托福聽力課外資料練習:科學美國人 60 秒蚊子消化熱血相關內容分享


在托福聽力考試的備考過程中,科學美國人 60 秒相信大傢一定用得比較多,那麼大傢平時是如何利用這個課外資料的呢 ? 這裡小編整理瞭科學美國人 60 秒:蚊子消化熱血的內容分享,大傢一起來學習一下吧。

科學美國人 60 秒聽力練習:蚊子消化熱血

科學美國人 60 秒英文文本

Mosquitoes maintain a body temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. But when a mosquito suckssome toasty warm blood, its body temperature canrocket up. It ’ s like developing a huge fever almostinstantly. That sudden heat can disable theirdigestive machinery. But rather than just dining off cold-blooded animals, they've evolved away to beat the heat. So says a study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences. [ Joshua Benoit et al., "Drinking a hot blood meal elicits a protective heat shockresponse in mosquitoes" ]

As a mosquito's body temperature rises during a warm blood meal, its guts are flooded with asubstance called heat shock protein 70. That heat shock protein acts as a sort of chaperone, keeping digestive enzymes from being curdled, and escorting any damaged ones to the wastebin. Other bloodsuckers like bedbugs produce heat shock proteins too — as do we, during afever.

But when researchers blocked production of that heat shock protein and let mosquitoes feast, the blood meal sat longer in their guts. Which indicates that their digestion was impaired. Andas a result they produced a quarter fewer eggs. So researchers looking to cut mosquitopopulations might try figuring out a way to make them have trouble digesting a hot meal.

— Christopher Intagliata

科學美國人 60 秒中文翻譯:

蚊子體溫保持在華氏 70 ° 左右 ( 譯註:21 ° C ) ,但當它吸入一些暖和舒適的血液時,它的體溫就會急劇上升,就像立刻發瞭高燒一樣,那突如其來的熱量會破壞它們的消化機能。與其僅僅吸食冷血動物,它們倒進化出瞭一種對抗熱量的方式。《美國國傢科學院刊》在一份研究中這樣說道。【Joshua Benoit et al,吸食熱血在蚊子身上引出一種保護性熱休克反應】

當蚊子體溫在吸食熱血中上升時,它的腸道中充滿瞭一種名為熱休克蛋白質 70 的物質。那種蛋白質作為一種伴侶蛋白,阻止瞭消化酶的凝結,同時把所有損壞的蛋白質轉移到垃圾箱中。其他吸血動物如臭蟲也能產生熱休克蛋白質 --- 我們發燒時也一樣。



. — Christopher Intagliata

以上就是小編為大傢整理的科學美國人 60 秒::蚊子消化熱血的文本以及翻譯,大傢練習的時候還可以找來音頻資料一起練習,效果定會更好。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。


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