新托福寫作真題:Spend money or save them? 解析 + 范文




Topic:Spend money or save them?

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


先討論一下儲蓄的必要性以及及時享樂的好處,然後可以采取 it depends 策略進行選擇,是花錢及時享樂好呢還是把錢存起來好,要看錢的數目是多少。如果一個月賺 800 塊,隻有一個選擇,花掉。2000 塊,就可以花掉一些,存起來一些。20000 塊,就多花一些,也可以多存一些。



( 1 ) 存錢可以防備不時之需,如生病等等。

( 2 ) 存錢可以買非常貴重的商品,如房子、汽車等等。

( 3 ) 存錢放到未來花,可以更好的享受生活,如去歐洲、美洲旅遊等等。

Some people say that it is better to enjoy your money as soon as you earn it while others prefer to save the money for later. It's a difficult choice faced by lots of people because of the different attitudes they hold towards money. As far as I am concerned, I vote for the former choice, which is that it is better for one to enjoy his or her money as soon as it is earned. Spending money as soon as possible is my preference because of three reasons as follows.

First, we can observe easily in the modern society that the dominant philosophy nowadays is 'enjoy your life when you are still young'. Most young adults like to work for a period of time and then go on for a trip to visit some places they have never been to. Those trips not only help them to keep in shape but also provide them different kinds of knowledge and new perspective in looking at their environment. Other people spend the money for their leisure, which helps them to relax and go back to work with enough energy.

In the old days, it is said that people who save money in a bank understand the philosophy of thrift. Actually, economists say that in the modern world saving money in a bank is the quickest way to lose it. Moreover, none of the rich people became rich by getting interests from the bank. Living in a constantly changing world, we should adjust ourselves to accept the new ways of investing our money to different areas in order to get the most of it. That is probably the reason why most of the people nowadays put their money into business to get a better payback.

The third obvious ( 顯然的 ) reason why I prefer spending money rather than saving them is that it is part of the contribution for the economic growth in our country. If nobody has the needs to buy stuff from others and the market, nobody will think about how to produce useful products and sell them to make the most profits. Some countries continue to lower the interests in order to force people to spend their money and therefore benefit the society as well as the people themselves. In this broad view, I prefer spending money rather than saving them.

In conclusion, I prefer spending money because it benefits ourselves as well as people around us. It's also important for kids to know how to save money as a sense of thrift. Nevertheless, spending money is still the best way to make our lives enjoyable and worthwhile.

以上就是小編為大傢帶來的托福寫作真題的題目 + 解析 + 范文,大傢有沒有從中找到一些滿分范文的特點,大傢在備考時多積累一些這方面的經驗,對你的托福寫作提升是非常有幫助。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。

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