 - 沃克是什麼水平,利拉德進不瞭全明星和這兩個球員沒啥關系吧。

[ – ] [ CHA ] Lance Stephensonborn-ready 30 指標 1 天前

I'm just saying there are so many superior point guards to him and some of them won't make the all star team. There's no way Lin will ever really make it.


[ – ] [ PHI ] Joel Embiid76ersDynasty 337 指標 1 天前 *

Markelle Fultz. I still believe in him and his shot.

A more outlandish one, someone like Ben Mclemore, I think he can still find his footing in this league but he ’ s gotta find a good spot for him.

76 人球迷:馬克爾 - 富爾茨,我依舊相信他以及他的投籃。我再說個更冷門的球員,本 - 麥克勒摩,我依然認為他能在聯盟裡紮穩腳跟,但可能他需要找一個更適合的球隊。

[ – ] 76ersSebiix3 14 指標 1 天前

Hello, fellow Fultz islander. It ’ s crazy how quick people were to defend Lonzo and his broken shot but Fultz is already being considered a bust.

76 人球迷:富爾茨島的居民同胞你好。球迷們之前都等不及去維護朗佐 - 鮑爾和他蹩腳投籃,然而現在富兒子已經被蓋棺定論為水貨瞭。真是活久見。

[ – ] 76ersCallMeBernin 41 指標 1 天前

After his first game people were saying how Lonzo would be out of the league after his rookie contract, he wasn ’ t universally defended

76 人球迷:朗佐 - 鮑爾第一場比賽之後還有人說他會在新秀合同結束後淡出聯盟呢,並不是所有人都在為他辯護。

[ – ] [ OKC ] Carmelo Anthonyh0laSeni0r 19 指標 1 天前

It's because Lonzo always had a funky shot, even in college.

Markelle's shot changed dramatically as he was a pretty good shooter in college with a nice form. Then it all went to shit and you see practice vids of him missing shots


[ – ] MayorAvila 229 指標 1 天前

Only idiots have lost faith in him already.


[ – ] CelticsCoop1534 14 指標 1 天前

Yeah jesus imagine being that reactionary


[ – ] [ BOS ] Kelly OlynykOGlynyk26 8 指標 1 天前

Imagine thinking he wasn't gonna live up to his full potential before the draft tho. Some people didn't believe in him to begin with not just because of the recent problems


[ – ] Grizzliesjbrooks772 40 指標 1 天前

I was also on the McLemore island before this season but it's becoming increasingly evident to me that he just doesn't know how to play basketball very well.

灰熊球迷:在這個賽季之前,我也是本 - 麥克勒摩島民,但我逐漸發現他確實不知道該怎麼把球打好啊。

[ – ] Knicksyukpurtsun 13 指標 1 天前

As someone who was on reke island, you are witness that a good situation is all it takes for a player to right the ship.

Look at Gordon on the rockets balling out the last few yrs

尼克斯球迷:作為泰瑞克 - 埃文斯島前島民,我可以用親身經歷告訴你,運動員回到正軌需要的隻是一個不錯的局面。看看埃裡克 - 戈登過去這幾年在火箭的優異表現吧。

[ – ] RocketsMakGalis 26 指標 1 天前

EGod is not a good example imo, he was injured a lot in NOLA.

在我看來,埃裡克 - 戈登並不是一個恰當的例子,他之前在鵜鶘都傷成什麼樣瞭。

[ – ] HeatGiannis1995 46 指標 1 天前

I am currently standing in Derrick Williams' island. I just can't understand what went wrong with this guy.

熱火球迷:我現在是德裡克 - 威廉姆斯島民。我就是想不通他到底怎麼搞的。

[ – ] [ MIN ] Jimmy ButlerArcanePudding 46 指標 1 天前 *

Not giving a shit on defense

Refusing to play your true position ( this dude showed up and refused to play PF. He insisted at playing SF. )

Check out AndyHoops ’ video on YouTube about him.

Edit: cainelovescali, not andyhoops


第二 .,拒絕打自己的真正位置(這哥們來我狼瞭之後拒絕打大前鋒,堅持要打小前)

第三 .,你可以去油管的 AndyHoops 頻道看看關於他的視頻。

編輯:是 cainelovescali 頻道,不是 AndyHoops 頻道。

[ – ] [ MIL ] Giannis Antetokounmpoparkertokounmpo 95 指標 1 天前

Myles Turner. Multiple injuries and Oladipo ’ s improvement have forced him to take a step back. He was my pick for MIP. At least I got the team right.

雄鹿球迷:邁爾斯 - 特納。各種傷病、奧拉迪波的飛躍都迫使特納暫時朝後退瞭一步。他曾是我心目中的最快進步球員。不過 ... 我也算猜對瞭吧,畢竟真正的最快進步球員跟特納是一個隊的。

[ – ] PacersMebegilley 37 指標 1 天前

The injuries have definitely hurt, but I don't think Myles has really taken a step back on the court. Sure, he hasn't taken a step forward offensively. But defensively the impact he has is pretty amazing now. When he's hurt that really becomes evident, our defense has no rim protection without him. I think you should be proud of your residency on Pineapple Island, Myles is still a beast. And he's only 21.

步行者球迷:傷病確實對他影響巨大,但我不認為特納場上的表現退步瞭。的確,他在進攻端沒有更進一步,但他目前在防守端起到瞭很大的作用。當他受傷打不瞭的時候,很明顯,我們缺少一個籃筐保護者。你應該為自己是菠蘿島島民而驕傲。特納依然是頭野獸,而且他才 21 歲。 [ 譯註 2 ]

[ 譯註 2 ] "pineapple" 指代邁爾斯 - 特納留的菠蘿發型,同時也指代菠蘿黃顏色,步行者隊服就是黃色。

[ – ] Bullsyoudidntreddit 33 指標 1 天前

I've been on Niko Mirotic island his entire career, things are looking good right now.

Mo Harkless island isn't looking very good right now though.

公牛球迷:我從尼古拉 - 米羅蒂奇開始他的職業生涯時就成為瞭他的島民。目前情況看起來還不錯。但莫裡斯 - 哈克利斯島看起來就不怎麼樂觀瞭。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Gary PaytonVacumpencil 27 指標 1 天前

Randle Island. He's a goofy high energy player but he is very skilled and gifted. Despite being inconsistent play to play he's been the Lakers most consistent guy this year. I think he's +60% true shooting and he's a pretty smart passer when he doesn't get out of control.

凱爾特人球迷:朱利葉斯 - 蘭德爾島。他是那種一根筋式精力充沛的球員,但他也有技巧和天賦。每個回合掰開瞭看他是有點反復無常,但他也是本賽季湖人陣中最穩定的球員瞭。我記得他的真實命中率應該在 60% 以上吧?而且當他還沒有被情緒沖昏頭腦的時候,還能傳一手漂亮的助攻。

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