

美國《時代》(Time)雜志近日揭曉瞭 2017 年世界最具影響力的 30 名青少年(The 30 Most Influential Teens of 2017)榜單。


To determine TIME’s annual list, we consider accolades across numerous fields, global impact through social media and overall ability to drive news.


accolade [ ˈ æk əˌ le ɪ d ] :榮譽

瑪利亞 · 奧巴馬、洛德和馬拉拉都曾榜上有名。

在看今年的榜單時,雙語君(微信 ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)看到瞭一個熟悉的身影,這不是王源嗎?


對於王源的入選:《時代》雜志說,王源並不是那種“紋著紋身的流行音樂偶像”,但這絲毫不影響 TFBOYS 的影響力:

With lyrics like “ polish your leather shoes, put on a suit … arrive at every place with head held high, ” Wang is not exactly the tattooed bad boy of Chinese pop. But that hasn’t stopped his singing trio, TFBoys, from ruling the charts. Since its founding four years ago, TFBoys has amassed more than 20 million fans on the Twitter-like microblog Weibo and reportedly sells some $17 million worth of branded merchandise every month.

唱著“皮鞋擦亮,換上西裝 …… 昂首到達每一個地方”的歌詞,王源並不是那種紋著紋身的壞男孩形象的流行偶像。但這並不影響王源所在的三人組合 TFBOYS 稱霸各類排行榜。組合成立四年以來,TFBOYS 的微博粉絲達到 2000 萬,據說他們每月帶動 1700 萬美元的周邊品牌商品的銷售。

除瞭作為 TFBOYS 組合中的一員,王源本人還參演過電影、電視劇,還曾被任命為聯合國兒童基金會青年教育使者。


And Wang, who goes by the English name Roy, is poised for even greater success: As a solo act, he has also appeared in a bevy of movie and television roles, and was appointed a UNICEF Special Advocate for Education.

王源的英文名是 Roy,他正向更大的成功邁進。他曾獨自出演過一些電影和電視劇,並曾被任命為聯合國兒童基金會青年教育使者。

今年年初,王源受邀在紐約聯合國總部出席聯合國經社理事會 2017 青年論壇(ECOSOC Youth Forum 2017)。

會上,王源作瞭 2 分鐘左右的英文發言,呼籲關註優質教育,自信淡定,向世界傳達中國青年的聲音,贏得瞭與會者的掌聲。


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My passion for 2030 is that every young person can access good quality education, girls have the same potential to achieve amazing things as boys.

我期望在 2030 年,每個年輕人都能獲得優質教育。女孩和男孩一樣,都有潛力創造精彩。

除瞭王源,雙語君(微信 ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)再為大傢介紹幾位榜單上的青少年,看看人傢的十來歲都在做什麼。


演技爆棚的米莉 · 波比 · 佈朗

Millie Bobby Brown, 13

憑借大熱劇集《怪奇物語》(Stranger Things)中的 Eleven 一炮而紅的小演員米莉 · 波比 · 佈朗(Millie Bobby Brown),是上榜年齡最小的孩子之一,年僅 13 歲。


而這一眾小演員中人氣最高的當屬米莉 · 波比 · 佈朗,演技炸裂,圈粉無數。


She plays Eleven, a mysterious girl — part science experiment, part prodigy, part awkward teen — who uses telekinesis to ward off evil.


But there's remarkable nuance in Brown's performance, the kind that is able to convey melancholy beneath magic. It has made Eleven the standout character on a show brimming with them.


Brown's own profile has risen as well. Since the show's July 2016 debut, the British actress has rapped at the Golden Globes, signed with IMG Models and appeared on the covers of Entertainment Weekly, InStyle and more.

