你最討厭自己國傢的什麼? 各國人民高能作答



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今天要跟大傢分享的,是 Quora(國外版知乎)的一篇高能帖子。

這也是一篇 " 吐槽貼 " ——

▲ " 你最鄙視 / 討厭自己國傢的哪些方面?"


這篇帖子被瀏覽瞭上百萬次,各國人民的回答好幾百條。不看不知道,原來每個國傢都有那麼多槽點 ……

小海貍把所有的回答瀏覽瞭一遍,發現其中共有 5 條是中國人回答的。

現在,咱們就來選幾條吐槽圍觀一下 ……


首先,獲贊最多的這條回答來自俄羅斯 ……

@ Katherine Mesh:

I sincerely despise 2 things about Russia.


1. Doctors, teachers and elderly practically left to starve.

1、醫生、老師還有老人估計都要餓死瞭 ……

It is weird to all my foreign friends, but doctors and teachers in Russia get very low salaries, despite the fact that those two are practically the most important jobs. No one wants to be a teacher in Russia, and doctors are becoming less and less enthusiastic if they don ’ t work in private clinics. My mom is a doctor, and I remember how hard life was when I was a kid, and she was working in state-owned hospital.

真的,雖然我的外國朋友都覺得很詫異,但俄羅斯的醫生和老師即使職責重大,他們的工資依然超低!在俄羅斯沒人願意當老師,而醫生也越來越不吃香(除非去私人診所幹)。我麻麻就是醫生,在國有醫院上班。小時候我們的生活真是太艱難瞭 ……

2. Russian girls ’ low self-esteem


Everyone thinks that Russian women are so beautiful and vain, but that is indeed not true, those are exceptions.


At the age of 23 – 25 you are supposed to be married to a guy who is older, wiser and has an apartment and a car. If you are not, it is "strange" - something is probably wrong with you.

在 23-25 歲時,人們會假設你該嫁給一個比你年長比你有錢、有車有房的漢子。如果沒有?嗯,那你肯定有問題。

I am 28 and single - when I go back to Russia, a lot of my acquaintances bug me why I am not engaged yet, like it is the most important thing in the world. Pressure is actually very high, so terrified to be looked down at, Russian women under 30 settle for whomever they are dating, even if the guy is a hack.

我今年 28 歲,單身汪一枚。我回俄羅斯時,各種熟人在問我為啥還沒訂婚,搞得這是世界上最重要的事一樣。我真的壓力山大,特別怕被人瞧不起 …… 為此,許多 30 歲以下的俄羅斯女性匆匆忙忙就嫁人瞭,哪怕丈夫是個混混也無所謂。

Due to social pressure, my fellow Russian ladies waste their lives on assholes instead of exploring the world or developing brilliant careers. I truly despise that.


這樣看來,俄羅斯單身女性所承受的傢庭和社會壓力,真不是一般的大瞭 ……

獲贊第二多的答案,則出自印度人之手 ……

@Varun Adishankar:

India - Oh, I could go on and on, there are so many things which I despise, and I ’ m sure many of my fellow Indians do too.


So, the thing I despise the most about my country - the absolute lack of road sense and road safety.


My father told me this statistic - every day, the casualties from road accidents in India are the equivalent of two domestic flights - roughly 350 people per day. One person dies every four minutes on Indian roads.

我爸告訴過我這麼個數據:每天在印度出車禍掛掉的人差不多 350 個,都能裝滿倆飛機瞭!平均每 4 分鐘死一個,簡直瞭。

這哥們接下來還用瞭洋洋灑灑寫瞭許多印度的駕照考試如何不規范、道路執法如何不嚴謹等等,也是很憂桑瞭 ……

緊隨其後的一個回答,同樣來自印度 ……

@Rajkumar Elanjeran:

1. Patriarchy


In my country, patriarchy exists in all facets of life. Be it the poorest of households, or the glamorous world of Bollywood that claims to represent my country - sexism and patriarchy exists and flourishes.


2. Religious Fanaticism.


Ever since a right wing Hindu nationalist government took charge, things have only gotten worse with conservative groups getting a free pass at their fanaticism.


接下來這枚法國人則吐槽瞭些挺奇怪的東西 ……

@Lyonel Perabo:

I am French.


I can ’ t stand people burning things every National day + New Year

我實在不能理解人們為毛喜歡在國慶和新年時燒東西 ……

Or needlessly destroying both public and private property during demonstrations

或者在遊行時破壞公物和私人財產 …… 這到底有啥必要??

These suck.


