2018 年 3 月 3 日雅思小作文真題范文(小站原創版)


為大傢帶來 2018 年 3 月 3 日場的雅思寫作小作文真題:The following charts illustrate the information about players of electronic games in South Korea in 2003.Write a passage about the charts. 本場雅思小作文為圖表題,題目有關 2003 年韓國玩電子遊戲人群信息。請看范文詳情:

全年范文匯總2018 全年雅思寫作大作文多版本合集 配小作文范文傳送(更新至 2 月 24 日場)

The three pie charts indicate significant disparities in the proportion of players in terms of age and gender and they also compare sales from a range of electronic games in South Korea in 2003. 這三張餅圖表明,在年齡和性別方面,參與者的比例存在顯著差異,而且他們還比較瞭 2003 年韓國一系列電子遊戲的銷售情況。

It is evidently shown that the vast majority of players ( 77% ) were under 35 years old, with those less than 18 years old and between 18 and 35 almost equally represented, constituting 38% and 39% respectively while less than a quarter of players were over 36 years old. Also striking to note is that males who occupied nearly three quarters tremendously outnumbered females with nearly 28%, roughly one third of their male counterparts.

很明顯,絕大多數的玩傢 ( 77% ) 年齡在 35 歲以下,年齡在 18 歲以下,18 歲到 35 歲之間的人幾乎都是相同的,分別占 38% 和 39%,而在 36 歲以上的玩傢中,這一比例還不到四分之一。同樣值得註意的是,男性占據瞭近 3/4 的比例,遠遠超過瞭女性,接近 28%,大約是男性的三分之一。



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