2017 雅思寫作高分話題語料:重復犯罪的原因及解決方法


本期雅思寫作語料有關犯罪類話題,討論重復犯罪的原因和解決方法。題目是:Research suggests that majority of criminals who send to prison would commit crimes when set free, what do you think of this case? What can be done to solve this problem? 大多數犯罪分子,釋放以後,會重復犯罪,原因何在,如何解決 ? 更多雅思寫作大作文話題語料及觀點,請看下文。

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Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. 服刑者後來成為好公民,有人認為,釋放者 ( 改過自新者 ) 是最好的對象去教育少年人犯罪的危險,是否同意 ?

題目點評:school 為中小學,因此,本題考察的還是如何幫助青少年避免走入迷途,少年犯罪。


提問標志:Some people think ……,to what extent do you agree or disagree?



1. 首段:背景介紹 ( 個性開篇 ) + 問題影響 + 作傢立場

2. 二段:讓步原題觀點的合理性: ( 最多兩點 ; 可以例證 )

3. 三段:反駁原題觀點的不合理: ( 三點反駁 ; 例證展開 )

4. 尾段:再次亮明觀點 + ( 總結理由 )


1. 沒有觀點:難以理解題目 ; 理解題目沒有立場或者例證

2. 沒有語言:寫作缺乏相關語料庫,巧婦難為無米之催。

3. 表達不夠精彩:行文口語化,簡單詞匯重復,缺乏邏輯性。

解決策略:精彩的語料庫的輸入到輸出的過程,固定表達形成一塊塊 " 化石 ", ( fossilization ——指的是固定精彩表達 ) 脫口就說,提筆就寫,才高自現,破題如竹。固定表達形成 " 小狗詞匯 " ( pet words ——指的是作傢偏愛表達法 ) ,使行文個性鮮明,與眾不同。


我成長的歲月裡,憂傷苦情歌曾經一度流行,其中代表就是囚歌的流行,以遲志強《鐵窗淚》系列為代表,他們以歌曲的方式表達自我的懺悔,人生的反思和對於新生活的渴望,曾經影響一代人。少年犯罪為犯罪之一種,在總體犯罪中比例較高,少年犯罪多為沖動犯罪,過失犯罪," 激情 " 犯罪,這和他們不成熟的心智,不良的傢庭成長環境,教育的壓力或者缺失,不良傳媒的影響等因素息息相關,其解決策略,方式多元,僅僅是改過自新者的現身說法,作用有限。



1. 首段:背景介紹 + 作傢立場


2. 二段:讓步段:


3. 三段:反駁段:


4. 尾段:



1. youth crime =teenage crime = adolescent crime n 青少年犯罪

2. juvenile crime = juvenile delinquency n 青少年犯罪

3. young offenders = teenage criminals = juvenile law-breakers n 少年犯

4. embark on the criminal road v 走上犯罪的道路

5. turn to a life to crime v 開始犯罪的生活

6. conduct some anti-social offences v 做出一些反社會的行為

7. commit crime = violate the law = perpetrate the law v 犯罪

8. misdeed = misconduct n 犯罪行為

解析:conduct n 行為 ( 通常指道德行為 )

9. domestic violence n 傢庭暴力

10. violent family n 暴力傢庭

11. parental divorce n 父母的離異

12. might become distrusting, fearful, rebellious …… 容易變得疑慮,恐懼和反叛

13. cynical and aggressive adj 憤世嫉俗的和行為具有攻擊性的

14. pornographic or bloody contents n 血腥的或者血腥的內容

15. blindly duplicate what they have seen v 盲目效仿他們看到的一切

16. to be led astray v 被引入歧途 ( 被動 )

辨析:go astray v 誤入歧途 ( 主動 )