本以為這漢子說話誇張瞭,結果評論下面清一色的 "I agree",也是沒誰瞭 ……

還有個印度網友跑上來抱頭痛哭:" 我們這兒也是啊!每隔一周都要這麼來幾回!" ( "Same here in India. Just that we do it every other week." )

接下來吐槽的是波蘭小哥 ……

@Jarek Michalski:

Hello and welcome to European Union ’ s armpit: Poland.

各位好啊 ~ 歡迎來到歐盟的咯吱窩:波蘭!

I wrote "EU ’ s armpit" for a reason, as there are worse places to live in Europe but they are usually outside the EU.

我把波蘭稱作 " 歐盟的咯吱窩 " 是有原因的。雖然歐洲也有比波蘭還爛的地方,但那些地方都不在歐盟范圍內嘛。

1. Openly hostile bureaucracy


2. Religious zealotry


3. Politics


每一條作者都用瞭大量的篇幅去解釋和舉例。然而看得心好累,實在沒有力氣再詳細翻譯這麼苦大仇深的吐槽瞭 ……

接著,吐槽之神降臨到瞭巴西妹子身上 ……

@Anna Paula Ferrari:

I could say the thing that bothers me the most about Brazil is the startlingly corrupt government.


Or the fact our inequality is so hideously high. Or maybe the statistic that puts "violence" at 6th on the list of main causes of death in Brazil. I, too, could lament over our chronic broken educational system. Deep crony capitalism. Paying lots of taxes and receiving no decent welfare in return. Or simply say "nothing here works properly".

還有,我們的貧富差距簡直高到嚇人瞭 …… 以及,巴西人死亡的第 6 大原因是 " 犯罪 "…… 我還能再吐槽我們又長又爛的教育體系 …… 無藥可救的裙帶資本主義 …… 高稅收低福利 …… 或者就這麼說吧,一!塌!糊!塗!

The list goes on.


想起去年裡約奧運會時的各種么蛾子,真是心塞 ……

▲裡約奧運會時著名的橫幅 " 歡迎來到地獄 "

下面這個國傢的盆友也來湊瞭熱鬧 ……

@ Mohammed Karim:

You probably heard a country named Somalia.


It's a given that nobody likes this country. I'll tell you three things that I absolutely hate about my country.


3. Everybody wants to rule the country.


To tell you the truth, Somalia is not stateless, but instead there are too many people wanted to run the state. It's not just politicians, military men, warlords or Islamists but also ordinary people are expressed desire to be a leader ( not in a good way, of course ) .

講真,索馬裡並非沒有主權,隻是太多人都想來主宰這個國傢瞭。不僅是政客、部隊、軍閥、伊斯蘭勢力,甚至一些普通人都渴望著成為大 boss,走上人生巔峰(肯定不會使什麼善招咯)。

2. They don't value their lives.


The people here have a wrong sense of priority. We don't have an emergency numbers here so if you want to call the police, ambulance or fire services, you should call a person who will call another person and that person will have to call another person and so forth.

這裡的人對於 " 重要的事 " 有種迷之誤解。我們沒有報警電話,如果你想找警察、救護車或者消防隊,你得先打給別人,然後別人再打給別人,別人再打給別人 …… 如此循環往復,一直到有人能聯系上警察救護車消防隊為止。

1. Your lives are absolutely worthless.


I'm not refering to the wars or such but the common people here.


Few months ago, two people were murdered in my area and in the same place and same manners: group of men stabbed one man everywhere in his body and died on the spot and the reason is this:


See this fake Chinese phones? They worth more than you!!


…… 中國山寨手機無辜躺槍。

對瞭,順便插一句:這條回答可能是早幾年寫的,事實上自 2013 年以後,索馬裡已開設瞭報警電話。(然而據說很多人都拿這電話當 12580 來玩,隨便問個啥都要撥,造成線路擁堵資源浪費,也是很心塞 ……)

接著,吐槽女神從索馬裡挪至瞭英國 ……

@Zeibura S. Kathau:

England here.


The one thing I absolutely despise about my country is that good infrastructure is seen solely as a means to make profit and not a subsidy.


As a result, the cost of rail travel is absolutely ridiculous. The cost of university education is absolutely ridiculous. There are still parts of the country where you can ’ t get a phone signal. There are parts of the country where there ’ s practically no public transport. There are very few spaces which offer free WiFi.

所以咯,在這裡坐個火車貴得要死 …… 上個大學貴得要死 …… 有些地方手機都沒信號 …… 有些地方連公共交通都沒有 …… 要找個有免費 wifi 的地方難如登天 ……

And our national health and education systems in general are becoming more and more like business as opposed to services.


