《紐約時報》評出 2018 年必去的 52 處勝地,出國遊首選……


新的一年來瞭,可以規劃一下新一年的旅行,早早訂個特價機票。畢竟身體和心靈,總要有一個在路上。《紐約時報》評出瞭 2018 年必去的 52 處勝地,看看哪裡可以當做你的下一個詩和遠方。

對瞭,在這 52 個勝地中,中國也有一處上榜,那就是……

中國 甘肅

Gansu, China


Ancient Silk Road attractions, now within reach.




現在高鐵通瞭,這些神秘的景點變更 " 親民 " 啦 !

With the opening of the western segments of China's national high-speed rail line in recent years, a host of ancient Silk Road attractions in Gansu province are suddenly much more accessible.



The surreal rainbow-striped mountains in the Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park are now just a three-hour train ride from Gansu ’ s capital, Lanzhou, half the time as before.

張掖丹霞國傢地質公園裡夢幻的彩虹山,現在距離甘肅省會蘭州市隻有 3 個小時的車程,比以前縮短瞭一半。


Also more accessible are the westernmost part of the great Wall built in the Ming dynasty and the spectacular 14th-century Jiayuguan fort, looking splendid again after a four-year, $290 million restoration.

同樣交通更加方便的還有始建於明代長城的最西端、14 世紀的雄偉建築嘉峪關要塞,經過四年的修繕,耗資 2.9 億美元,這座堡壘已然重現昔日輝煌。

意大利 巴斯利卡塔

Basilicata, Italy

Caves, beaches and more in Italy's secret southern region.


This is a chance to visit Italy's southern region before the world catches on. Between the heel that is Puglia and the toe that is Calabria, you will find Basilicata, the arch of Italy's foot.


Despite a storied and ancient past, the region has been overlooked in modern times. Easily Italy's best-kept secret, Basilicata is revered for beautiful beaches, ancient towns and a dearth of organized crime.


In 2019, the town of Matera, a Unesco site, will host the European Capital of Culture. It is also known for its ancient caves — once used for livestock, later as primitive homes, and today, as private residences and hipster, beautifully restored, Flintstone-esque hotels. But for now at least, the secret is still safe.

聯合國教科文組織已將馬泰拉市列入世界遺產名錄,到瞭 2019 年,該市還成為 " 歐洲文化之都 "。而馬泰拉市則以古老的洞穴而聞名。這些洞穴曾經用來蓄養牲畜,一度也曾是原始的人類居所。如今,它們有的變成瞭私人住所,有的則改建成瞭漂亮新潮的旅館,好似讓人們回到瞭石器時代。慶幸的是,至少在目前,這片美麗的土地仍未被成群的觀光客涉足,還是一個秘密仙境。

瑞士 四森林州湖

Vierwaldst ä ttersee, Switzerland

Sustainable Switzerland.


The medieval city Lucerne is choked with tour buses, but new developments around the spacious lake it sits on ( called Lake Lucerne by tourists but known as Vierwaldst ä ttersee to locals ) promise to thin crowds and offer accessible doses of authentic Swiss Alps.

中世紀城市盧塞恩擠滿瞭觀光巴士,但它所處的廣闊湖泊 ( 遊人把它喚作盧塞恩湖,當地人稱之為 " 四森林州湖 " ) 周圍正在開發新的旅遊景點,屆時將大大分散如織的遊人,讓你領略純正的瑞士阿爾卑斯風光。

To help mobilize the masses, overnighters in winter will automatically receive the William Tell Pass, good for use on the region's buses, boats, trains and cable cars, including the new Stoosbahnen, Switzerland's steepest funicular railway that accesses family-friendly Stoos, a scenic alpine resort and home to 21 miles of piste, a new lady bug-themed hiking trail, cheese markets, and yodeling and alphorn concerts.

