When you choose a university,do you care more about its graduates' vocational development than its professors' fames? 選擇大學,你更加關註就業前景還是教授名譽 ?
1. 教育是投資,每個投資者渴望獲得良好的回報 ( 職業前景 ) ,即是穩定高薪的有前途的工作。 ( 例證展開 )
2. 在專業有優勢的學校學習,學生們更有機會成為專業領域的專傢,有機會去名企或者為自我創業打下堅實基礎,職業生涯有機會更加輝煌。
3. 知名教授對於求學者也有吸引力,但是,師從知名教授有風險,教授可能會選擇其他高校,同時,教授可能忙於自己的學術追求,無暇關註學生,所以,師從著名教授是有風險的。
1. Education is one of the key words of our time. A poorly-educated man, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adversity, deprived of one of the greatest opportunities. 教育是時代的關鍵詞匯,一個人沒有受過良好教育,我們認為,是逆境的犧牲品,被剝奪瞭最寶貴的機會。
2. Which is the chief aim of furthering one ’ s education in a university or college? 一個人進入大學進修學習的主要目的是什麼呢 ?
3. Those who are well-equipped with career-oriented knowledge and pragmatic skills will be more competitive in the future job-seeking. 學習以擇業為導向的知識以及實用性的技能可以幫助一個人提高未來職業的競爭優勢。 ( 重點背誦 )
4. To specialize in those job-related courses is a necessary preparation for one to enhance future job prospects. 在與工作相關的課程領域中變得精通是重要的就業準備,一個人可以提升就業前景。
點評:specialize in = zero in on v 專門學習
5. When it comes to whether we shall choose to study in a university that ensure rosy career prospects or the counterpart that owns prestigious professors, people hold divergent views. As I see it, however, there is always preferable and feasible to attend those universities that could conduce to graduates ’ vocational achievement. 當提及到是否我們應該選擇可以保障未來就業的大學, 還是選擇擁有知名教授的大學的時候,人們有觀點差異,但是,我認為,選擇大學,應該選擇可以提升畢業生職業成就的學校。 ( 完美題目改寫 )
點評:When it comes to whether we shall choose to …… or …… , people hold divergent views. As I see it, however, there is always preferable and feasible to ……當提及到是否我們應該選擇 A 還是 B 的時候,人們的觀點差異,但是,我認為,選擇……更加可取可行。
6. The first of my convicting argument would be that …… 我的第一個令人信服的論據就是……
7. Many of us need to have a comfortable salary to maintain a decent life after graduating from the university. 我們很多人大學畢業,需要高薪以維持體面的生活。
8. In this sense, acquiring job-related knowledge will enable one to outshine other job candidates in terms of getting a reasonable career. 因此,學習和擇業相關的知識可以幫助學習者在未來的求職中脫穎而出,找到理想工作。
outshine other job candidates v 使其他的求職者相形見絀 ( 寫作亮點 )
getting a reasonable career v 找到一份好工作 ( 寫作亮點 )
9. Although choosing to follow a famous educator sounds appealing to some extent,I still have a preference for being good at specialized knowledge in career-oriented domain 師從知名教育者有吸引力,但是,我依然喜歡在就業領域精通知識。
點評:be good at = excel in = be well-versed in v 精通於……
10. Education is an investment in which every investor desires to earn high interests. 教育是投資,每人喜歡獲得高額利息。
11. top university = prestigious university n名校
12. sb will stand more chances of becoming an expert in a specific field v 某人有更多機會成為一個領域的專傢
點評:domain = field n 領域
13. enhance one ’ s competitiveness in the future job-seeking v 提高擇業優勢 ( 重點背誦 )
14. …… lay a solid foundation for future self-employment v 為自我創業打下堅實基礎
15. To study with top professors is never without its advantageous aspects. 師從著名教授遠非沒有其利好
點評:is never without 遠非沒有……
16. Some possible drawbacks inevitably ensue 一些潛在的弊端隨之而來 ( 引起弊端 )
點評:ensue v 跟著發生
17. Renowned college professors are too busy to educate or guide their students because they always have their own academic pursuit. 教授過於忙碌,可能沒有時間教育指導學生,因為教授也許更多地忙於自己的學術追求。
點評:renowned = famous = prestigious adj 著名的
點評:prominent = eminent = excellent adj 優秀的 ; 傑出的
18. I encourage senior high school leavers to acquire career-oriented knowledge and job-oriented skills so that they can better meet the requirement of relevant enterprises when entering the society. 我鼓勵高中畢業生去學習和職業相關的知識技能。當他們步入社會的時候,可以更好地滿足企業的需求。
以上便是小編為同學們整理出的托福寫作語料庫關於選擇大學看重就業前景還是教授名譽的話題,希望能夠幫助到同學們 !
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