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Regional tourism —— Importing them by the shipload


Attracting tourists to Britain's regions will get tougher as the economy grows


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IN THE harbour at Portsmouth, the din of shipbuilding competes for attention with the thumping feet of tourists in its historic docks. Just metres away from sailors and shipwrights maintaining the Royal Navy's latest vessels, visitors jostle on the decks of the tiny wooden HMS Victory, searching for the spot where Lord Nelson died in battle in 1805. But with traditional shipbuilding in decline, Portsmouth hopes its burgeoning attractions can take up the slack. The numbers of people looking at its dockyard have risen in the past year, and a smart new museum to house the Mary Rose, a salvaged Tudor warship, opened in May 2013.

在樸茨茅斯的港口,造船的喧囂聲與遊客們在這個歷史悠久的碼頭上的腳步聲齊鳴。而開船者和造船者幾米開外,就是英國皇傢海軍的最新輪船,參觀的人群推搡著湧向小小的木質勝利號的甲板,搜尋著納爾遜勛爵在 1805 年戰死的地點。但傳統的造船技術正在衰退,樸茨茅斯希望這一新興的景點能夠阻止衰退。來造船廠參觀的遊客在去年有所增加,而且一座漂亮的新博物館於 2013 年 5 月面向公眾開放,新博物館陳列瞭瑪麗玫瑰號,她是一條被打撈上岸的都鐸式戰艦。

New research published on November 21st by Deloitte, a consultancy, has raised hopes that tourism can help Britain's regions reduce their reliance on other industries. It predicts that the sector will grow by 3.8% a year between now and 2025 — much faster than manufacturing, retail or construction. Tourism, it says, has been Britain's fastest-growing employment sector since 2010. Unusually, northern England, Wales, and rural Scotland — areas which otherwise struggle to attract new businesses — have recently seen particularly strong job growth.

咨詢公司德勒於 11 月 21 日發表瞭一項新的研究報告,顯示旅遊業有希望幫助英國減少對其它產業的依賴。這份研究報告預測,從現在到 2025 年,旅遊業將會每年將會上漲 3.8%,比制造業、零售業和建築業快多瞭。報告顯示,旅遊業自 2010 年起,就已經是英國發展最快的雇工部門。奇怪的是,英格蘭北部、威爾士和蘇格蘭農村這些地區卻反而努力吸引新的企業 - 格外強勁的就業增長在近期初見端倪。

But places like Portsmouth will need to attract more foreigners to keep up the current rate of growth. Deloitte forecasts that the amount international visitors spend will grow by over 6% a year, nearly twice as fast as for the domestic holidaymakers most regions currently rely on. Portsmouth is already trying to drum up more sightseers from abroad. In the same week that BAE, a defence contractor, announced 940 job losses at its shipyard in the city, Brittany Ferries and Visit Britain, which promotes tourism, launched a £3m ( $4.8m ) advertising campaign to get the French to frequent Portsmouth and its surroundings in greater numbers.

但想樸茨茅斯這類的地區,還需要吸引更多的外國遊客從而跟上現在的增長率。德勒預測,國際遊客消費的數量將會以每年超過 6% 的速度增長,幾乎是現在大部分地區目前依靠的國內遊客消費的兩倍。樸茨茅斯已經準備好吸引更多的國外遊客。同一周,國防承包商 BAE 在其市內造船廠宣佈裁員 940 人,而佈列塔尼輪渡和英國旅遊局為促進旅遊業,投入 300 萬英鎊 ( 約合 480 萬美元 ) 的廣告宣傳,以吸引越來越多的法國人出入樸茨茅斯一帶。

This task may prove more difficult than Deloitte's report suggests. Getting foreigners to venture beyond London is already hard. The capital now accounts for over 53% of their total spending in Britain, a figure that has held steady since the Olympics last year. Portsmouth's grimy centre has also struggled to attract non-Britons. According to Brittany Ferries, only 17%of its car-ferry traffic originates from France. Many drive through without stopping.

這任務或許比德勒報告中預計的難度更大。讓外國旅客繞過倫敦難度已經非常之大。現如今,首都倫敦占據英國總開支的 53%,這個數據在去年倫敦奧運會期間也依舊保持穩定。樸茨茅斯臟兮兮的市中心也同樣在努力爭取非英國人。根據佈列塔尼輪渡的數據,隻有 17% 的汽車輪渡交通來自法國。許多人都是走過路過然後錯過。

Recovery elsewhere in Britain's economy may also hamper the growth of regional tourism. The industry fears the weakness of the pound this summer will not last, as a run of good economic news buoys up its value. Hotels and attractions on the south coast already fear that this will reduce overseas bookings next year. Likewise, a strong pound has rekindled enthusiasm among Britons for holidays abroad. Many parts of East Anglia and the south-west have lost over5% of their jobs in tourism since 2010; people who used to visit are jetting off to warmer climes instead. Although foreign tourists may bring welcome cash to Britain's struggling regions, persuading Britons to keep holidaying at home will be uphill work. Portsmouth's wind- and rain swept docks this week suggested that any attraction may be strictly seasonal.

英國的經濟復蘇也會同時束縛區域旅遊業。旅遊業擔心英鎊的疲軟在今夏就會結束,因為英鎊重振雄風是個好消息。但南岸的賓館和旅遊景點已經擔心這將會減少下一年的海外預定。同時,堅挺的英鎊重燃瞭英國民眾到國外度假的信心。東安格利亞的部分地區和英國西南部自 2010 年起就丟失瞭超過 5% 的旅遊業職位 ; 過去的常客轉而乘飛機去瞭更溫暖的地方。即使國外遊客會給英國苦苦掙紮的地區帶來經濟收益,這也很難讓英國人相信宅在傢度假很費勁。樸茨茅斯港口這周的風和雨水顯示瞭任何景點都有嚴格的季節性。

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