TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture1 文本 + 題目 + 答案解析


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TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture1 原文文本

Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture in an animal behavior class.

Pro: OK. Well, last time we talked about passive habitat selection, like plants for example. They don't make active choices about where to grow. They are dispersed by some other agent, like the wind. And if the seeds land in a suitable habitat, they do well and reproduce.

With active habitat selection, an organism is able to physically select where to live and breed. And because an animal ’ s breeding habitat is so important, we ’ d expect animal species to have developed preferences for particular types of habitats, places where their offspring have the best chance of survival. So let's look at the effect this preference can have by looking at some examples. But first let ’ s recap. What do we mean by habitat? Frank?

Stu: Well, it ’ s basically the place or environment where an organism normally lives and grows.

Pro: Right, and as we ’ ve discussed, there are some key elements that a habitat must contain – food obviously, water and it ’ s got to have the right climate and spaces for physical protection. And we saw how important habitat selection is when we look at habitats where some of these factors are removed, perhaps through habitat destruction. Um, I just read about a shorebird, the plover.

The plover lives by the ocean and feeds on small shellfish, insects and plants. It blends in with the sand, so it ’ s well-camouflaged from predator birds above. But it lays its eggs in shallow depressions in the sand with very little protection around them. So if there are people or dogs on the beach, the eggs and fledglings in the nests are really vulnerable.

Out in California where there has been a lot of human development by the ocean, the plovers are now a threatened species. So conservationists tried to recreate a new habitat for them. They made artificial beaches and sand bars in areas inaccessible to people and dogs.And the plover population is up quite a bit in those places.

Ok. That is an instance where a habitat is made less suitable. But now, what about cases where an animal exhibits a clear choice between two suitable habitats? In cases like that, does the preference matter? Well, Let's look at the blue warbler.

The Blue warbler is a songbird that lives in North America. They clearly prefer hard wood forests with dense shrubs, bushes underneath the trees. They actually nest in the shrubs, not the trees. So they ’ re pretty close to the ground, but these warblers also nest in forests that have low shrubdensity. It is usually the younger warblers that nest in these areas because the preferred spots where there are a lot of shrubs are taken by the older, more dominant birds.

And the choice of habitat seems to affect reproductive success. Because the older, more experienced birds who nest in the high density shrub areas have significantly more offspring than those in low density areas, which suggests that the choice of where to nest does have an impact on the number of chicks they have.

But a preferred environment doesn't always seem to correlate with greater reproductive success. For example, In Europe, studies have been done of blackcap warblers. We just call them blackcaps.

The Blackcap can be found in two different environments. Their preferred habitat is forests near the edge of streams. However, blackcaps also live in pine woods away from water. Studies have been done on the reproductive success rates for the birds in both areas, and the result showed surprisingly that the reproductive success was essentially the same in both areas – the preferred and the second choice habitat. Well. Why?

It turned out that there were actually four times as many bird pairs or couples living in the stream edge habitat compared to the area away from the stream. So this stream edge area had a much denser population, which meant more members of the same species competing for resources, wanting to feed on the same things or build their nests in the same places, which lower the suitability of the prime habitat even though it ’ s their preferred habitat.

So the results of the study suggest that when the number of the competitors in the prime habitat reaches a certain point, the second rank habitat becomes just as successful as the prime habitat, just because there are fewer members of the same species living there. So it looks like competition for resources is another important factor in determining if a particular habitat is suitable.

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TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture1 題目文本

Question 1 of 6

What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To compare active habitat selection with passive habitat selection.

B. To show that most habitat preferences in animals are learned.

C. To compare the habitat requirements of several bird species.

D. To examine the consequences of habitat selection by animals.

Question 2 of 6

What element of the plover's habitat in California was threatened?

A. The availability of food.

B. The availability of water

C. The safety of nests from human activity

D. The protection of nests from predatory birds.

Question 3 of 6

What does the professor illustrate with the example of the blue warbler?

A. The relationship between human activity and habitat loss.

B. The relationship between habitat and reproductive success.

C. The advantages of habitats with low vegetation density.

D. The reproductive advantage that young warblers have over older warblers.

Question 4 of 6

Why does the professor mention the population density of blackcaps in two different habitats?

A. To explain the similar reproductive rates in the two habitats.

B. To explain the relation between a species' population density and its nesting behavior.

C. To illustrate the advantages of a preferred habitat over a secondary habitat.

D. To illustrate the possible impact of making a poor habitat selection.

Question 5 of 6

According to the professor,why did some blackcaps choose a secondary habitat?

A. They were following a moving food supply.

B. Their preferred habitat was taken over by another bird species.

C. Their nesting sites were disturbed by human activity.

D. Their preferred habitat became too competitive.

Question 6 of 6

What can be inferred about the professor when she says this?

A. She realizes that she just contradicted a statement she made earlier.

B. She is about to discuss another aspect of the topic.

C. She thinks the answer to her question is obvious.

D. She wants students to recall a case that she has already discussed.

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更多最新,最 in 的托福資訊,關註公眾號:小站托福 ( ID:xiaozhantuofu2015 )

TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture1 答案解析


題目解析:一般教授都會在 lecture 開始回顧上次課的內容並說明這次課程的主要內容。So let's look at the effect the preference can have by looking at some examples, but first let ’ s recap. look at the effect,即 the consequences. 選擇 D。

Question2 of 6


題目解析:教授說瞭,如果人和狗在沙灘時,egg 就易受傷瞭,而 C 又很多人類 development。顯然 plover 是收到的人類活動的威脅。


題目解析:And the choice of habitat seems to affect the reproductive success. 可以推斷,他說的是 habitat 和 reproductive success 的關系。


題目解析:說 population density 是一樣的,後面問 why? 可知 why 後面是其對前面的解釋。

題目解析:選 D,其他選項沒有提及。there are fewer members of the same species living there 和 D 選項的 too competitive 對應。

題目解析:從 but now 開始,是一個轉折,開始瞭一個新的話題。

以上就是小編為大傢整理瞭 TPO8 托福聽力 Lecture1 文本 + 題目 + 答案解析,大傢可以邊借助 TPO 模考軟件聽音頻看看自己哪些地方聽不懂,然後來看看原文,同時對練習托福聽力精聽也是很有幫助的。最後,小站教育編輯預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。

更多最新,最 in 的托福資訊,關註公眾號:小站托福 ( ID:xiaozhantuofu2015 )


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