為瞭方便遊客出行,每年冬季在當地過夜的旅行者可以自動申領 William Tell Pass 交通卡。憑該卡可以乘坐市內公交、船舶、火車、纜車等交通工具,包括新建的 Stoosbahnen 纜索鐵道,這是瑞士境內最陡峭的一段纜索。還有適合全傢出行的高山度假勝地施圖斯,這兒擁有整整 33 公裡的滑雪道,以及一條以瓢蟲為主題的遠足路線和一傢芝士市場,還會舉辦約德爾歌曲與山笛音樂會。

蘇格蘭 格拉斯哥

Glasgow, Scotland

The return of whisky to a revived city.


Over 250 architectural projects will take shape on the River Clyde through 2025, including several new hotels, shopping, and residential developments.

到瞭 2025 年,克萊德河畔將建成 250 個建築項目,包括多傢酒店,購物中心和居民住宅樓。

But whisky's on the lips of everyone in town: two of the 20 or so new distilleries opening in Scotland are in Glasgow, including the $12.3 million Clydeside Distillery, the city's first in 100 years, in a restored pump house near Zaha Hadid's Riverside Museum.

不過威士忌酒廠才是人們的專註焦點。蘇格蘭即將興建 20 多傢釀酒廠,有兩傢就坐落在格拉斯哥。其中,克萊賽德釀酒廠 ( Clydeside Distillery ) 位於 Zaha Hadid 設計的河畔博物館 ( River Museum ) 附近。它由泵房改造而成,耗資高達 1230 萬美元,打破瞭該市百年來的記錄。

Glasgow's exciting, wallet-friendly restaurants, like 2017 newcomer Bilson 11, reinterpret Caledonian cuisine, while international flavors find increasingly authentic expression at spots like Ramen Dayo, which serves up admirable ajitama ( soy sauce eggs ) and tonkotsu ramen stock.

格拉斯哥的餐廳大多價廉物美,例如 2017 年新開的 Bilson11 餐廳就重新詮釋瞭蘇格蘭美食。同樣,來自全球的美食也愈發純正。在 Ramen Dayo 拉面館,遊客可以品嘗到美味的日本 " 味王 " ( ajitama,一種醬蛋 ) 和豚骨拉面。

澳大利亞 最北端

Top End, Australia

An indigenous tourism boom.


Australia's remote Top End — the northernmost hunk of the Northern Territory — is experiencing an uptick of tourism to its aboriginal communities, the world's oldest civilizations, according to 2017 DNA analysis.

Top End 地處偏遠,位於澳大利亞北領地的最北端,如今來到這裡參觀原住民社區的遊客越來越多——據 2017 年 DNA 分析數據顯示,這裡有著全世界最古老的文明。

The 2017 Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair saw record crowds, while new camps, tours, and indigenous partnerships are afoot in 2018.

2017 年舉行的達爾文土著藝術博覽會參觀人數刷新瞭記錄,2018 年的新場地,活動以及當地土著合作的項目已經在準備中。

Venture North known for exclusive access tours to Aboriginal Homelands of Kakadu National Park and Arnhem Land, expands with a second camp dedicated to visitors seeking cultural experiences and indigenous rock art, while Aboriginal-owned Pudakul Tours opens a six-room camp perched on a crocodile-filled billabong.

Venture North 旅遊公司提供前往卡卡杜國傢公園和阿納姆地土著傢園的獨傢體驗之旅,為想要體驗當地文化和原住民巖石藝術的遊客開辟瞭第二營地:原住民所有的 Pudakul Tours 旅遊公司則在擠滿鱷魚的水潭邊開設瞭備有六個房間的露營地。

The region's small cities — Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine — are seeing new markets and indigenous centers, giving visitors hubs to appreciate the vast region's diverse cultures.

該地區的幾個小城市 ( 達爾文、帕默斯頓、凱瑟琳等 ) 都建造瞭新市場和土著中心,讓遊客可以集中欣賞這片廣袤地區的多元文化。

西班牙 塞維利亞

Seville, Spain

In the 17th century, Seville was a hive of creativity, hosting artists like Diego Vel á zquez, Francisco de Zurbar á n, and Bartolom é Esteban Murillo, who was baptized in the city on Jan 1, 1618.

