托福寫作轉折句如何正確使用 ? 最新模板及改進思路分享


托福寫作想要獲得一個不錯的分數,那麼就要求考生對一些提升托福寫作分數的句型進行瞭解和掌握,最好能在備考時期整理一些這樣的模板,這樣你的托福寫作還不能得到提分嗎 ? 今天小編就帶大傢一起來看看托福寫作轉折句型的最新模板及改進思路,希望對大傢有幫助。

托福獨立作文內容充實邏輯性好、語法準確是拿到高分的重要因素。在限時考試中過於關註語言,提分效果可能還不如前兩點。在非限時寫作中,磨煉自己的語言基本功顯得更有長遠意義一些。本文以最為常見的轉折詞 "but" 為例,淺談寫轉折句子的一些句子改進思路考,拋磚引玉。

1. 類似於 " 很多時候 there be 句型是沒有必要的 ",考慮是否 but 可以直接去掉 ?


She used to be indifferent to the outside world, but an interloper changed her.

Her indifference to the outside world was changed by an interloper.

2. 可否把 but 後面的句子改為短小的插入語等成分來體現轉折 ?

Driven by an interest in words, Claire kept trying poetry, novelsand literature analyses, but she hardly succeeded in any of these endeavors at the very beginning.

Driven by an interest in words, Claire kept trying poetry, novels and literature analyses — all with little initial success.

3. 可否把 but 後面部分改為更緊湊的從句 ?

It was meant to be a brief parting, but it turned into a long, lingering one.

What was meant to be a brief parting turned into a long, lingering one.

第二句讀起來更加集中、緊湊,並且去掉瞭 "It was, but it … " 等雞肋部分。

4. 積累多一些可能的 but 替換,比如:however/nonetheless/ nevertheless/ yet/ whereas/ while 等,常常也能帶來新思路。

Once arriving home, she starts to review all the notes, not necessarily because the teacher requires her to do so,but because she encourages herself to study hard.

Once arriving home,she starts to review all the notes, as much from the requirement of the teacher,as from herself-encouragement.


對於 but 這一最為常見的轉折,我們可以從 " 是否可以直接去掉 ? 是否可以改為插入語等句子成分 ? 是否可以改為更為緊湊的從句 ? 是否有其他替換表達 ?" 這個方面進行思考。

但應該指出,應該建立在 " 自己有把握判斷原句與改進後句子的風格與質量 " 的基礎上進行。有時候,不一定改的就比原句更好,短的不一定就更簡潔。




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