Which would you choose: a higher pay job with long hours or an average pay job with normal work hours? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details 你喜歡何種工作,高薪時間長的工作還是均薪時間短的工作 ? ( 2016 年 7 月 9 日 )
A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time. 低薪假期多的工作比高薪假期少的工作好,是否同意 ? ( 2009 年 2 月 27 日 )
托福寫作立場 對比均薪工時短的工作,我更喜歡高薪工時長的工作。
① 工作是生活的重要組成部分,因此也是幸福的源泉,很多人將自己的成就感和薪水的高低聯系到一起。薪水高意味企業重視自己,意味著自我價值的證明,因此,獲得職業成就感和自豪感的機會就多。
② 經管可能休閑的時間減少,但是,高薪可以給傢人帶來更加幸福的生活。具體而言,改善居住環境,子女接受精英教育,傢人的醫療有保障,這些也是幸福的源泉。
③ 工作著是美麗的,因為人有時候不是怕忙,而是怕閑,工作,通過有建設地利用瞭時間,使人心滿意足,再也沒有無聊之感。因此,世界上即使是最枯燥的工作,也比無所事事要強。
1. a handsomely paid job with less leisure hours 高薪但休閑時間短的工作
2. a career with meager salary but normal working time 低薪但工時正常的工作
3. One of the traits of modern way of working is that people enjoy more freedom and flexibility in selecting their favorite jobs. 現代擇業方式的重要特征之一就是人們在選擇自己喜歡的事業方面更加自由、靈活。
One of the traits of …… is that …… 的最重要的特征之一就是……
4. It often happens that modern job-seekers often fall into a dilemma when faced with the option of choosing a handsomely paid job with long working hours or opting for a career with meager salary but normal working time. 求職者常常陷入兩難的困境,是選擇高薪工時長的工作好,還是低薪工時正常的工作好。
5. When it comes to the issue that whether people shall take up painstaking job with comfortable salary or the counterpart that could provide them common salary but more freedom, there never lacks debates and arguments. 當提及到是應該選擇辛苦而高薪工作,還是正常薪水但更多自由的工作的時候,人們常常爭議不斷。
6. I prefer to secure a well-paying job even though I may have less time at my disposal. 我喜歡高薪的工作,盡管我的自由時間可能減少。
7. Making large sums of money could improve my quality of life 掙到很多的錢可以提高我的生活質量
8. For example, my child can receive fine education with high quality,which can considered as a significant reward of my hard work. 例如,我的孩子可以接受精英教育 , 這就是我努力工作的重要回報。
9. Comfortable salary is the guarantee of my life,I can smell the flowers when aging 高薪是我人生的保障,老年的時候,我可以偷得餘生半日閑。
10. to take a few days off in luxurious seaside resorts when vacation comes 假期來臨,在海邊的奢華度假勝地享受生活
11. take their salary as an indication of happiness 把薪水當成是幸福的一種象征
12. a job with meager salary = have a low-paid job 低薪的工作
13. enjoy more freedom = have more time at one's own disposal 有更多的自由
14. enjoy the flexibility of work 享受工作的靈活
have a flexible working time 有更加靈活的工作時間
15. In spite of alluring economic remuneration, excessive work might make one generate job burnout and thus bring tiredness to both mind and body. Conversely, to strike a proper balance between rest and work can enable one to enjoy more pleasure brought about by work. 盡管有良好的經濟回報,但是,過度工作可能會使人身心疲憊,產生職業倦怠。一張一弛,勞逸結合,才能更好地享受工作帶來的樂趣。
16. have more time that could be allocated to their families,friends or hobbies 有更多的時間留給傢庭,朋友和愛好
17. A well-paid career indicates high social status,which could earn respect from others. Some top stars or financially richer business leaders could serve as perfect examples. 高薪工作意味社會地位高,也贏得他人的尊敬,明星和企業傢就是很好的例證。
18. Working, by occupying time constructively, makes one contented and with no time for boredom. 工作,有建設性地利用時間,使人心滿意足,再也沒有無聊之感。
19. A busy life is what every individual aspires after. 人人渴望充實的生活。
20. Provided workload is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work in this world is less painful than idleness. 假如工作不是過量的話,即使這個世界上最枯燥的工作,也比無所事事要強。
以上便是小編為同學們整理出的托福寫作語料庫關於高薪工作與均薪工作的話題,希望能夠幫助到同學們 !
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