GMAT 閱讀的一大難點就是長度和難度都十分驚人的長難句,這類句子不僅閱讀困難,理解起來也十分費勁。考生要做好閱讀,首先就需要解決長難句問題。下面小編將對 GMAT 閱讀中常見的三種長難句類型進行分別講解,通過實例分析幫助大傢瞭解解題思路和方法,正確應對 GMAT 閱讀長難句。
解決 GMAT 閱讀長難句的總體思路
想要處理好 GMAT 長難句,總體思路必須明確,那就是把句子的主幹先抓出來,然後結合這些修飾成分有層次的理解句子。而抓住句子的核心主幹的竅門往往在於找出句子的真正謂語,因為謂語是支撐整個句子的支點。
GMAT 閱讀難句類型:復雜修飾成分
In many instances, spectators in the era before recorded sound experienced elaborate aural presentations alongside movies' visual images, from the Japanese benshi ( narrators ) crafting multivoiced dialogue narratives to original musical compositions performed by symphony-size orchestras in Europe and the United States.
本句主幹結構是 spectators experienced elaborate aural presentations alongside movies' visual images,其實非常簡單,就是說觀眾們既看到影像也欣賞到瞭音效。但是從句子一開頭的狀語 In many instances 開始,作者用 in the era before recorded sound 修飾主語 spectators,割裂瞭謂語 experienced 和主語之間的關系,然後賓語是 elaborate aural presentations alongside movies' visual images 倒不難,但是隨後用一個 from the Japanese benshi ( narrators ) crafting multivoiced dialogue narratives to original musical compositions performed by symphony-size orchestras in Europe and the United States. 來解釋這個主幹成分的句子。就使句子變得很復雜瞭。
GMAT 閱讀難句類型:層層疊加
Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective, a strain of critical opinion in the 1920 s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recorded sound.
本句也是 GMAC 的老套路瞭,為瞭把句子變長,就層層追加修飾成分,先又 Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective 所謂一個轉折的分句,然後主句是 a strain of critical opinion in the 1920 s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty ,接著用 that 引導 would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recorded sound 的長句嵌套插入成分,來修飾 novelty, 但是實際上這些都不是什麼重要的成分,大傢隻要讀出來主句結構和句子的核心意思就是以前有一種預言認為有聲電影很快就會消失就行瞭。
盡管後來人很難理解,但在 20 世紀 20 年代,一種批判性的意見預言:有聲電影是一種將很快淡出公眾視線的科技新事物,就像的許多先前把圖像和聲音結合起來的嘗試,這些嘗試可以追溯到第一次世界大戰。
GMAT 閱讀難句類型:復雜修飾 + 插入成分
Indeed, stability of the biological clock's period is one of its major features, even when the organism's environment is subjected to considerable changes in factors, such as temperature, that would be expected to affect biological activity strongly.
本句的主句結構其實特別簡單就是 stability is one of its major features, even when 引導的狀語從句 the organism's environment is subjected to considerable changes in factors, 然後用 such as 引導瞭列舉 temperature, 之後再用 that 引導從句來說明 temperature would be expected to affect biological activity strongly.
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