各種美食餐廳的安利相信大傢已經吃瞭不少。獨(jian)具(zou)匠(pian)心(feng)的雙語君(微信 ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)這次給大傢帶來一份各國軍隊的美食攻略。是不是已經按捺不住,想為不走尋常路的雙語君瘋狂打 call 瞭呢!
China's first generation of field rations were composed mostly of hardtack with side dishes such as canned pork luncheon meat, mixed meat or diced pork.
The second generation introduced instant rice and instant noodles, while also adopting flexible packaging to make them easier to carry.
The latest generation of field rations are self-heating. Just pour 100ml of water into the bag and the food is hot and ready to eat in 15 minutes.
最新一代野戰食品為自熱食品,隻需將 100ml 左右的水倒入包裝,15 分鐘後便可食用。
✩ 餐譜 1:什錦炒飯、醬油炒飯、鮮脆黃瓜、速溶飲料
✩ 餐譜 2:香燜米飯、雪菜肉丁炒飯、辣椒醬、速溶飲料
✩ 餐譜 3:咖喱雞丁炒飯、雪菜肉絲面、辣味白菜、速溶飲料
✩ 餐譜 4:青豆牛肉炒飯、胡蘿卜雞丁炒飯、鮮脆黃瓜、速溶飲料
As we all know, Chinese and western eating habits are essentially different. In China, most people prefer starchy food, while in the West diets tend to contain more protein and fat. Within China, southerners love to eat rice but northerners prefer noodles, both of which can be found in the country's field rations.
The most notable difference between military rations and civilian fast food is that the former places more emphasis on nutritional value. Military rations are designed to provide up to 4,000 kilojoules per serving, replenishing soldiers' energy in the field and keeping their levels of essential vitamins and minerals topped up.
軍用口糧與民用快餐最顯著不同在於,軍用口糧特別強調食品的營養價值。軍用口糧每餐能提供 4000 千焦的能量,補充野戰條件下官兵消耗的體能需要,並保持必要維生素和礦物質的充分供應。
Military rations also need a longer shelf life, so that they are still edible once they reach their intended recipients. This can take anywhere from a few months to more than a year, making it imperative that they are long-lasting.
目前我國已經研制出最新的 17 單兵自熱食品啦!
美英戰爭時期,有一位叫山姆 · 威爾遜的肉類包裝商向美國軍隊供應牛肉,為人熱情誠實,被稱為“山姆大叔”。
1812 年,紐約州長參觀山姆大叔的加工廠時,問蓋在桶上的 U.S.(United States 的縮寫)是什麼意思。一個工人開玩笑說是“山姆大叔”(Uncle Samuel 的縮寫恰好也是 U.S.)。從此,山姆大叔聲名大噪,並被美國民眾當做自己的代表。
The current standard-issue field ration of the United States military is known as the Meal, Ready-to-Eat ( MRE ) . One pack is the equivalent of one meal. The MRE's packaging is designed to withstand rough conditions and exposure to the elements. Inside each MRE bag is an entree and a variety of other food and drink items.
目前美國軍隊的標準野戰口糧是 MRE 單兵口糧,一包相當於一頓飯的量。MRE 的包裝設計可抵抗惡劣天氣,經受得住日曬雨淋。每個 MRE 包裡面包括瞭一道正菜和若幹副食及飲品。
美國 MRE 單兵口糧
In addition to standard field rations, the US military also provides customized ration packs for people with special dietary requirements such as vegetarians, Muslims and Jews.
隨著美軍的多民族化,成員的口味和飲食習慣也變得越來越復雜,越來越不願意啃數十年如一日的 MRE,他們稱這是“反人類”的食品。雙語君(微信 ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)覺得不如就把美軍口糧外包給中國吧。
The Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force has two kinds of field rations. The first, known as Type I Combat Rations, are canned and have a long shelf life. The cans contain rice, meat, hard biscuits, vegetables and the like.
The other kind, known as Type II Combat Rations, are boil-in-the-bag. They come in flexible packaging and contain foodstuffs such as rice, fried potatoes with meat, braised vegetables and hamburgers.
炸雞啤酒、烤五花肉、海帶湯、炒年糕 …… 這些年韓劇帶火瞭一大批韓國美食。
但是,看到瞭真正的韓軍口糧後 ……
韓國二型口糧 1 號菜單,紅紅火火的泡菜調料
The preferred field ration in South Korea is similar to the Type II Combat Ration, though there are not as many menu options. Menu 1, for example, includes fried rice with kimchi, kimchi soup, three bags of seasoning and a bag of Maltesers. Menu 3, meanwhile, contains an extra bag of glass noodles.
韓國軍隊最受歡迎的野戰口糧和日本自衛隊的Ⅱ型口糧類似,不過菜單上沒有那麼多選擇。比如,餐譜 1 包括 1 份泡菜炒飯、1 份泡菜湯料包、3 包調味料和 1 份麥麗素。3 號餐譜比 1 號豐富,增加瞭一份粉絲。
俄羅斯的軍隊口糧也是極具“戰鬥民族”特色,餐譜中肉、魚、蛋、黃油、香腸和乳酪的比重較高。每人每天能吃到的肉量達到 250 克,一名士兵一年內能吃掉約 92 公斤的肉。
Russian military rations are distinctive in that they still contain cigarettes, which are not commonly found in other country's rations anymore. The cigarettes are free for soldiers, though officers need to pay for them.
Each soldier receives 12 cigarettes per day as standard, while officers can have 20 per day. Soldiers who do not smoke receive 300g of sugar instead.
香煙供應標準為:士兵每人每天 12 支香煙;軍官每人每天 20 支。不吸煙的軍人可領 300 克糖。
2013 年,俄總統普京簽署瞭“史上最嚴禁煙法”,俄國防部也取消瞭對義務兵的免費香煙供應,從而終結瞭俄軍這一延續近百年的傳統。
對比瞭這麼多國傢的軍用口糧,雙語君(微信 ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)隻想用下面這個表情包表達心情。↓↓