



某一天,百科君正拿著個鹵雞爪在電腦前啃著,結果被實習的外國小妹妹看到瞭,人傢小聲嘀咕瞭句 " 好惡心 ( disgusting ) "。

在一些老外吐槽中國 " 黑暗料理 " 的文章和節目中,雞爪、豬耳朵、皮蛋、毛雞蛋 …… 等等,也是高頻上榜,令無數歪果仁淚流滿面。


中國的確有許多 " 黑暗料理 ",但黑暗料理絕非中國特有。

之前,在主頁君一篇關於 " 老外眼中的中國惡心食物 " 的文章下面,就有小夥伴評論道:國外的什麼蝸牛啊鵝肝啊不是也很惡心嘛!

能做成食物的材料千千萬,至於怎麼折騰它們,那就各憑本事瞭。有些盆友可能會擔憂某些中國特色的 " 黑暗料理 " 會嚇著老外,殊不知,老外還在擔憂他們的食物會不會嚇著咱們呢!

這不,在 Quora 上,就有歪果仁弱弱地問瞭這樣一個問題:

▲ " 有哪些西方人的食物是中國人覺得惡心的嘛?"


)。點完單後頗為期待地等著,直到服務員端上來瞭一坨紅飯和一坨綠飯,還有各種黏糊糊的不知是啥的東西 ……

果然,在上面這個 Quora 的提問裡,不少中國小夥伴站瞭出來,例舉出瞭各種忍無可忍的國外惡心食物 ……

@JC Hóu:

I ’ m going to focus on certain types of cheese here. Pictures all from Google image search.

讓我先來集火芝士吧 ~~ 搜瞭些芝士食物的圖,大傢感受一下。

Blue-mold cheese:


(據說這種芝士加瞭種名為 " 洛克福青黴菌 " 的黴菌,不僅看上去滲得慌,聞起來也十分一言難盡 ……

Maggot cheese:


(刻意在乳酪的外皮劃上幾刀,讓一種叫做 " 酪蠅 " 的幼蟲慢慢寄生在上面 …… 據說打開奶酪的瞬間就能看到許多蛆蟲爬出,就問你一口芝士一口蛆的感覺爽不爽

Fromages de chèvre ( goat milk cheese, because of the strong smell ) :


(有著濃烈刺鼻膻味的山羊奶酪,據說是不少南歐人的最愛 …… 啊,這可能和咱們愛吃臭豆腐是一個原理吧

Another big category of Chinese-repelling food comes from Britain.


Eel pie ( we are not against pie nor eel, it ’ s just the eel could use more chopping ) :


Stargazy pie ( I ’ m sure the taste is just fine. The issue is the fish-buried-alive look ) :

仰望星空派(我覺得應該不難吃。可問題不在於味道,而在於這些魚仿佛被活埋瞭似的,死不瞑目 ……):

On the other hand, most French cuisine, even dishes other westerners find unacceptable like snails, frogs, rabbits ( even their heads ) , cow tongues, we Chinese are generally okay with them.

對瞭,說到法國菜,許多其他西方人忍受不瞭的食物(比如蝸牛啦青蛙啦兔頭啦牛舌啦),其實我們中國人基本都還 ok 的。

However, raw or partially-raw meat is seldom welcomed:

問題是,有些肉或者內臟啥的煮也不煮就直接端上來,也太重口味瞭吧 ……

Steak Tartare



為瞭寫上面灰色字部分的註解,主頁君把提及的食物又都搜索瞭一遍,頓時胃口全無 ……

接下來的小夥伴,提到瞭另一道 " 神菜 "……

@Richard Liu:

First I ’ ll apology to all British friends. I guess it ’ s only me, but I found Steak and Kidney Pie quite unacceptable.

首先跟各位英國盆友道個歉哈 ~~ 我要吐槽的是你們的 " 牛肉腰子派 "。可能隻有我受不瞭這玩意兒,但它真的太奇葩瞭 ……

Several years ago, I went for a business trip to meet some clients in London. I ’ d always love to try local cuisine when I travel, so I asked my clients for suggestion. I went to the restaurant recommended by their product manager, and ordered this dish.

幾年前,我去倫敦見一些客戶。我還蠻喜歡在旅行時嘗試一些當地的食物,所以就向客戶征求瞭下英國特色美食的建議。然後咯,根據他們的推薦,我去餐館點瞭這道 " 牛肉腰子派 "。

It ’ s hard to describe the feeling when I tasted it. I can only remember its unpleasant smells, and how they boiled everything to a mush. I managed to finish the dish out of politeness, with the help of lots beer. The next day I challenged this dish again, at another restaurant recommended by TripAdvisor. Sadly, it doesn ’ t change my impression.

