花滑女王金妍兒助力 2018 平昌冬奧會 純英文演講稿全文這裡取 !


2 月 9 日,平昌冬奧會開幕式在平昌奧林匹克體育場拉開帷幕。


說起金妍兒,她在世界花滑界的地位用 " 冰雪女王 " 來形容一點也不過分。


花樣滑冰 ( 有可能是整個體育界 ) 歷史上的唯一一個 All Podium ( 從未下過領獎臺的選手 ) 。

自 7 歲接觸滑冰,金妍兒就展現出驚人的天賦,但她的成才之路並不平坦。


12 歲時,金妍兒已經在韓國國內再無敵手,並且開始在世界青少年花滑比賽中頻頻獲獎。年少的金妍兒在冰上取得如此成就,但是誰也沒想到過她曾經幾乎要退出冰壇。

2005 年,傷病和惡劣的訓練條件,以及傢庭的經濟困難,曾讓她做出瞭參加全國比賽後就退役的決定。

2006 年,金妍兒在世界青少年錦標賽上奪得金牌,之後她的教練建議她到加拿大多倫多訓練。在多倫多,她遇到瞭前冬奧會銀牌得主佈萊恩 · 奧瑟爾 ( Brian Orser ) ,並提出希望他擔任自己的全職教練。


壓力和傷病之下的金妍兒,居然在 2007 年世錦賽短節目中第一次刷新瞭世界紀錄,並且最終排名第 3。但令人痛心的是,即使這樣的成績仍沒有韓國企業願意贊助金妍兒。

不過,即便如此,金妍兒還是微笑面對,堅持徜徉在冰場上,為瞭自己心中的夢想:那就是在 2010 年溫哥華冬奧會上獲得金牌。無論路途多麼難,她願意堅持到最後,到自己圓夢的那天。

2010 年的溫哥華冬奧會的比賽,韓國電視臺的收視率爆表。

短節目 78.5,自由滑 150.06,總分 228.56,金妍兒在一次奧運會就打破三項此前由她自己創造的世界紀錄 ! 在 20 周歲還不到之時在成年組用四年的時間實現瞭超級大滿貫 !

2014 的索契冬奧會,金妍兒以一面銀牌宣告退役。

2011 年,作為平昌冬奧會的申辦大使,金妍兒助韓國成功獲得 2018 年冬奧會的舉辦權。


我們先來看一段她對平昌冬奧會吉祥物 "Soohorang" 和平昌冬殘奧會吉祥物 "Bandabi" 的介紹吧:

去年 11 月,聯合國大會以無計名投票方式通過決議,要求 193 個成員國在平昌冬奧會期間停戰。


她回顧瞭自己 10 歲的時候,在電視機前目睹韓國和朝鮮聯袂出現在悉尼奧運會開幕式入場儀式上的一幕,聲稱 " 相信通過平昌冬奧會,和平的氣息將傳遞到全世界。"


網友們不但折服於花滑女王演講魅力,也對她 " 不帶太多口音 " 的英文表示贊賞。


Your Excellencies, good morning.

I ’ d like to thank the President of the General Assembly and Member States for giving me the opportunity to address you this morning on the role of sport and the Olympic ideal in promoting peace. I stand proudly before you today as Honorary Ambassador to the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, a former figure skater, a two-time Olympian and as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador to share my personal experience in witnessing the power sport has in breaking down the walls of race, region, language, and religion all around the world.

123 years ago, the father of the modern Olympics, Pierre de Coubertin, said, "the Olympic Spirit is neither the property of one race nor of one age." Neither – we may like to add today – is the Olympic Spirit – the exclusive property of any one nation or region of the world nor of any one religion or faith. Now, the Olympic Charter states: "the goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity." I strongly believe this is the Spirit of the Olympic Games and it represents the potential and the power of sport.

I first experienced the same spirit and power when I was ten year old, watching the South and North Korean delegations walk into the Olympic stadium together. Today, I hope to witness this power again as the United Nations General Assembly adopts draft resolution A/72/L5.

I firmly believe the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will help spread the message of peace through one of the few languages that has the power to unite people around the world: the graceful and universal language of sport.

Indeed, PyeongChang represents perhaps the most sincere effort to cross frozen border [ s ] between South and North and to foster a peaceful environment.

In particular, I ’ m confident that the upcoming PyeongChang Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will be one of the best platforms not only for transmitting this message but also for sharing the Olympic Spirit of peace for humanity with the entire world.

Today, I ’ d like to promise to everyone that I will do my best to help PyeongChang 2018 serve as the model for ( a ) successful Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in all the years to come.

In turn, I would like to ask for your continued support to help build a legacy of PyeongChang for the benefit of all future Olympic and Paralympic Games and the spirit of world peace. I humbly ask you to continue to support the PyeongChang Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games and the ideals of the Olympic Truce Movement.

I hope to see you again next year at PyeongChang.



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