17 世紀時的塞利維亞是一個藝術創意中心,生活著迭戈 · 委拉茲開斯 , 弗朗西斯科 · 德 · 佐爾巴蘭,以及 1618 年 1 月 1 日在這裡受洗禮的巴羅洛梅 · 埃斯特巴 · 穆立羅等藝術傢。

The "A ñ o Murillo" events include eight exhibitions, 30 concerts, tours and symposiums celebrating the painter and his city.

"A ñ o Murillo" 活動共包括 8 場展覽,30 場音樂會,參加活動和研討會,用以紀念這位畫傢和他曾經生活過的這座城市。

For 405 years, the stunning Palacio de las Due ñ as has belonged to the Dukes of Alba, Spain's grandest grandees, and is newly opened to the public. Travelers can experience modern palatial luxury at the new Hotel Mercer.

過去 405 年間,壯觀的 Palacio de las Due ñ as 宮殿一隻歸屬於西班牙最大的貴族阿爾巴公爵所有,最近終於開始對外開放。在新開業的 Hotel Mercer 酒店,遊客可以體驗到現代宮殿般的奢華感。

palatial [ p ə 'le ɪʃ ( ə ) l ] :宮殿式的



Prosperity and progress in the South Pacific.


Recovering vigorously after 2016 ’ s Cyclone Winston with the help of private sector investments, Fiji is reemerging with four new hotels.

2016 年旋風 " 華生 " 橫掃斐濟,之後,在私營企業投資者的幫助下,斐濟得到迅速恢復,並蓬勃發展,建成瞭四傢新酒店。

Existing resorts like Nanuku have made meaningful nods to conservation by banning single-use plastics like straws and shampoo bottles, and introducing coral nurseries and mangrove restoration projects with reused plastic water bottles to grow seedlings.


In the spring, Lindblad Expeditions/National Geographic is scheduled to begin a series of cruises to the South Pacific, including stops in Fiji's lesser-visited islands like Taveuni and Beqa, while Fiji Airways inaugurated a new direct flight to Fiji's Nadi International Airport from San Francisco in fall 2017.

今年春季,林德佈拉德探險公司和《國傢地理》雜志計劃聯合提出一系列前往南太平洋的巡航,停留點包括斐濟一些冷門的小島嶼,如塔韋烏尼島和貝卡島。此外,在 2017 年秋季,斐濟航空公司新開通瞭一條從舊金山直飛斐濟楠迪國際機場的航線。

日本 本州島西海岸

Honshu's West Coast, Japan

Art fairs and new tours.


The west coast of Honshu, the largest of Japan ’ s four main islands, sees a handful of new developments, including the world ’ s largest art fair, the Echigo-Tsumari ArtTriennale, taking place across 200 villages of the remote Niigata prefecture.

本州是日本四大島嶼中面積最大的一個,其西部海岸近來有瞭眾多新發展,包括舉辦世界上最大的藝術展 Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale,整個藝術展將在新瀉州的 200 個偏遠村莊進行。

A tour started by Remote Lands takes visitors to the remote Noto Peninsula. Down the coast in the hot springs onsen town of Kinosaki, the 8th-century Onsenji Temple, unveils its 11-headed Kannon Buddha to the public once every 33 years, and opens for viewing in April 2018.

而由 Remote Lands 組織的旅行路線將帶遊客前去探訪偏遠的能登半島。此外,位於溫泉小鎮城崎的海岸邊,有一座建於 8 世紀的寺廟——溫泉寺,每 33 年這傢寺廟便會向公眾展示寺內一座有 11 個頭的觀音佛像。今年四月將會開放供觀賞。

Access it by hitching a ride on the extravagant 30-passenger sleeper train the Twilight Express Mizukaze, which debuted last summer. Also, for those on a budget, Marriott recently opened four hotels in Japan, including a property in Lake Biwa, just 20 miles from the coast.