那味道 …… 真是一言難盡啊 …… 味道難聞不說,能把所有東西弄在一起碾碎,搗騰出這麼黏糊糊的東西,也是十分厲害瞭。出於禮貌,我愣是邊喝瞭好多啤酒邊強行把這個派給吃光瞭。第二天,我又作死地再次點瞭這道菜,結果挑戰失敗,我對這個派依舊接受不能 ……


比如上面提到的這個 " 牛肉腰子派 ",直接把氣味和味道都挺重的牛腰子(或者羊腰子)與調料一起弄成粘稠的糊糊,色香味無一不惡心,心理陰影簡直爆棚。

而相比之下,咱們中國人雖也用腰子做菜,但至少 " 爆炒腰花 " 什麼的會用辣椒麻油生薑料酒之類的祛味。

哪有像英國人這樣之類直接弄一坨黏糊糊的 ……

說完歐洲,也有小夥伴吐槽起瞭美國 ……

@Yexi Wang:

I can only tell you about some food I can ’ t bear when I was in the US. In some cases, it doesn ’ t mean they are very disgusting though.

我來說些我在美國時不能忍受的食物吧 ~~ 也不是說它們都很惡心,但我就是接受不瞭。

nacho. Simply too cheesy.


olives. Those black olives are disgusting!


raw steak. BLOOD! BLOOD!

生牛排:全是血啊 word 媽!

some sausages. I couldn't get what the ingredients are.

某些香腸:真是搞不清這些香腸是啥玩意兒做的 ……

好吧,我寧願天天去吃必 X 客肯 X 基 ……

前面 Quora 上的小夥伴大多吐槽的是西方的惡心食物。然而,要論 " 黑暗料理 " 的高產地,咱亞洲同樣不遑多讓。

就先拿韓國來 " 開刀 "。

如果你用必應去搜索關鍵詞 "why Korean eat" 的話,排在第一條的便是這個——

▲ " 為啥韓國人要吃活的八爪魚啊?"


這道生吃八爪魚的菜有個專門的名字 "sannakji"。據說到嘴裡瞭八爪魚還在掙紮,吸盤還會吸在舌頭和口腔內壁上 ……

在國外一篇名為《人類居然會吃這 9 種食物?!》的文章裡,作者形容瞭下吃這道 "sannakji" 的感受。

吃這玩意兒不僅惡心,搞不好還有生命危險 ……

If you care to try it, you should probably be aware that sannakji carries a not insignificant risk of death. Being that an octopus' tentacles are covered in powerful suction cups, this thing can and will grab onto the inside of your throat and lodge itself there, choking you.

▲ 9 Horrifying Foods You Won't Believe People Actually Eat ( via Cracket )


它有個非常樸素而直白的名字:wasp cracker ( 黃蜂餅幹 )


有一枚西方小夥剛到大阪,在公司裡收到瞭 Rokectnews24(一個以亞洲新聞為主的網站)的編輯的一個大箱子 ……

打開一看,淚流滿面 ……


"Oh fak, there ’ s a cookie among my bees."

"Those are some big chocolate chips ( I hope ) ."

"Enough food for today."

"Japanese ppl…f#@ked up."

"I thought that was Pikachu roadkill."

這餅幹,真的可以取個 "beecareful" 的英文名瞭 ……

雖然各種崩潰抓狂,但這小夥還是勇敢地開始瞭他的吃黃蜂餅幹之旅 ……

The wasp crackers were sold in packs of two, which I think is almost obnoxiously presumptuous of the makers. Upon opening them up there was an unusual odor.It wasn ’ t really disgusting, but it wasn ’ t terribly appetizing either. The smell reminded me of the food I used to feed my pet tropical fish as a kid.

I stared at the crackers for a good few minutes just to make sure they weren ’ t going to suddenly reanimate like I kept envisioning they would. Then, I went in for a bite.

真是勇士啊 ……


( "This time I could get a better sense of their taste and texture. They were very much like raisins but had a slightly acidic and bitter taste to them. In other words, they tasted burnt, which I guess made sense since they were baked in a cracker." )

▲ Japanese wasp-filled crackers: Their sting is far worse than a bite ( via Rocketnews24 )

好吧 …… 在看瞭這麼多 " 黑暗料理 " 之後,不知道你的眼睛還好嗎?

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