這些 Chinglish 你一定也說過


來源 : 史蒂芬的專欄

ID: stehouse


有些人認為,Chinglish 無傷大雅,隻要不影響溝通就好瞭。站在實用主義的角度,有可能是對的,當然這個問題見仁見智,這裡不做討論。本文純粹以一個學習者的的角度吐槽。


開頭已經說瞭,這個問題見仁見智,不討論到底有沒有必要這麼苛求。既然仍然有網友評論說 " 很多英語表達不如自己的人仍然混得比他 / 她好 ",言下之意就是沒有必要苛求準確性。這裡我隻送一句話,如果他們和你英語一樣好瞭,豈不是更甩你幾條街?


How to say it in English?


how to XXX 是名詞性結構,表示做 XXX 的方法,本身沒有任何疑問的意思。

可以理解為 How to XXX = the way to XXX

所以以上句子可以等同於 The way to say it in English? 這樣的句子的是不是讓人丈二和尚摸不著頭? 以前給美國的朋友發短信說,I'm learning bakery(我在學烘焙),我當時錯用單詞用成 bakery 瞭(bakery 是面包店的意思,其實我應該用 baking),她說瞭一句 "how to bake?" 我以為她問我 " 怎麼做烘焙 ",我就從買烤箱、怎麼打發蛋白說瞭一大堆,後來才知道她是在澄清 " 你是不是在 learn the way to bake/how to bake?


推薦說法一:How should/can/could I say it in English?

推薦說法二: How do you say it in English?


Please find below information

我見 99% 的中國人都是把 below 當做形容詞來用,包括不少外企的 HR,實際上 below 隻是副詞,不能修飾 information。Above 才可以既當形容詞又可以當副詞用, please find above information 是可以的。


推薦說法一:Please find the information below(把 below 放最後)

推薦說法二:Please find below the information(把 below 放在中間,但是在 information 前需要 the)

推薦說法三:Below is the information (below 倒裝)


He should responsible for that.

英語基礎不好的人寫郵件的時候經常犯這樣的錯誤,很多人寫的時候不會這樣寫,但是說的時候就忘記瞭,should 後少瞭一個 be。吐槽的是,微博裡各種每日一句英文,也經常有這種錯誤。比如 If you do not leave me, I will by your side until the life end(你若不離不棄,我便生死相依)。will 後面也少瞭個 be.

推薦說法:He should be responsible for that.


This maybe right.

把 maybe 這個副詞當做 may be 拆開用。但是即便是拆開,我也很少見到老外說 This may be right,一般都是用 might。再吐槽一句,中國人濫用 maybe,不管什麼情況都用 maybe,給人一種毫無把握的感覺。在表示有很可能的時候,老外都用 probably,maybe 是比較不確定。《紙牌屋》裡 Peter Russo 和他傢鄉的人說關閉瞭船廠,但是他有一項新的法案 maybe 可以讓他們重新獲得工作,結果這個 maybe 惹怒瞭他傢鄉人。如果想表示 " 我很可能是錯的 " 用 I'm probably wrong。

推薦說法:This might be right.


I don't know what's the problem.

句子的 問句要還原正常語序,要還原,要還原!

推薦說法:I don't know what the problem is.


Peter was arrived at ( in ) the office early today morning.

這是最吐槽的,拿被動語態當過去式用,特別是以前公司的香港人,通篇都是這種句法,比如 Team were planned to run production on Dec 22. 當然也有少數例外,目前隻見過 agree 可以這樣。例如:We are agreed that xxx.

另外一個吐槽點是 " 今天早上 " 用 today morning 表達,難道不是 this morning?

推薦說法 : Peter arrived at ( in ) the office early this morning.


If there is any communication related to potential quality issues might impact our PO schedule, please copy me on the email.

這是我以前公司 logistic manager 發的郵件,典型的按照中文習慣說出來的。大傢再看這句話就知道有什麼問題瞭 -If there is anything needs my help, please let me know. 按照中文的順序讀,好通順啊。正常的說法應該是 If there is anything that needs my help, please let me know. 同樣的還有,There is an accident happened in the street. 相信不少人都是這麼說的也覺得毫無問題(正常的應該是 There is an accident that happened in the street)

推薦說法:If there is any communication related to potential quality issues that might impact our PO schedule, please copy me on the email.


If plating happened an issue, the product would rust.

也是典型的按照中式的順序說的。 Happen 顯然是不能這麼用的,隻能 something happened to XXX. 比如 " 你怎麼瞭 " what happened to you?

推薦說法一: If an issue happened to plating , the product would rust.

推薦說法二: If there was an issue in plating , the product would rust.


Do you like here?

很多人帶鬼佬去餐廳或者景點,總是問這樣的話。Here 是個副詞,怎麼可以接在 like 後面? 加個 it 就自然多瞭

推薦說法:Do you like it here?


May I have your name card?

典型中式直譯,太多人這麼說,name card 是姓名牌,就是放在胸口的那種或者放在桌子上寫著你的名字的。Business card 才是名片。

推薦說法: May I have your business card?


If you have any question, please find me directly.