佈朗本人的知名度也迅速攀升。自《怪奇物語》2016 年 7 月播出以來,這位英國小演員已經在金球獎上唱過 rap,和頂級模特公司 IMG Models 簽約,登上《娛樂周刊》、《 InStyle》等雜志封面。

One secret to Brown's success? Not overthinking her craft. “ Eleven is part of me and always will be. I don't try with her, ” she told TIME during a Stranger Things set visit earlier this year. “ I don't even know my lines for today's scene … and that's what makes it so instinctual. ”

她的成功秘訣是什麼? 不刻意雕琢。今年初她在《怪奇物語》片場接受《時代》采訪時說:“小十一就是我的一部分,永遠都是。我不用太努力去演她。我現在甚至還不知道今天這場戲的臺詞 …… 這樣演出來才更像是出於本能和直覺。”

超模新星凱雅 · 傑柏

Kaia Gerber, 16

模特界升起的一顆冉冉新星凱雅 · 傑柏(Kaia Gerber)也榜上有名。

凱雅 · 傑柏是傳奇超模辛迪 · 克勞馥(Cindy Crawford)的女兒,年僅 16 歲,身高已超過 180cm。



對瞭,她還有個顏值超高的哥哥 Presley,也是模特。


The daughter of legendary supermodel Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber has clearly inherited her mother's fashion savvy.

傳奇超模辛迪 · 克勞馥和蘭德 · 傑柏的女兒顯然繼承瞭母親的時尚觸感。

Since gracing the cover of Vogue Paris with her mom at 14, Gerber has made a name for herself as a high fashion model and snagged campaigns for major brands like Versace and Alexander Wang.

自從 14 歲與母親登上《Vogue Paris》的封面,傑柏就一炮而紅成為高級時尚模特,拿下范思哲、亞歷山大 · 王等著名品牌的代言活動。

And in 2017 Gerber became one of the most in-demand runway models at New York Fashion Week, walking in more than a dozen high-profile shows during her first year on the catwalk.

2017 年,傑柏還成為紐約時裝周上最炙手可熱的走秀模特,雖然這是她第一年出現在 T 臺秀場,但已經走瞭十多場備受矚目的時裝秀。

演藝圈上榜的熟面孔還有貝克漢姆和維多利亞的兒子,18 歲的佈魯克林(Brooklyn Beckham)。

深受大傢喜愛的童星范寧(Elle Fanning)也上榜瞭。

她 3 歲就開始演戲,在《我是山姆》(I Am Sam)中演自己姐姐的小時候。



Mikaila Ulmer, 13


Like most kids her age, Ulmer used to hate bees. "I absolutely despised anything that buzzed," she says. But shortly after she was stung, twice, in 2009, the Texas native developed a fascination with them.

厄爾默與同齡人一樣,曾經很討厭蜜蜂。她說:“我原來真的很煩所有嗡嗡作響的東西”。2009 年被蜜蜂蟄瞭兩次以後,她開始對蜜蜂產生瞭濃厚興趣。

That's when she learned that honeybees are critical to the ecosystem, and also going extinct. So Ulmer decided to help — with lemonade. Using her great grandmother's recipe, Ulmer made a blend, sweetened with local honey, to sell at community business fairs, donating 10% of her profits to honeybee advocate groups.

她開始瞭解到瀕臨滅絕的蜜蜂其實對生態環境至關重要。為瞭保護蜜蜂,這個德州女孩決定去賣檸檬水。厄爾默利用曾祖母的配方,在檸檬中混合瞭當地蜂蜜,把酸甜的檸檬水賣給社區市場,並拿出盈利的 10% 捐贈給蜜蜂保護組織。

到瞭 2014 年,厄爾默的這份副業已蒸蒸日上。她創辦瞭 Me & Bees 檸檬水品牌,打入瞭全美 300 多傢食品超市。此外,厄爾默還運營著非盈利組織健康蜂房基金會(Healthy Hive Foundation),向公眾普及蜜蜂面臨的生存挑戰。


Salvador Gómez Colón, 15

颶風“瑪利亞”肆虐後,薩瓦多 · 古美 · 科龍的傢園遭受重創,這位眾籌小能手帶領當地居民們呼喚援手、尋找光明。

颶風“瑪利亞”席卷美國屬地波多黎各後,全島電力設施被毀,很多社區一年之內難以恢復供電,這其中就包括科龍的傢聖胡安社區。災難後科龍的傢一片狼藉,甚至糧食也開始限量供給(his family started to ration food),科龍和鄰居們被恐懼籠罩著。

"Then I asked myself, How could I give people hope?" he says. The answer: Light and Hope for Puerto Rico, a Generosity campaign he started to raise money for solar lamps, hand-operated washing machines and other supplies for his neighbors in need.

