西蒙斯米切爾誰是 ROY?美球迷:比不瞭


本 - 西蒙斯關於他和多諾萬 - 米切爾之間的比較:" 我們是兩種不同的球員,你懂的,他是個得分手;而我呢,大傢都知道,是得分手 + 籃板手 + 傳球手 "

Ben Simmons on comparisons between him and Donovan Mitchell: "We ’ re two different players you know, he ’ s a scorer and I ’ m a, you know, scorer, rebound, pass guy."

[ – ] [ UTA ] Kyle Korverwartortle87 211 指標 7 小時前

Is this an old video or is he just repeating the exact statement he made in January that was posted here?


[ – ] 76ersiFartBubbles 262 指標 7 小時前

Old video to drum up arguments

76 人球迷:應該是放出來炒作用的舊視頻。

[ – ] Warriorstalanted_o 573 指標 8 小時前

just going to drop this here for fun.


[ – ] 76ersHelreaver 64 指標 8 小時前

What the fuck


[ – ] 76ersxjcs97sy 247 指標 8 小時前

I still wanna fuck him


[ – ] CavaliersIMPERIALteig 156 指標 7 小時前



[ – ] CelticsDanzeyy 96 指標 6 小時前



[ – ] [ HOU ] Chris PaulYaboiVane 104 指標 6 小時前



[ – ] [ HOU ] Chris PaulYaboiVane 171 指標 6 小時前


[ – ] JazzRyelen 181 指標 8 小時前

I love both these rooks and that was hilarious, he probably should of put defense in there as well.


[ – ] 76ersMotorQuantity 117 指標 8 小時前

When they're both in their primes, you should loan us Mitchell for a year to win a championship and we'll loan Simmons to you for the next year to get a championship there.

76 人球迷:假設他們倆都在生涯巔峰狀態的話,你們應該把米切爾短租給我們一年去爭冠,下一年我們再把西蒙斯短租給你們去爭冠,皆大歡喜,雙贏。

[ – ] JazzTamponSmoothie 83 指標 6 小時前

I wouldn't be mad if Simmons won ROTY, of course Simmons good. If Simmons becomes the next Magic Johnson and Mitchell becomes the next Kobe then I'll be down with that.

ROTY or not as a small-market Jazz fan i'm just happy we have a player that's even in the talks for contending for ROTY, last thing I thought before the season begun.


[ – ] Spursmdivan 41 指標 5 小時前

This. I mean everyone knew simmons was something special but no one expected this much from donovan, you guys won fucking jackpot and who gives a fuck about ROTY, kobe didn't won ROTY, a lot of great players didn't.. in the end of the day I think that we have very special talent in simmons and mitchel and everyone should be happy. I know I'm happy for yazz cause you have great organization and deserved such luck.


[ – ] PelicansBobyus 46 指標 6 小時前 *

Fans in /r/nba and in general seem to be biased against Shooting Guards because they base everything on stat sheets. Often using arguments such as "but X is a better passer and rebounder".

這個論壇裡的球迷是不是對 " 得分後衛 " 這個角色有什麼偏見啊?所有的東西都拿數據說話。老是愛用一些論據來爭辯:"A 是很好,但是 B 是一個更好的傳球手和籃板手啊 "。

Name one Shooting Guard in history with huge passing and rebounding numbers. It's not what the role is about. SG's aren't there to create play and rebound the ball, they are there to shoot and score. It's what they do.

Just because they don't have big numbers besides points doesn't make them bad at it


[ – ] JazzomgilovePopScience 52 指標 7 小時前

The jazz also don't have an offense that sets up guards to have many assists, hence Rubio playing amazing yet average far less assists than in Minnesota


[ – ] 76ersBirdRights 32 指標 5 小時前

Mitchell is a better playmaker than his numbers suggest, but i also think it's fair to say Simmons is on a whole other level in that aspect of the game without it being a knock on Mitchell.

the only rookie PG i can remember running a team this well and put up these numbers is CP3. before him it was probably Kidd. and before that, Magic.

just sucks that people are so eager to point out the flaws in both players' game. at this point i would be happy if they split the award if it meant everyone would stop

76 人球迷:米切爾的組織進攻能力要比他的統計數據顯示得要好,但西蒙斯在這方面的表現無疑是更高水準級別的,這不是在批評米切爾哈,但是以我僅有的看球經歷來說,能像西蒙斯這樣把球隊進攻梳理得如此井井有條而且統計數據又好看的新秀控球後衛,隻有保羅瞭,再上一個可能是基德吧,再往前數的話還有魔術師。


[ – ] KnicksRUBEN4iK 240 指標 8 小時前



[ – ] [ PHI ] Markelle FultzJoelEmbeast 145 指標 7 小時前

Compared to most rookies he's a pretty good scorer. He's the 2nd best scorer in this rookie class undoubtedly.

