SAT 備考數學練習題(5)


sat 考試官方網站每日一題小結,以下是 SAT 數學部分。

Read the following SAT test question, then click on a button to select your answer.

There are n students in a biology class, and only 6 of them are seniors. If 7 juniors are added to the class, how many students in the class will not be seniors?

A.n – 3

B.n – 2

C.n – 1

D.n + 1

E.n + 2

Correct Answer: D

Here"s Why:

At first, there are n students in the class, and 6 of them are seniors. It follows that initially n – 6 students are not seniors. If 7 juniors are added to the class, there will be n – 6 + 7, or n + 1, students in the class who are not seniors.

Difficulty: Medium

Question Type: Standard Multiple Choice

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