“慢慢地我開始問自己,怎麼給大傢帶來希望”。於是 Colón 發起瞭“波多黎各的光明和希望”公益活動,眾籌購買社區所需的太陽能路燈、洗衣機和其他所需物資。

In four days, he raised $36,000; the total now stands at $75,000 and counting. Colón estimates that the money will be able to help at least 1,000 people. But he knows it's only a start — and that the world should remember Puerto Rico still needs aid.

四天之內,他就籌集瞭 3.6 萬美元,目前總額已達 7.5 萬美元並且還在增長。已籌資金可以用來幫助至少 1000 名受災者,但科龍認為這才剛開始,應讓大傢知道波多黎各還需要更多援助。


Muzoon Almellehan, 19


For the millions of children living in refugee camps, the outlook is bleak: only half are enrolled in primary school and less than a quarter in secondary school, which severely limits their upward mobility.


"They don't have many options," says Almellehan, who experienced these conditions firsthand after she fled Syria for Jordan in 2013. Now she's fighting to change that.

2013 年,阿爾美勒汗從敘利亞逃難到約旦時就經歷瞭難民的苦難。“他們的選擇機會並不多,”她說。如今阿爾美勒汗正在努力改變這一現狀。

In June, Almellehan became UNICEF's youngest ever goodwill ambassador. As part of her duties, she travels the world to evangelize the importance of education, especially in places like Chad, where the militant group Boko Haram has forced children out of school.

今年 6 月,阿爾美勒汗成為聯合國兒童基金會最年輕的親善大使。她的職責之一是周遊各地宣傳教育的重要性,尤其是乍得,那裡的武裝組織博科聖地迫使學生輟學。

Ultimately, though, Almellehan plans to return to Syria. "Our country needs a strong generation," she says.




Moziah Bridges, 15

這個 15 歲的陽光男孩創立瞭自己的領結品牌,如今已是坐擁 150 萬美元的小商人。

At age 9, Bridges launched his own handmade bow-tie business from his grandmother's kitchen table. Now Mo's Bows is worth about $1.5 million.

佈裡奇斯 9 歲時就在祖母的餐桌上開發自己的手工領結生意瞭,現在他的品牌 Mo's Bows 價值達到 150 萬美元。

最近,他還和 NBA 簽瞭一筆大單,不過佈裡奇斯的野心可不止這麼一點。

He plans to expand globally, breaking into new clothing markets ( he just released a line of neckties ) , while working toward graduating from high school and getting his driver's license.


佈裡奇斯把自己的成功歸功於與生俱來的時尚品味(inborn sense of style),他說自己“去操場都得穿西裝打領帶”(go to the playground in a suit and tie)。

“ My all-time goal is to be a fashion mogul and a good person overall, ” says Bridges.




Krtin Nithiyanandam, 17

Nithiyanandam 是印度裔的英國人,這個 17 歲的少年已經在研究阿爾茲海默癥、生物塑料、乳腺癌瞭,是一個瞭不起的小科學傢。

He may not have graduated high school yet, but Nithiyanandam—whose interest in science was sparked after getting ear surgery as a kid—already has a resume that rivals many professional researchers.

別看 Nithiyanandam 還沒高中畢業,他已經擁有一份不輸很多專業研究者的履歷瞭。小時候耳朵做手術的經歷讓他對科學產生瞭興趣。


➤ In 2015, when he was only 15, the UK native developed an antibody that can help detect early signs of Alzheimer's disease, a project that earned him a $25,000 award at the Google Science Fair.

2015 年,這名 15 歲的英國少年發現瞭一種可以檢測阿爾茲海默癥早期癥狀的抗體,這個項目為他贏得瞭谷歌科學大會 2.5 萬美元的獎金。

➤ This September, he won another award for creating a bioplastic that can clear wastewater of toxins.

今年 9 月,他又因為發明出一種可以清理污水中的毒素的生物塑料贏得另外一個獎項。

➤ Meanwhile, Nithiyanandam is working on a method to make triple negative breast cancer more treatable.

同時,Nithiyanandam 還在研究如何更好地治療三陰性乳腺癌。

Nithiyanandam 找瞭 52 傢機構才找到願意支持自己研究阿爾茲海默癥的人,因此,他對同齡人的建議是:

Don't be afraid of being rejected.



編輯:左卓 祝興媛 焦潔 李雪晴

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