遊客可以乘坐豪華的黃昏特快號列車前往溫泉寺。這列可承載 30 名旅客的豪華臥鋪列車於去年夏天首次亮相。住宿方面,對於預算較低的遊客,萬豪酒店最近在日本開瞭四傢酒店,其中一間位於琵琶湖,距離海岸僅 32 公裡。



Luxury lodgings across the island.


Has Iceland's tourism peaked? Not for luxury travelers seeking over-the-top, only-in-Iceland experiences. High-end properties are proliferating, from the Ian Schrager-backed Edition Hotel opening in 2018 in Reykjavik to the ultraexclusive Trophy Lodge, a private log-cabin mountain retreat 50 miles from Reykjavik.

冰島的旅遊業已經達到巔峰瞭嗎 ? 對於那些尋求僅在冰島才有的至尊體驗的奢侈遊客來說還沒有。高端場所正在向冰島全境滲透,企業傢 Ian Schrager 投資的 Edition 酒店將於 2018 年在雷克雅未克開業,還有超級私密的 Trophy Lodge,這是一傢距離雷克雅未克約 80 公裡的山區度假酒店。

An haute hot-springs property, the Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland, is set to open in April 2018 at the Blue Lagoon.

豪華溫泉 Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland 計劃於 2018 年 4 月在藍瀉湖開業。

And on the remote northern Troll Peninsula, Deplar Farm is a former sheep farm with cosseting thatch-roofed cottages where adventurers can fly-fish and heli-ski.

在遙遠北端的巨人半島,曾是一座養羊農場的有著茅草屋頂的小屋 Deplar Farm,有著飛釣,乘坐直升機去滑雪等項目。

美國 華盛頓州西雅圖

Seattle, Washington

New buildings and updated icons in an evolving city.


Seattle design takes a bold turn in 2018. Multiyear renovations at the Space Needle are underway, including a restaurant complete with a rotating glass floor scheduled to open this spring.

2018 年,西雅圖的城市面貌將迎來一個華麗的轉身。經過耗時數年的翻修,太空針塔將於今年春季重新開放餐廳層,屆時餐廳內別具一格的旋轉玻璃地板必定會讓遊客大為驚艷。

Downtown, tours of the gigantic NBBJ-designed Amazon Spheres filled with hundreds of plant species begin in early 2018. Autumn will see the opening of the Pacific Northwest's largest hotel, the 45-story Hyatt Regency Seattle.

無獨有偶,亞馬遜公司建於市中心的新園區 Amazon Sphere 也定於今年年初對外開放,巨型建築內擺放著數百棵不同品種的植物,彰顯著獨具特色的設計風格。而太平洋西北地區最大的酒店—— 45 層高的西雅圖凱悅酒店,將於今年秋季盛大開幕。

新西蘭 羅托魯阿

Rotorua, New Zealand

Come for the mud baths, stay for the beauty.


Sulfurous geysers and mineral-rich hot springs scent Rotorua, New Zealand's North Island hub of Maori culture. Celebrating the city's geothermal blessings, the first annual Mudtopia Festival, featuring mud games and massages, launched in December.

位於新西蘭北島的羅托魯瓦,是一個體驗硫磺間歇泉、礦物質溫泉以及毛利文化的旅遊勝地。2017 年 12 月,為瞭彰顯地區內豐富的地熱資源,羅托魯瓦舉辦瞭首屆的泥漿狂歡節,讓參與者在泥漿中盡情嬉戲。

Nature is again animated in Rotorua's Whakarewarewa Forest where the Redwood Treewalk, an elevated trail of 21 suspension bridges amid a redwood grove, introduced the Redwoods Nightlights.

