本文給考生帶來的是關於托福口語話題 " 手機因特網 " 的語料。常見題目如因特網與手機帶給生活的變化,你利用因特網與手機做瞭些什麼事,當然也會有這樣的題目:你通過因特網與手機學習到瞭什麼。
關鍵詞: TV/computer/internet/cell phone
托福口語評分標準中出瞭 natural、spontaneous、improvised 等類似的字眼,譯為自然即興的,也就是說 rater 評分者更希望看到考生即興的發揮而不是死板機械的背誦 ; 但是如果考生平時不積累一些相關語料庫想必也不會達到信手拈來的地步,為此筆者給大傢帶來一系列托福獨立口語部分中的常見話題語料庫,希望大傢在背誦的基礎上把題目回答的更自然。
托福真題經常出現電腦、因特網、手機等相關的話題,如你認為高中生應不應該使用手機,電腦是不是給人類生活帶來瞭便利,你認為是報紙、電視還是老師最能影響你, 你認為是書籍還是因特網可以更好的幫助做研究。當然也會出現描述你認為 100 年來人類最偉大的發明,筆者認為電腦和因特網比電燈、指南針等等更好回答 ; 而托福是一個語言考試,就一二題而言不會根據觀點 opinion 判分 ; 基於以上考慮,考生選擇可以使自己盡情展示 language competency 的 topic 和 opinion 才是王道。以上題目的英文如下:
Which of the following acts have more influence on you, newspaper, TV, or teachers? Explain the reason with specific details.
Some believe that computer have improved our lives while others think computers have caused a variety of problems. Which do you prefer? Please give your opinion and include specific examples and details.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs that are watched by their kids instead of letting the kids watch TV programs freely.
Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples and details.
Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why.
Some students prefer the internet-based teaching. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms. Which method of studying do you prefer and why?
美國比較流行的情景劇:Friends, Big Bang Theory, Friends, and Boston Legal,Breaking Bad, How I Met Your Mother 等等。
TV series like xxx, xxx, and xxx ( 列舉以上的細節如 Friends 等 ) can be great fun to watch. I can not only learn the most natural way to speak English, but also I have a chance to know American cultures.
TV documentaries can be very informative, and they target different kinds of audience. They cover lots of topics like sports, animal word, history, and even religions. Just by laying on the couch, you can really learn a lot about all kinds of stuff.
導入下面語料的引子 lead in:
With wifi access and a tablet /cell phone /computer/laptop, you can do lots of stuff.
網上購物 on-line shopping:
It is a very convenient and fun way to buy stuff on-line, with just a click of the button, the next moment you know, your order is delivered right at your door. It is also easy to compare the price offered by different on-line stores, the only thing you need to remember is that always to shop in a reputable on-line store.
以最便捷的方式獲取新聞 quick access to breaking news:
It is definitely a great way to have access to breaking news, you can acquire information on what is happening around the globe.
社交 Social:
It is a convenient and efficient way to enjoy our personal lives. By signing up on a social network like facebook, MSN, and wechat, which is so popular in China, you can get to know more people. By sending text message to your friends and family members whenever you want to, I think internet has brought people closer than ever, it makes communication so instant.
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