Topic:Important qualities of a co-worker
We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker ( someone you work closely with ) ? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.
( 1 ) 尊重你,對你有禮貌。
( 2 ) 尊重你的隱私。
( 3 ) 在你有困難的時候,幫助你。
We spend more time with our co-workers during weekdays than we do with our family. Thus, it's important for our co-workers to be the people we can get along with. In my opinion, there are certain characteristics that all good co-workers have in common. They are cooperative, considerate and humorous. ( 合作的,體貼的,幽默的 )
We no longer observe now a time that worships individual merits ( 個人崇拜的優點 ) with great enthusiasm. Everyone should cooperate with each other. Teamwork is crucial ( 重要的 ) to a business. A good co-worker is willing to contribute to the office community and not too stubborn ( 頑固的 ) to accept advice. He realizes the fact that if one's work is left not done in time, it may hold up everyone else.
Besides, a good co-worker is very considerate. He may change his own schedule to accommodate ( 使適應 ) another's emergency ( 緊急情況 ) . He may be a sympathetic listener, comforting others when they are miserable ( 註意這個不是誤解的意思哦,是悲慘的 ; 痛苦的意思 ) .
What is more, a good co-worker should have a sense of humor. His positive attitude may create a pleasant environment. When we are under the great stress of work, what we need most is not a delicious meal but merely a few good jokes to relax our nerve cells.
What I have listed is not the complete set of characters of a good co-worker, however, we can feel how comfortable it is to get along with a good co-worker. Being a good coworker is not difficult but really very necessary. Such experience of being a good co-worker will definitely contribute to other aspects of life such as friendship and a healthy lifestyle.
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