而在羅托魯佈的法卡雷瓦雷瓦紅木森林中,你可以充分感受到大自然的勃勃生機。知名的紅杉樹林步道就位於這裡,這條步道共由 21 座吊橋組成,蜿蜒穿過一片紅杉林,通往紅杉夜燈。

Thirty dramatic lighting installations from the designer David Trubridge romance the majestic trees after dark.

紅杉夜燈是標志性的夜間旅遊體驗,由紅杉步道和設計師 Daivd Trubridge 聯手打造,30 座獨特的燈光裝置為夜間森林的羞澀增添瞭浪漫的氣息。

沒找到想去的地方 ? 另附完整版。

附:52 個必遊目的地完整列表

1. 美國路易斯安那州新奧爾良 New Orleans, Louisiana

2. 哥倫比亞 Colombia

3. 意大利巴斯利卡塔 Basilicata, Italy

4. 加勒比地區 The Caribbean

5. 瑞士四森林州湖 Vierwaldst ä ttersee, Switzerland

6. 智利 " 公園之路 " Route of Parks, Chile

7. 韓國江原道 Gangwon Province, South Korea

8. 美國俄亥俄洲辛辛那提 Cincinnati, Ohio

9. 不丹 Bhutan

10. 蘇格蘭格拉斯哥 Glasgow, Scotland

11. 墨西哥洛斯卡沃斯東岬角 East Cape, Los Cabos, Mexico

12. 澳大利亞最北端 Top End, Australia

13. 柬埔寨海岸 Cambodian Coast

14. 贊比亞柳瓦平原國傢公園 Liuwa Plain National Park, Zambia

15. 美國馬裡蘭州巴爾的摩 Baltimore, Maryland

16. 愛沙尼亞 Estonia

17. 中國甘肅 Gansu, China

18. 加拿大薩斯卡通 Saskatoon, Canada

19. 西班牙塞維利亞 Seville, Spain

20. 哥斯達黎加帕帕加約半島 Peninsula Papagayo, Costa Rica

21. 美國密蘇裡州佈蘭森 Branson, Missouri

22. 聖多美和普林西比 S ã o Tom é and Pr í ncipe

23. 德國西部諸州 Germany's Western States

24. 斐濟 Fiji

25. 美國田納西州查塔努加 Chattanooga, Tennessee

26. 挪威奧斯陸 Oslo, Norway

27. 日本本州島西海岸 Honshu's West Coast, Japan

28. 法國阿爾勒 Arles, France

29. 秘魯科拉帕古城 Kuelap, Peru

30. 美國科羅拉多州丹佛市 Downtown Denver, Colorado

31. 盧旺達基加利 Kigali, Rwanda

32. 塞爾維亞貝爾格萊德 Belgrade, Serbia

33. 澳大利亞塔斯馬尼亞島 Tasmania

34. 冰島 Iceland

35. 美國俄勒岡州羅格河 Rogue River, Oregon

36. 立陶宛 Lithuania

37. 美國紐約水牛城 Buffalo, New York

38. 玻利維亞拉巴斯 La Paz, Bolivia

39. 捷克共和國佈拉格 Prague, Czech Republic

40. 意大利艾米利亞 Emilia-Romagna,Italy

41. 美國佛羅裡達州迪士尼之泉 Disney Spring, Florida

42. 法國梅傑夫 Meg è ve, France

43. 印度昌迪加爾 Chandigarh, India

44. 美國華盛頓西雅圖 Seattle, Washington

45. 新西蘭羅托魯瓦 Rotorua, New Zealand

46. 比利時伊普爾 Ypres, Belgium

47. 摩洛哥丹吉爾 Tangier, Morocco

48. 西班牙杜埃羅河岸 Ribera Del Duero, Spain

49. 美國亞拉巴馬州蒙哥馬利 Montgomery, Alabama

50. 意大利南蒂羅爾 Stutirol, Italy

51. 英格蘭佈裡斯托爾 Bristol, England

52. 老撾瑯勃拉邦 Luang Prabang, Laos


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