Topic:Stay at one place or move around?
Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.
選擇哪一個都無所謂。直接選擇一個立場,文章就變成瞭羅列三個理由的簡單說明文。後者比較容易操作一些,也可以采取 it depends 的策略。小的時候,沒有選擇,父母在哪裡,自己就要在哪裡 ; 長大瞭,就會不停地尋找合適的地方 ; 到瞭老年,就喜歡停留在一個地方瞭。
( 1 ) 更好的就業發展機會。
( 2 ) 認識更多的朋友。
( 3 ) 學習另外一種文化,語言等等。
Staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Some people prefer to living in one place because they enjoy a harmonious relation with their neighbors and environments. While others prefer to move from one place to another because of various reasons, a better job, house, community, or even climate. Looking back to my education and looking forward to my future career, I have been and will be moving a number of times. But considering my personality, I would rather live in one place when I am old.
For a student, a good education opportunity is the most important concern. Students leave their homes for good university education. Different schools have different teaching styles. It is very common for students to choose among different schools to find a most suitable one. I did pursue my bachelor's degree far from my hometown, and I am pursuing my master degree at another university, and would like to pursue a ph. D abroad.
Career development is another important issue. In order to have a strong experience and to get a fulfilling job, people would work in a number of companies. In different companies, we could experience different cultures and ways of doing things. The variety of people and culture will do much good to our future career development.
However, frankly speaking, I am not an aggressive person. I would rather enjoy my live in a stable pace. When I am old and without the pressure to struggle for a better job, I would prepare to stay in a peaceful and quiet place, where I could chat with my old friends every day.
Taking into account all these factors, I would like to present myself such a solution: To try a number of places for better education and job opportunities when I am young; to stay in a peaceful place to enjoy live with my wife when I am old.
以上就是小編為大傢帶來的托福寫作真題的題目 + 解析 + 范文,大傢有沒有從中找到一些滿分范文的特點,大傢在備考時多積累一些這方面的經驗,對你的托福寫作提升是非常有幫助。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。
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