76 人球迷:和大多數新秀比起來他確實是很強的得分手啊,他們 bkx 新秀裡綜合得分能力排第二沒疑問吧。

[ – ] [ HOU ] Sleepy FloydJimHarden 38 指標 8 小時前

How is what he said wrong? He can score pass and rebound. I don't see this as shade towards Mitchell. I'm sure Simmons would acknowledge that Mitchell is a better scorer


[ – ] fvertk 198 指標 8 小時前

The idea that Mitchell is just a "scorer" is kind of a petty insult to Mitchell's game. He's not just a scorer. Look at Mitchell's recent numbers, he's averaging around 5RPG and 5APG lately. This guy can rebound like this pretty much anytime he wants. He's making passes like this ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROv0fZlfb3U ) . And hell, he was KNOWN as a strong defender coming out of the draft.

把米切爾稱作 " 純得分手 " 是對他能力的極大的不尊重,根本不準確。看一下米切爾最近的統計數據就一目瞭然,他最近場均都快達到 5 籃板 5 助攻瞭。這傢夥想搶籃板就能搶到,想助攻也沒問題(見下面視頻),更別提他自從選秀開始就是以防守強悍著稱的。

This narrative is happening based off averages. Mitchell has Gobert/Favors getting rebounds and Rubio being the playmaker. Also, factor into it that even RUBIO's assist numbers have dipped due to the Jazz college team "everyone touches the ball" offense.


If Mitchell isn't a "rebounder" or "passer" just because he averages less than Simmons, I don't think Simmons can call himself a "scorer" by his own logic.


[ – ] WestbrookRapedMe 201 指標 8 小時前 *

Simmons is clearly better at everything except shooting


[ – ] LakersDeadToWrites 134 指標 8 小時前

Shooting and scoring in general.


[ – ] [ TOR ] OG AnunobyDascewlm8 55 指標 5 小時前

The two least important things in today's nba

猛龍球迷:嗯,投射和得分,當今 NBA 最不重要的兩項技能!TX。

[ – ] 76ersHelreaver 94 指標 8 小時前

He's a candidate for All NBA Defense second team. He's very good.

76 人球迷:西蒙斯完全有資格競爭一下最佳防守二陣吧,他的防守真的不錯。

[ – ] Jazzjar_jar_blink 65 指標 8 小時前

This is dumb. They're both great players. They have different responsibilities on their respective teams. But Mitchell is certainly not a slouch when it comes to rebounding or passing. Anybody who says that is not watching him.


[ – ] Raptors6GodInTraining 1042 指標 8 小時前

LeBron James on comparisons between him and Michael Jordan: "We ’ re two different players you know, he ’ s a scorer and I ’ m a, you know, scorer, rebound, pass guy."

" 詹姆斯關於他和喬丹之間比較的評價:' 我們是兩種不同的球員,你懂的,他是個得分手;而我嘛,大傢都知道的,得分手 + 籃板手 + 傳球手 "。

[ – ] 76ersTheSameAsDying 223 指標 7 小時前

That's totally valid though. Jordan was a scorer with a great all-around game, LeBron is an all-around player who's great at finding his spots.

76 人球迷:沒毛病啊老鐵,喬丹是個超強得分手,其他能力也不弱,而詹姆斯則是個全能型球員,最擅長的就是找到合適的出手機會。

[ – ] Cavaliersswagzer 28 指標 5 小時前

MJ was actually a decent rebounder and passer though.


[ – ] CelticsBipolarConfidence 63 指標 5 小時前

MJ was also a fucking great point guard, but didn't play that position because he didn't like it.

凱爾特人球迷 1:喬丹打控衛也很禽獸的,他不打隻是因為他不喜歡打這個位置。

[ – ] [ BOS ] Jayson TatumMrMojo18 39 指標 4 小時前


He averaged 32 8 8 for a season.

凱爾特人球迷 2:僅僅是不錯嗎?這傢夥可是有個賽季場均 32+8+8 啊。

[ – ] RaptorsToronto416ix 332 指標 7 小時前

Are we really going to do this right now? Ever heard of all defensive team?


[ – ] HeatMorrocanMandingo 55 指標 6 小時前

I ’ ll never understand how fuckin Kobe got 9 all defensive first teams. He was a great defender for a while but god damn was like half of that based on reputation.


[ – ] LakersSeltzz 288 指標 6 小時前

Have you ever seen Kobe play lockdown on someone? Shit could make panties drop.


[ – ] KnicksFoundmybeach 144 指標 5 小時前

Dude locked down LeBron in the All Star game like dead in the middle of LeBrons prime, at the end of his own career


[ – ] San Diego Clippersthisistheusername105 122 指標 4 小時前

I watched this, and it was amazing, but I do take some issue with using any ASG performances to make judgment calls about any part of a player's legacy. Just my .02


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