17. enact relevant legislations v 頒佈相關的法律

18. to severely penalize v 去嚴厲處罰……

19. crack down youth crime v 降低少年犯罪

20. breakdown of the marriage n 婚姻的解體

21. strengthen the law-abiding awareness v 增強守法意識

22. self-protection awareness = self-protection consciousness n 自我保護意識

23. is besieged with = be flooded by = be full of v 充斥著……

24. is more likely to do sth = is prone is to do sth = tend to do sth 傾向於做……

25. stay away from the poison of spiritual refusal v 遠離……的毒害

26. poison one ’ s innocent mind v 毒害純凈的心靈

27. arouse one ’ s violent impulse v 誘發暴力的沖

28. mislead one ’ s life outlook = misguide one ’ s life attitude v 誤導人生觀

29. frustration or failure in school 學業上受挫或者失敗

30. turn over a new leaf v 生活展開新的一頁


1. The vivid narration of released prisoners does have an indispensable role to play in helping those immature or inexperienced youngsters to reflect on their lives,strengthen their law-abiding consciousness and thus establish right life attitude. 刑滿釋放者的生動描繪可以幫助不成熟,無閱歷的年輕人反思自己的行為,增強他們的守法意識,因此,幫助他們樹立正確的人生觀。

解析:have an indispensable role to play in …… 可以發揮不可缺少的作用

解析:reflect on their lives v 反思他們的人生

解析:strengthen their law-abiding consciousness v 增強他們守法意識

2. It is highly possible that those who are in the formative years might lose themselves and even be led astray because adult world is so complicated and perilous that those teenagers might fail to read,especially when they lack sufficient parenting. 很有可能的是:成長中的年輕人容易迷失自我,被引入迷途,因為成人的世界是如此復雜,如此危險,以至於很多年輕人是無法讀懂的,尤其是當他們缺乏父母的良好教育的時候。

解析:It is highly possible that …… 很有可能

解析:parenting n 父母對於子女的教育。

拓展:perilous = dangerous = risky adj 危險的

3. Some teenagers may find it far from easy to re-adapt to an academic environment when they have to cope with exam-oriented educational system. Thus, if some of them drop out of school, then, they might turn into street bullies and potential law-breakers. 有些年輕人,也許很難適應應試教育下的學習環境,因此,如果,其中一些人輟學,他們很容易浪跡街頭,成為街頭霸王,或者,成為潛在的違法者。

解析:street bullies n 街頭霸王

4. One of the most essential reasons that triggers high rate of juvenile delinquency is the negative influence of commercialized mass media. 引起青少年犯罪增加的重要的因素之一就是商業化大眾傳媒的不良影響。

解析:commercialized mass media. n 商業化的大眾傳媒

5. That X-rated films or on-line games containing violent elements usually have a really adverse impact on the innocent minds of the young. 少兒不宜的電影或者含有暴力元素的在線遊戲,通常情況下,對於年輕人純凈的心靈會施加不良影響。

解析:have a really adverse impact on …… v 對於……施加瞭不良的影響

6. Teenagers usually have to endure a pool of pressure triggered by tight academic study. 年輕人通常要承載很多學業的壓力。

解析:a pool of pressure triggered by tight academic study n 由緊張的學習帶來的壓力

7. Many research concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing factors. 很多涉及少年犯罪的研究,將個人或者社會作為其主要起主要的根源。

8. Teenagers conduct some anti-social behaviors because they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through emulating negative role models around them. 很多少年犯,做出反社會行為,是因為他們沒有因為從前的犯罪行為而受到重罰,或者,他們效仿瞭周圍不良的 " 偶像 "。

解析:conduct some anti-social behaviors v 做出反社會行為

9. One of the reasons of juvenile delinquency have to be owed to teenagers ’ disadvantaged families background. 少年犯罪的原因之一不得不歸結為他們不良的傢庭成長環境。

解析:disadvantaged families background n 不良的傢庭背景

10. Children coming from violent families or single-parent families are more likely to have inadequate guidance and support during the process of growth. 來自暴力傢庭或者單親傢庭的孩子們,在其成長的歲月裡,通常缺乏足夠的指導和支持。



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