記得之前英媒《衛報》在報道中國的 " 一帶一路 " 時,還順便對比著把他們國傢的基建設施使勁罵瞭一通 ……

▲ " 英國在自己身陷困境時無視瞭中國的萬億大項目‘一帶一路’ " ( via The Guardian )

最後登場的,是一枚美國姑娘 ……

@ Mande Peer:

I am American. I don't even know where to start.


America is a brutal, winner take all, greedy society. If you're middle class ( and most people are ) you are absolutely on your own. You are last in line for everything. You work until you die, you rarely get vacation sufficient enough to recharge you. Retirement is a thing of the past.


You will lose your job for just about anything. You have cancer? You're fired. You're pregnant? You're fired. Gotta go to your mother ’ s funeral? You're fired. This is illegal in some states but if you live in a "right to work" state, your choice of shoes could land you in the unemployment line.

任何事情都有可能讓你丟掉飯碗。得癌癥瞭?你被炒瞭。懷孕瞭?你被炒瞭。要請假參加媽媽的葬禮?你被炒瞭。當然瞭,在有些州,這些辭退員工的行為是違法的。但若你恰好不幸生活在一個 " 工作至高無上 " 的州,你哪怕穿錯瞭鞋去上班都有可能被老板炒掉。

All of this is because of one thing- industry barons. These mega corporate entities like Walmart and Big Pharma own the country lock stock and barrel.


America is an oligarchy. The wealthiest industry men and women get the same government assistance as the poor. The middle class pays the most taxes for these people, NOT THE POOR.


Which leads me to my last thing: I hate the ignorance of the average American. This is America. Your land of opportunity, your escape from oppression and tyranny.


這一番令人無奈的抱怨,獲得瞭 1600+ 個點贊。還有一些美國人在她的回答後面留言,大傢一起吐槽,抱團取暖 ……

5 個中國人答瞭些啥?

好瞭 ~ 看瞭那麼多其他國傢人民的吐槽,也該來分享下咱中國人的回答瞭。(省得某些盆友說我們隻揭別人傢的醜 …… 從來沒有啊 )


來看看這 5 個中國小夥伴的回答吧——

@Grace Wang:

I am Chinese, and care about our country so much.


1. Some companies ’ behavior s are totally shameful. For instance, Baidu company ,they will earn a lot of money by sell the location of the website when people search. Let ’ s see.



2. Most of movies, television program, TV dramas sucks.


3. The estate in china is very expensive in some city. People always worried about the market of estate will be collapse someday


4. safety of food product


There is some problem food in China, some people always be so greedy and will care more about money rather than others ’ health.


@Lily Lee:

Sex education does not exist in reality.


At school and society alike people are ashamed to talk about it. Up until now I ’ ve never taught by a single teacher or parental figure how to engage in safe sex. Interestingly enough, abortion commercials can be found everywhere.

無論學校裡還是社會上,人們羞於談性。直到現在,我爸媽或者老師都沒有教過我關於性的安全措施。但搞笑的是,人流廣告倒是隨處可見 ……

@Linda Zuo:

In China, everybody banding together.


At school, you make friends with someone, and you ’ re together forever. ( Or at least until graduation. ) You won ’ t ever be as close to that other person, because you ’ re not in the same group.


這有點誇張瞭吧 ……?

@Chloe Zhou:

Complicated connections between family members!!!!


In traditional Chinese culture, families are absolutely big … for example, your aunt, uncle, your aunt ’ s daughter, even worse, your aunt ’ s aunt are closely related to you…

在中國傳統文化裡,傢庭(傢族)是個很大的概念 …… 比方說哈,你的叔叔嬸嬸姨媽舅舅表姐堂弟姑父姨媽 …… 全都和你走得特別近 ……

Say, if you become a relatively privileged person, it ’ s your responsibility to carry everyone else in your family to make everyone else becomes privileged as well.


除瞭上面四位盆友外,留言的還有一枚來自灣灣的同胞 ……

@ Michelle Lin:

I live in Taiwan and people there think in narrow-minded ways which annoys me.


They also don ’ t say excuse me when they need to get through people on the bus. They just force their way through.

而且,如果他們在公車上想穿過人群,都不說聲 " 借過 " 的哎!就直接醬走過去的 ~

(說好的寶島人民溫柔有禮貌呢 …… 不過思想狹隘,嗯 …… 你懂的 )



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