典型中式直譯, find 是找到,表示結果,放在這裡顯然不對,用 look for 也不對,是尋找的意思。經常有人說這樣的話 "Where are you? I'll come to find you" (你在哪裡? 我來找你),簡直無語。這裡用 see 好點 Where are you? I'll come to see you.

推薦說法: If you have any question, please come to me directly.


I ’ ll feedback you tomorrow.

這是很多做外貿或者做銷售的回復客戶郵件時的誤用,feedback 隻能做名詞。在《How google works》裡的學到用詞組 feed back. 我也聽過一個老外口頭上也說 feedback you,我好奇地問他 feedback 可以這樣用嗎,他馬上就承認是錯的 ^_^,偷懶而已。

推薦說法一:I ’ ll give you feedback tomorrow.

推薦說法二:I ’ ll feed you back tomorrow.


Is Friday OK for you?

OK for you = good for you 對某人有好處,屬於亂套介詞。

推薦說法:Is Friday OK with you?


Only if you are happy with the price, it ’ s a deal.

我發現很多人不會用 as long as 這個非常常見的固定搭配來表示 " 隻要 ..... 就 ",用漢英詞典查出來的都是 only if,但是 only if 表示 " 僅 .... 情況下 ",比如," 隻有水存在的情況下才有生命 ",就是 only if there is water。

推薦用法: As long as you are happy with the price, it ’ s a deal.

- 你昨天沒有來上班嗎

- 是的(沒來)

- Didn't you come to work yesterday?

- Yes

這種否定式的疑問句,經常把中國人繞暈,還是習慣按照中文的回答 " 是 "" 或者 " 不是 ",實際上英文的回答,和問句中加不加 not 沒關系。


- Didn't you come to work yesterday?

-No ( I didn't )

你現在很沒耐心 / 不講理

You are impatient/unreasonable

英文中如果這樣說,會得罪很多人,因為你用一個 are 就把別人完全說死瞭,正常的說法是用 being,這樣表示某時某刻這個人處於的狀態,不表示你把他徹底說死。

推薦說法: You are being impatient/unreasonable.


This is my picture

吐槽的是,這是初中英文知識,現在大把人還用錯。My picture 隻是代表這個照片是你的,比如你手機裡的照片都是你的。A picture of me 才是這是我個人的照片,我在照片裡。

推薦用法: This is a picture of me.


Where are you come from?



There should have no problem.

又是套用中文的思維 " 有 " there is 已經表示瞭 " 有 "(存在)的概念瞭

推薦用法:There should be no problem.


He only stayed here for two days.

Only 的誤用也非常普遍,only 必須緊挨著需要修飾的詞,而中文的 " 隻 " 通常和動詞連在一起,這時要看情況到底 " 隻 " 修飾哪個部分。

推薦說法:He stayed here for only two days.


One application form is only allowed to fill in one person ’ s information.

這裡除瞭 only 用錯瞭之外,也是按照中文的順序一步一步翻譯出來的。Fill 明明是要 才能 fill 這裡變成瞭 form 可以 fill 瞭。

推薦說法:Only one person ’ s information is allowed to be filled in an application form.


Please pick out the parts that are heavier than the upper limit.

Please pick out the parts whose weights are greater than the upper limit.

這種說法也不能說錯,隻是不簡潔,很囉嗦,老外通常不會這麼說。用一些前綴 over(過多), under(過少), mis(誤),out(超出) 加在動詞或者名詞前(字典上沒有沒關系,你可以自創),可以簡潔表達相應的意思。比如 overestimate ( 高估), underestimate(低估),misjudge ( 誤判),outperform ( 比 ... 強)。特別是 out 前綴,非常好用。

- 這條信息我看錯瞭

- I misread your email

- 他沒有告訴我正確的信息,所以我犯錯瞭。

- I made a mistake because of being misinformed.

- 這個產品做錯瞭

- The product was manufactured in a wrong way. ( 囉嗦)

- The product was mismanufactured ( 簡潔)

- 我的衣服已經穿不下瞭

- I outgrew my clothes.

- 這個行業比其他行業成長快

- This industry outgrew the rest.

- 十月的銷售業績比九月的要好

- October's sales performance is better than September(囉嗦)

- October's sales outperformed September. ( 簡潔 )

- 我奶奶比爺爺活得長 5 年

- My grandpa lived 5 years longer than my grandpa(囉嗦)

- My grandma outlived my grandpa by 5 years ( 簡潔 )

- 我們的產品定價過高

- Our product was too expensive when pricing ( 囉嗦)

- Our product was overpriced.(簡潔)

- 產能過剩 over capacity 產能不足 under capcity

- 煮過頭瞭 overcooked 沒煮熟的 undercooked

- 水澆多瞭 overwatered 水澆少瞭 underwatered

- 過分解讀 overread 反應過度 overreact


過熱 overheat 加熱不夠 underheat

負荷過大 overload 負荷不夠 underload

烘烤過度(烤焦)overbake 烘烤不夠 underbake


太長 overlength 長度不夠 underlength


推薦說法:-Please pick out the overweight parts.


作者:史蒂芬,湖南人士,前某 500 強外企工程師,現某知名品牌外企工程師,對職場、管理、英語有些感悟 。

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