KD 造型像小孩,都是鄧肯給的建議?


Kevin Durant at the Taj Mahal


[ – ] Hawksplywood42 2808 指標 10 小時前

he looks like a little kid who's only getting his picture taken cause his mom is making him

他看起來就像個被媽媽 逼著拍照的小孩兒。

[ – ] JazzDurantHasGrossHair 1561 指標 10 小時前

Shirt tucked into gym shorts......


[ – ] [ TOR ] Vince CarterImThatGuyYouDontKnow 387 指標 6 小時前

"Boy fix your face. I'm sending this one to grandma. And tuck in that damn shirt. Tired of people thinking I don't take care of you"

" 小屁孩兒,註意表情,我要把這張照片發給你奶奶呢。把特麼襯衫掖進短褲裡,心好累 …… 別讓人以為我不關心你。"

[ – ] Warriorsuntouchable765 107 指標 10 小時前

His mom is the NBA in this situation lol

在這方面他媽媽可是 NBA 級別的,哈哈哈!

[ – ] WarriorsBootStrapWill 73 指標 9 小時前

Gotta show that logo

他想露出個人品牌 logo。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Brian Scalabrineet-tu-brutus 1531 指標 10 小時前

So basically, everyone thought he was 6'9, but he later revealed he is a 7 footer. But, looking at this image, even that was an understatement as he is able to touch the top of the Taj. Hence, I conclude that KD's real height is 239'6.

所以基本上大傢都認為他有 2.06 米高,但他之後自己透露有 2.13 米高。但看看這張照片,雖然沒有標註但他能摸到泰姬陵的塔尖。因此,我推測杜蘭特真實身高大約為 88 米。

[ – ] sparkbusiness 403 指標 7 小時前

Swipe left if you're less than 239 feet

如果你沒 88 米高請亮我上去。

[ – ] [ CHI ] Jimmy ButlerAK2348 291 指標 9 小時前

Is that with or without shoes?


[ – ] Lakersxxshinky 167 指標 8 小時前

Clearly with shoes. He's not a monster


[ – ] [ SAS ] Patrick MillsGGibbbz 887 指標 11 小時前

Lol looking goofy af


[ – ] [ NYK ] Steve Novakalexyxray 278 指標 10 小時前

lol imagine what the Indian Locals must think when they see him walking around, I'm sure very few even know who he is



[ – ] [ OKC ] Paul GeorgeDeadDay 428 指標 9 小時前

"Slenderman is huge in real life"

" 神秘人在現實中是巨人。"

[ – ] Pelicansholdtheholliday 210 指標 10 小時前

Guess Tim Duncan's been giving him advice on how to dress... lmao

我猜是蒂姆 - 鄧肯給瞭他穿衣建議 …… 哈哈哈!

[ – ] Lakers BandwagonDJ_Mbengas_Taco 230 指標 8 小時前

"Hello, Kelvin"

"Why are you calling me again.."

"I saw your outfit today and was disappointed"


"You're never gonna win another ring if you don't tuck in your shirt into your gym shorts"

"What does that have to do wi-"

"Everything, Kelvin"

"My name isn't.. nevermind. Uh thanks Tim"

"You're welcome Kelvin. Let me know when you need fashion or tax advice again"


"What the fuck Tim.."

" 你好啊,凱爾文。"

" 你為什麼又打電話給我?"

" 我看瞭你今天的穿搭,太讓人失望瞭。"

" 然後呢?"

" 如果不把球衣掖進短褲裡,你永遠拿不到下個冠軍。"

" 我要做什麼?"

" 所有事,凱爾文。"

" 我名字不是 …… 先不管瞭,謝謝你啦,蒂姆。"

" 不客氣,凱爾文,當你需要穿搭和報稅的建議時記得再打給我呀。"

啪嗒 …… 電話被掛斷。

" 蒂姆,你特麼 ……"

[ – ] Nuggets BandwagonSputnik3001 163 指標 9 小時前

[ – ] Rocketszshawn10 533 指標 11 小時前

You think if they play a flute, Kevin comes out of a basket?


[ – ] rzpieces 169 指標 10 小時前

You have to beat him with the flute first


[ – ] Spurs33bour [ S ] 256 指標 11 小時前

I can't stop laughing at this picture someone help


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