你想參加一場幹貨滿滿,而又不枯燥的 workshop?
在 8 月 JoffreLab,就有這樣一個機會
Joffrelab x Northwestern Medill IMC & Media Workshop
來自美國頂尖學府西北大學著名 Medill 學院與 Joffrelab
在 8 月
聯合為你準備瞭一次零距離瞭解 Medill 學院
瞭解新聞傳媒以及整合市場營銷專業的 Workshop
西北大學的美國西北大學王牌學院 Medill 新聞傳媒學院包括副院長、國際招生部主任等在內的共 4 名老師將到訪 JoffreLab,也就是說參與活動的學生有機會直接與頂尖教授、傳媒大咖們共同開展、參與課題以及 Workshop,同時零距離與招生官接觸。
時間:8 月 23 — 26 日
地點:外灘 SOHO D 棟 105 JoffreLab
對 Workshop 有興趣參加的同學可以掃描以下二維碼, 添加我們工作人員,瞭解詳情並報名哦!
左一 : Nick,西北大學國際部 Director,左二 : Jenna,西北大學王牌學院 Medill 的執行院長,左三 :Joffre 求府教育文化發展集團 CEO
Date 23
( 9:30 am to 11:30 ) Introduction of Northwestern University and Medill IMC.
Medill Integrated marketing communications ( IMC ) is a strategic approach through which organizations drive performance by engaging, serving and communicating with consumers and other constituents. IMC combines qualitative understanding of consumers with large-scale analytics to develop communications and content that build and maintain strong brands. Grounded in advertising and direct media communications, IMC has emerged as the premier way for organizations to manage customer experiences in the digital age.
( 2:00 pm to 3:00 ) Ice-breaking & team building.
( 3:20 pm to 5:20 ) Welcome Banquet and campus life.
Nick will be hosting an introduction of what campus life is like in United States, especially in Northwestern University.
2:00 —— 5:20
關於西北大學和 Medill IMC(整合營銷傳播項目)
西北大學的美國西北大學王牌學院的大神們將與學生們一起進行破冰以及團隊建設;歡迎宴會和校園生活,西北大學國際部 Director — Nick 將詳細介紹美國的校園生活,以及在西北大學學習生活是怎麼樣的體驗。
Medill 學院整合營銷傳播(IMC)是一種戰略途徑進行組織的驅動性能,服務和與消費者溝通和其他成分。IMC 將消費者的定性理解與大規模分析相結合,發展通信和內容,建立和維護強勢品牌。在廣告和直接媒體溝通的基礎上,IMC 已經成為組織在數字時代管理客戶體驗的首要途徑。
西北大學的 Medill 新聞學院培養瞭眾多知名記者和政治活動傢,其中包括三十八名普利策獎獲得者。學院之下包括新聞業 ( Journalism ) ,大眾傳媒(Media),與整合市場營銷(Integrated Marketing Communication)
Date 24
( 9:30 am to 11:30 ) Marketing Mix class section.
Marketing Mix Analysis provides a basic understanding of marketing mix modeling which relates marketing variables such as price, distribution, advertising and promotion to sales performance. The course includes the analysis of historical data to develop marketing mix models and apply them to marketing communications decisions. The course involves statistical tools and time series analysis to evaluate brand sales over time. Additionally, the course provides a broad understanding of sales promotion and its conceptual underpinnings. Students should also understand how sales promotion and advertising programs are planned and analyzed by a wide range of organizations, including manufacturers and retailers. Particular emphasis is given to new sales promotion principles which are being established as a result of retail store scanner data and scanner panels.
( 2:00 pm to 4:00 ) Marketing Mix case project.
Di will be taking the lead on Cola Case intro and discussion.
( 4:00 pm to 5:30 ) Mentoring and problem helping section.
Step-by-step case analyzing Cola case, students will learn how the marketing mix model works in real life business and hence help leaders making better decisions.
9:30 —— 5:30
(9:30 AM to 11:30)營銷組合類部分、營銷組合案例計劃、Medill 將對可口可樂案進行介紹和討論、問題指導和幫助部分、詳解可口可樂案例,學生將學習如何營銷組合模式,並幫助領導人作出更好地決定。
Date 25
( 9:30 am to 11:30 ) Media & Communication class section.
Media Economics and Technology familiarizes students with the media industry and its business practices, operations, content and technology with an emphasis on the digitization of media channels and platforms. The course establishes an understanding of the basic economic principles that underlie media businesses and the markets through which audiences are aggregated for advertisers. Emphasis is placed on the roles of audience measurement and media technology in shaping the content of media and the capabilities of advertising and other brand communications to reach audiences. The course emphasizes how the ongoing convergence of media content and commercial messages is redefining the media business and the world of marketing communications. In providing students with a solid understanding of the media business, the course provides a background for future coursework in strategic marketing communications through any media technology.
( 2:00 pm to 4:00 ) Media & Communication case project.
Face-to-face engagement with the class leading a discussion that stems from an assigned reading. Teams will be formed and each team will present a discussion with the class stemming either from information that students will read over a few sessions. Due dates will vary with assignments made the first week. Students need to engage the class on an area stemming from the reading since all will have read the text. Oral discussion is an important part of communication.
Students will decide on a company or product in the area to focus on for a content strategy that includes a multimedia piece. You will then set the multimedia piece within the context of an overall marketing and content strategy, using IMC principles.
所有人將進行一次面對面討論,同時分組,每個小組將提出一個討論問題,學生將查閱幾屆會議的信息。學生需要在課堂上參與討論,這也是交際的重要組成部分。學生將模擬決定某個領域的公司決策或產品制定,專註於包含多媒體內容的策略。使用 IMC 原則,在整個營銷和內容策略的上下文中制作多媒體說明。
Date 26
( 9:30 am to 12:00 ) Group presentation and class discussion.
For each case, students will be asked to address specific questions which the instructor will provide in class. Strive for brevity in their responses and try to include any relevant data to explain/justify the answers. For group cases, teams will consist of 4 students.
( 2:00 pm to 5:00 ) Career workshop and award announcement
9:30 —— 5:00
全美本科排名 12
世界排名 20
Medill 新聞學院全美排名第一
想對西北大學和新聞媒體 / 市場營銷專業瞭解更多?
公認的全美新聞學院中最好的之一 Medill 學院到底怎麼樣?【留學課外實踐活動幹貨】熱門申請專業 IMC 整合市場營銷是什麼?
歡迎關註 Joffrelab 公眾號
Joffrelab 高端留學活動實踐平臺隸屬於 Joffre 求府教育文化發展集團下的一個致力為留學生提高軟實力提供有效的專業留學生活動及背景提升服務。我們擁有豐富的國內外知名企業資源、海量知識儲備的專業導師力量,以學生目標專業為基礎,為預備出國的學生提供個性化創業項目定制、高端企業資源對接、高端國際競賽、以及知名職業實訓等項目。同時,Joffrelab 也是首傢學生社團活動孵化器。